Raw File
# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: https://julialang.org/license

## type join (closest common ancestor, or least upper bound) ##

    typejoin(T, S)

Return the closest common ancestor of `T` and `S`, i.e. the narrowest type from which
they both inherit.
typejoin() = Bottom
typejoin(@nospecialize(t)) = t
typejoin(@nospecialize(t), ts...) = (@_pure_meta; typejoin(t, typejoin(ts...)))
function typejoin(@nospecialize(a), @nospecialize(b))
    if isa(a, TypeVar)
        return typejoin(a.ub, b)
    elseif isa(b, TypeVar)
        return typejoin(a, b.ub)
    elseif a <: b
        return b
    elseif b <: a
        return a
    elseif isa(a, UnionAll)
        return UnionAll(a.var, typejoin(a.body, b))
    elseif isa(b, UnionAll)
        return UnionAll(b.var, typejoin(a, b.body))
    elseif isa(a, Union)
        return typejoin(typejoin(a.a, a.b), b)
    elseif isa(b, Union)
        return typejoin(a, typejoin(b.a, b.b))
    elseif a <: Tuple
        if !(b <: Tuple)
            return Any
        ap, bp = a.parameters::Core.SimpleVector, b.parameters::Core.SimpleVector
        lar = length(ap)
        lbr = length(bp)
        if lar == 0
            return Tuple{Vararg{tailjoin(bp, 1)}}
        if lbr == 0
            return Tuple{Vararg{tailjoin(ap, 1)}}
        laf, afixed = full_va_len(ap)
        lbf, bfixed = full_va_len(bp)
        if laf < lbf
            if isvarargtype(ap[lar]) && !afixed
                c = Vector{Any}(undef, laf)
                c[laf] = Vararg{typejoin(unwrapva(ap[lar]), tailjoin(bp, laf))}
                n = laf-1
                c = Vector{Any}(undef, laf+1)
                c[laf+1] = Vararg{tailjoin(bp, laf+1)}
                n = laf
        elseif lbf < laf
            if isvarargtype(bp[lbr]) && !bfixed
                c = Vector{Any}(undef, lbf)
                c[lbf] = Vararg{typejoin(unwrapva(bp[lbr]), tailjoin(ap, lbf))}
                n = lbf-1
                c = Vector{Any}(undef, lbf+1)
                c[lbf+1] = Vararg{tailjoin(ap, lbf+1)}
                n = lbf
            c = Vector{Any}(undef, laf)
            n = laf
        for i = 1:n
            ai = ap[min(i,lar)]; bi = bp[min(i,lbr)]
            ci = typejoin(unwrapva(ai), unwrapva(bi))
            c[i] = i == length(c) && (isvarargtype(ai) || isvarargtype(bi)) ? Vararg{ci} : ci
        return Tuple{c...}
    elseif b <: Tuple
        return Any
    a, b = a::DataType, b::DataType
    while b !== Any
        if a <: b.name.wrapper
            while a.name !== b.name
                a = supertype(a)::DataType
            if a.name === Type.body.name
                ap = a.parameters[1]
                bp = b.parameters[1]
                if ((isa(ap,TypeVar) && ap.lb === Bottom && ap.ub === Any) ||
                    (isa(bp,TypeVar) && bp.lb === Bottom && bp.ub === Any))
                    # handle special Type{T} supertype
                    return Type
            aprimary = a.name.wrapper
            # join on parameters
            n = length(a.parameters)
            if n == 0
                return aprimary
            vars = []
            for i = 1:n
                ai, bi = a.parameters[i], b.parameters[i]
                if ai === bi || (isa(ai,Type) && isa(bi,Type) && ai <: bi && bi <: ai)
                    aprimary = aprimary{ai}
                    # pushfirst!(vars, aprimary.var)
                    _growbeg!(vars, 1)
                    arrayset(false, vars, aprimary.var, 1)
                    aprimary = aprimary.body
            for v in vars
                aprimary = UnionAll(v, aprimary)
            return aprimary
        b = supertype(b)::DataType
    return Any

# return an upper-bound on type `a` with type `b` removed
# such that `return <: a` && `Union{return, b} == Union{a, b}`
# WARNING: this is wrong for some objects for which subtyping is broken
#          (Core.Compiler.isnotbrokensubtype), use only simple types for `b`
function typesplit(@nospecialize(a), @nospecialize(b))
    if a <: b
        return Bottom
    if isa(a, Union)
        return Union{typesplit(a.a, b),
                     typesplit(a.b, b)}
    return a

    promote_typejoin(T, S)

Compute a type that contains both `T` and `S`, which could be
either a parent of both types, or a `Union` if appropriate.
Falls back to [`typejoin`](@ref).

See instead [`promote`](@ref), [`promote_type`](@ref).

# Examples
julia> Base.promote_typejoin(Int, Float64)

julia> Base.promote_type(Int, Float64)
function promote_typejoin(@nospecialize(a), @nospecialize(b))
    c = typejoin(_promote_typesubtract(a), _promote_typesubtract(b))
    return Union{a, b, c}::Type
_promote_typesubtract(@nospecialize(a)) = typesplit(a, Union{Nothing, Missing})

function promote_typejoin_union(::Type{T}) where T
    if T === Union{}
        return Union{}
    elseif T isa UnionAll
        return Any # TODO: compute more precise bounds
    elseif T isa Union
        return promote_typejoin(promote_typejoin_union(T.a), promote_typejoin_union(T.b))
    elseif T isa DataType
        T <: Tuple && return typejoin_union_tuple(T)
        return T
        error("unreachable") # not a type??

function typejoin_union_tuple(T::DataType)
    u = Base.unwrap_unionall(T)
    p = (u::DataType).parameters
    lr = length(p)::Int
    if lr == 0
        return Tuple{}
    c = Vector{Any}(undef, lr)
    for i = 1:lr
        pi = p[i]
        U = Core.Compiler.unwrapva(pi)
        if U === Union{}
            ci = Union{}
        elseif U isa Union
            ci = typejoin(U.a, U.b)
        elseif U isa UnionAll
            return Any # TODO: compute more precise bounds
            ci = promote_typejoin_union(U)
        if i == lr && Core.Compiler.isvarargtype(pi)
            c[i] = isdefined(pi, :N) ? Vararg{ci, pi.N} : Vararg{ci}
            c[i] = ci
    return Base.rewrap_unionall(Tuple{c...}, T)

# Returns length, isfixed
function full_va_len(p)
    isempty(p) && return 0, true
    last = p[end]
    if isvarargtype(last)
        if isdefined(last, :N) && isa(last.N, Int)
            return length(p)::Int + last.N - 1, true
        return length(p)::Int, false
    return length(p)::Int, true

# reduce typejoin over A[i:end]
function tailjoin(A, i)
    if i > length(A)
        return unwrapva(A[end])
    t = Bottom
    for j = i:length(A)
        t = typejoin(t, unwrapva(A[j]))
    return t

## promotion mechanism ##

    promote_type(type1, type2)

Promotion refers to converting values of mixed types to a single common type.
`promote_type` represents the default promotion behavior in Julia when
operators (usually mathematical) are given arguments of differing types.
`promote_type` generally tries to return a type which can at least approximate
most values of either input type without excessively widening.  Some loss is
tolerated; for example, `promote_type(Int64, Float64)` returns
[`Float64`](@ref) even though strictly, not all [`Int64`](@ref) values can be
represented exactly as `Float64` values.

See also: [`promote`](@ref), [`promote_typejoin`](@ref), [`promote_rule`](@ref).

# Examples
julia> promote_type(Int64, Float64)

julia> promote_type(Int32, Int64)

julia> promote_type(Float32, BigInt)

julia> promote_type(Int16, Float16)

julia> promote_type(Int64, Float16)

julia> promote_type(Int8, UInt16)

!!! warning "Don't overload this directly"
    To overload promotion for your own types you should overload [`promote_rule`](@ref).
    `promote_type` calls `promote_rule` internally to determine the type.
    Overloading `promote_type` directly can cause ambiguity errors.
function promote_type end

promote_type()  = Bottom
promote_type(T) = T
promote_type(T, S, U, V...) = (@inline; promote_type(T, promote_type(S, U, V...)))

promote_type(::Type{Bottom}, ::Type{Bottom}) = Bottom
promote_type(::Type{T}, ::Type{T}) where {T} = T
promote_type(::Type{T}, ::Type{Bottom}) where {T} = T
promote_type(::Type{Bottom}, ::Type{T}) where {T} = T

function promote_type(::Type{T}, ::Type{S}) where {T,S}
    # Try promote_rule in both orders. Typically only one is defined,
    # and there is a fallback returning Bottom below, so the common case is
    #   promote_type(T, S) =>
    #   promote_result(T, S, result, Bottom) =>
    #   typejoin(result, Bottom) => result
    promote_result(T, S, promote_rule(T,S), promote_rule(S,T))

    promote_rule(type1, type2)

Specifies what type should be used by [`promote`](@ref) when given values of types `type1` and
`type2`. This function should not be called directly, but should have definitions added to
it for new types as appropriate.
function promote_rule end

promote_rule(::Type{<:Any}, ::Type{<:Any}) = Bottom

promote_result(::Type{<:Any},::Type{<:Any},::Type{T},::Type{S}) where {T,S} = (@inline; promote_type(T,S))
# If no promote_rule is defined, both directions give Bottom. In that
# case use typejoin on the original types instead.
promote_result(::Type{T},::Type{S},::Type{Bottom},::Type{Bottom}) where {T,S} = (@inline; typejoin(T, S))


Convert all arguments to a common type, and return them all (as a tuple).
If no arguments can be converted, an error is raised.

See also: [`promote_type`], [`promote_rule`].

# Examples
julia> promote(Int8(1), Float16(4.5), Float32(4.1))
(1.0f0, 4.5f0, 4.1f0)
function promote end

function _promote(x::T, y::S) where {T,S}
    R = promote_type(T, S)
    return (convert(R, x), convert(R, y))
promote_typeof(x) = typeof(x)
promote_typeof(x, xs...) = (@inline; promote_type(typeof(x), promote_typeof(xs...)))
function _promote(x, y, z)
    R = promote_typeof(x, y, z)
    return (convert(R, x), convert(R, y), convert(R, z))
function _promote(x, y, zs...)
    R = promote_typeof(x, y, zs...)
    return (convert(R, x), convert(R, y), convert(Tuple{Vararg{R}}, zs)...)
# TODO: promote(x::T, ys::T...) where {T} here to catch all circularities?

## promotions in arithmetic, etc. ##

promote() = ()
promote(x) = (x,)

function promote(x, y)
    px, py = _promote(x, y)
    not_sametype((x,y), (px,py))
    px, py
function promote(x, y, z)
    px, py, pz = _promote(x, y, z)
    not_sametype((x,y,z), (px,py,pz))
    px, py, pz
function promote(x, y, z, a...)
    p = _promote(x, y, z, a...)
    not_sametype((x, y, z, a...), p)

promote(x::T, y::T, zs::T...) where {T} = (x, y, zs...)

not_sametype(x::T, y::T) where {T} = sametype_error(x)

not_sametype(x, y) = nothing

function sametype_error(input)
    error("promotion of types ",
          join(map(x->string(typeof(x)), input), ", ", " and "),
          " failed to change any arguments")

+(x::Number, y::Number) = +(promote(x,y)...)
*(x::Number, y::Number) = *(promote(x,y)...)
-(x::Number, y::Number) = -(promote(x,y)...)
/(x::Number, y::Number) = /(promote(x,y)...)

    ^(x, y)

Exponentiation operator. If `x` is a matrix, computes matrix exponentiation.

If `y` is an `Int` literal (e.g. `2` in `x^2` or `-3` in `x^-3`), the Julia code
`x^y` is transformed by the compiler to `Base.literal_pow(^, x, Val(y))`, to
enable compile-time specialization on the value of the exponent.
(As a default fallback we have `Base.literal_pow(^, x, Val(y)) = ^(x,y)`,
where usually `^ == Base.^` unless `^` has been defined in the calling
namespace.) If `y` is a negative integer literal, then `Base.literal_pow`
transforms the operation to `inv(x)^-y` by default, where `-y` is positive.

# Examples
julia> 3^5

julia> A = [1 2; 3 4]
2×2 Matrix{Int64}:
 1  2
 3  4

julia> A^3
2×2 Matrix{Int64}:
 37   54
 81  118
^(x::Number, y::Number) = ^(promote(x,y)...)

fma(x::Number, y::Number, z::Number) = fma(promote(x,y,z)...)
muladd(x::Number, y::Number, z::Number) = muladd(promote(x,y,z)...)

==(x::Number, y::Number) = (==)(promote(x,y)...)
<( x::Real, y::Real)     = (< )(promote(x,y)...)
<=(x::Real, y::Real)     = (<=)(promote(x,y)...)

rem(x::Real, y::Real) = rem(promote(x,y)...)
mod(x::Real, y::Real) = mod(promote(x,y)...)

mod1(x::Real, y::Real) = mod1(promote(x,y)...)
fld1(x::Real, y::Real) = fld1(promote(x,y)...)

max(x::Real, y::Real) = max(promote(x,y)...)
min(x::Real, y::Real) = min(promote(x,y)...)
minmax(x::Real, y::Real) = minmax(promote(x, y)...)

if isdefined(Core, :Compiler)
    const _return_type = Core.Compiler.return_type
    _return_type(@nospecialize(f), @nospecialize(t)) = Any

    promote_op(f, argtypes...)

Guess what an appropriate container eltype would be for storing results of
`f(::argtypes...)`. The guess is in part based on type inference, so can change any time.

!!! warning
    Due to its fragility, use of `promote_op` should be avoided. It is preferable to base
    the container eltype on the type of the actual elements. Only in the absence of any
    elements (for an empty result container), it may be unavoidable to call `promote_op`.
promote_op(f, S::Type...) = _return_type(f, Tuple{S...})

## catch-alls to prevent infinite recursion when definitions are missing ##

no_op_err(name, T) = error(name," not defined for ",T)
(+)(x::T, y::T) where {T<:Number} = no_op_err("+", T)
(*)(x::T, y::T) where {T<:Number} = no_op_err("*", T)
(-)(x::T, y::T) where {T<:Number} = no_op_err("-", T)
(/)(x::T, y::T) where {T<:Number} = no_op_err("/", T)
(^)(x::T, y::T) where {T<:Number} = no_op_err("^", T)

fma(x::T, y::T, z::T) where {T<:Number} = no_op_err("fma", T)
fma(x::Integer, y::Integer, z::Integer) = x*y+z
muladd(x::T, y::T, z::T) where {T<:Number} = x*y+z

(&)(x::T, y::T) where {T<:Integer} = no_op_err("&", T)
(|)(x::T, y::T) where {T<:Integer} = no_op_err("|", T)
xor(x::T, y::T) where {T<:Integer} = no_op_err("xor", T)

(==)(x::T, y::T) where {T<:Number} = x === y
(< )(x::T, y::T) where {T<:Real} = no_op_err("<" , T)
(<=)(x::T, y::T) where {T<:Real} = no_op_err("<=", T)

rem(x::T, y::T) where {T<:Real} = no_op_err("rem", T)
mod(x::T, y::T) where {T<:Real} = no_op_err("mod", T)

min(x::Real) = x
max(x::Real) = x
minmax(x::Real) = (x, x)

max(x::T, y::T) where {T<:Real} = ifelse(y < x, x, y)
min(x::T, y::T) where {T<:Real} = ifelse(y < x, y, x)
minmax(x::T, y::T) where {T<:Real} = y < x ? (y, x) : (x, y)

flipsign(x::T, y::T) where {T<:Signed} = no_op_err("flipsign", T)
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