Raw File
\title{Simulate Neyman-Scott Process}
  Generate a random point pattern, a realisation of the
  Neyman-Scott cluster process.
 rNeymanScott(kappa, rmax, rcluster, win = owin(c(0,1),c(0,1)), \dots, lmax=NULL)
    Intensity of the Poisson process of cluster centres.
    A single positive number, a function, or a pixel image.
    Maximum radius of a random cluster.
    A function which generates random clusters.
    Window in which to simulate the pattern.
    An object of class \code{"owin"}
    or something acceptable to \code{\link{as.owin}}.
    Arguments passed to \code{rcluster}
    Optional. Upper bound on the values of \code{kappa}
    when \code{kappa} is a function or pixel image.
  The simulated point pattern (an object of class \code{"ppp"}).
  Additionally,  some intermediate results of the simulation are
  returned as attributes of this point pattern: see Details.
  This algorithm generates a realisation of the
  general Neyman-Scott process, with the cluster mechanism
  given by the function \code{rcluster}. 
  The clusters must have a finite maximum possible radius \code{rmax}.

  First, the algorithm
  generates a Poisson point process of ``parent'' points 
  with intensity \code{kappa}. Here \code{kappa} may be a single
  positive number, a function \code{kappa(x, y)}, or a pixel image
  object of class \code{"im"} (see \code{\link{im.object}}).
  See \code{\link{rpoispp}} for details.
  Second, each parent point is
  replaced by a random cluster of points, created by calling the
  function \code{rcluster}.
  These clusters are combined together to yield a single point pattern
  which is then returned as the result of \code{rNeymanScott}.

  The function \code{rcluster} should expect to be called as
  \code{rcluster(xp[i],yp[i],\dots)} for each parent point at a location
  \code{(xp[i],yp[i])}. The return value of \code{rcluster}
  should be a list with elements
  \code{x,y} which are vectors of equal length giving the absolute
  \eqn{x} and \code{y} coordinates of the points in the cluster.

  If the return value of \code{rcluster} is a point pattern (object of
  class \code{"ppp"}) then it may have marks. The result of
  \code{rNeymanScott} will then be a marked point pattern.

  If required, the intermediate stages of the simulation (the parents
  and the individual clusters) can also be extracted from
  the return value of \code{rNeymanScott}
  through the attributes \code{"parents"} and \code{"parentid"}.
  The attribute \code{"parents"} is the point pattern of parent points.
  The attribute \code{"parentid"} is an integer vector specifying
  the parent for each of the points in the simulated pattern.
  # each cluster consist of 10 points in a disc of radius 0.2
  nclust <- function(x0, y0, radius, n) {
              return(runifdisc(n, radius, centre=c(x0, y0)))
  plot(rNeymanScott(10, 0.2, nclust, radius=0.2, n=5))

  # multitype Neyman-Scott process (each cluster is a multitype process)
  nclust2 <- function(x0, y0, radius, n, types=c("a", "b")) {
     X <- runifdisc(n, radius, centre=c(x0, y0))
     M <- sample(types, n, replace=TRUE)
     marks(X) <- M
  plot(rNeymanScott(15,0.1,nclust2, radius=0.1, n=5))
\author{Adrian Baddeley
  and Rolf Turner

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