Raw File
 * \file OxCalculator.h
 * \author Konrad Werys
 * \date 2018/07/29

#ifndef Tomato_OXCALCULATORT1_H
#define Tomato_OXCALCULATORT1_H

#include "OxCalculatorResults.h"
#include "OxFitter.h"
#include "OxFunctionsT1.h"
#include "OxSignCalculator.h"
#include "OxStartPointCalculator.h"

#include "KWUtil.h"

namespace Ox {

     * \class CalculatorT1
     * \brief
     * \details
     * @tparam MeasureType
    template< typename MeasureType >
    class CalculatorT1{


         * do all the checks and  prepare to do the calculation, for example calc signal/signs and _TRRaverageHB
         * @return success/failure
        virtual int prepareToCalculate();

         * the most important function of this class
         * @return success/failure
        virtual int calculate() = 0;

        /* ****************** */
        /* ***  GETTERS   *** */
        /* ****************** */

         * /throw exception if _FunctionsT1 == 0
         * @return
        FunctionsT1<MeasureType> *getFunctionsT1() const;

         * /throw exception if _Fitter == 0
         * @return
        Fitter<MeasureType> *getFitter() const;

         * /throw exception if _StartPointCalculator == 0
         * @return
        StartPointCalculator<MeasureType> *getStartPointCalculator() const;

         * /throw exception if _SignCalculator == 0
         * @return
        SignCalculator<MeasureType> *getSignCalculator() const;

         * /throw exception if _InvTimes == 0
         * @return
        const MeasureType *getInvTimes() const;

        //const MeasureType *getEchoTimes() const;

        const MeasureType *getRepTimes() const;

        const MeasureType *getRelAcqTimes() const;

         * /throw exception if _SigMag == 0
         * @return
        const MeasureType *getSigMag() const;

         * does not have to be set
         * @return SigPha pointer, can be 0 (NULL)
        const MeasureType *getSigPha() const;

        MeasureType *getSignal() const;

        MeasureType *getSigns() const;

        MeasureType * getStartPoint() ;

        const CalculatorT1Results<MeasureType> getResults() const;

        MeasureType getMeanCutOff() const;

          * /throw exception if _nSamples == 0
          * @return
        int getNSamples() const;

          * /throw exception if _nDims == 0
          * @return
        int getNDims() const;

        /* ****************** */
        /* ***  SETTERS   *** */
        /* ****************** */

        // setters for the 'has a' classes
        void setFunctionsT1(FunctionsT1<MeasureType> *_FunctionsT1);

        void setFitter(Fitter<MeasureType> *_Fitter);

        void setSignCalculator(SignCalculator<MeasureType> *_SignCalculator);

        void setStartPointCalculator(StartPointCalculator<MeasureType> *_StartPointCalculator);

        // setters for the data
        virtual void setInvTimes(const MeasureType *_InvTimes);

        virtual void setSigMag(const MeasureType *_SigMag);

        virtual void setSigPha(const MeasureType *_SigPha);

        virtual void setMeanCutOff(MeasureType _MeanCutOff);

         * _Signal and _Signs are allocated here!!!
         * @param _nSamples
        virtual void setNSamples(int _nSamples);

         * _StartPoint is allocated here!!!
         * @param _nDims
        virtual void setNDims(int _nDims);

         * \brief show me your FunctionsT1
        void disp();

         * \brief set all the pointers to zero
        void setAllPointersToNull(){
            // objects
            _FunctionsT1 = 0;
            _Fitter = 0;
            _SignCalculator = 0;
            _StartPointCalculator = 0;

            // arrays
            _InvTimes = 0;
            //_EchoTimes = 0;
            _RepTimes = 0;
            _RelAcqTimes = 0;
            _SigMag = 0; // original one
            _SigPha = 0; // original one
            _Signal = 0; // we will be working with this one
            _Signs = 0;  // we will be working with this one
            _StartPoint = 0;

         * \brief constructor
        CalculatorT1() {


            // primitives
            _MeanCutOff = 0;
            _nSamples = 0;
            _nDims = 0;


         * \brief copy constructor
        CalculatorT1(const CalculatorT1 &old){


            // primitives

         * cloning
         * @return
        virtual CalculatorT1<MeasureType> *newByCloning() = 0;

         * \brief do not forget about the virtual destructor, see
         * https://stackoverflow.com/questions/461203/when-to-use-virtual-destructors
        virtual ~CalculatorT1(){
            //std::cout << "in ~CalculatorT1" << std::endl;
            delete [] _Signal; _Signal = 0;
            delete [] _Signs; _Signs = 0;
            delete [] _StartPoint; _StartPoint = 0;

        CalculatorT1Results<MeasureType> _Results; // we will be working with this one

        FunctionsT1<MeasureType>* _FunctionsT1;
        Fitter<MeasureType>* _Fitter;
        SignCalculator<MeasureType>* _SignCalculator;
        StartPointCalculator<MeasureType>* _StartPointCalculator;

        const MeasureType* _InvTimes;
        //const MeasureType* _EchoTimes;
        const MeasureType* _RepTimes;
        const MeasureType* _RelAcqTimes;
        const MeasureType* _SigMag; // original one
        const MeasureType* _SigPha; // original one
        MeasureType* _Signal; // size: nSamples. We will be working with this one
        MeasureType* _Signs;  // size: nSamples. We will be working with this one
        MeasureType* _StartPoint; // size: nDims. We will be working with this one

        int _nSamples;
        int _nDims;
        MeasureType _MeanCutOff;

        const static int MAX_T1_TRESHOLD = 4000;

} //namespace Ox

#include "OxCalculatorT1.hxx"

#endif //Tomato_OXCALCULATORT1_H
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