\name{RMcutoff} \alias{RMcutoff} \title{Gneiting's modification towards finite range} \description{ \command{\link{RMcutoff}} is a functional on univariate stationary isotropic covariance functions \eqn{\phi}{phi}. The corresponding function \eqn{C} (which is not necessarily a covariance function, see details) only depends on the distance \eqn{r}{r} between two points in \eqn{d}-dimensional space and is given by \deqn{C(r)=\phi(r), 0\le r \le d} \deqn{C(r) = b_0 ((dR)^a - r^a)^{2 a}, d \le r \le dR} \deqn{C(r) = 0, dR \le r} The parameters \eqn{R} and \eqn{b_0} are chosen internally such that \eqn{C} is a smooth function. } \usage{ RMcutoff(phi, diameter, a, var, scale, Aniso, proj) } \arguments{ \item{phi}{a univariate stationary isotropic covariance model. See, for instance, \code{RFgetModelNames(type="positive definite", domain="single variable", isotropy="isotropy", vdim=1)}. } \item{diameter}{a numerical value; should be greater than 0; the diameter of the domain on which the simulation is done} \item{a}{a numerical value; should be greater than 0; has been shown to be optimal for \eqn{a = 1/2} or \eqn{a =1}.} \item{var,scale,Aniso,proj}{optional arguments; same meaning for any \command{\link{RMmodel}}. If not passed, the above covariance function remains unmodified.} } \details{The algorithm that checks the given parameters knows only about some few necessary conditions. Hence it is not ensured that the cutoff-model is a valid covariance function for any choice of \eqn{\phi} and the parameters. For certain models \eqn{\phi}{phi}, e.g. \command{\link{RMstable}}, \command{\link{RMwhittle}} and \command{\link{RMgencauchy}}, some sufficient conditions are known (cf. Gneiting et al. (2006)). } \value{ \command{\link{RMcutoff}} returns an object of class \code{\link[=RMmodel-class]{RMmodel}} } \references{ \itemize{ \item Gneiting, T., Sevecikova, H, Percival, D.B., Schlather M., Jiang Y. (2006) Fast and Exact Simulation of Large {G}aussian Lattice Systems in {$R^2$}: Exploring the Limits. \emph{J. Comput. Graph. Stat.} \bold{15}, 483--501. \item Stein, M.L. (2002) Fast and exact simulation of fractional Brownian surfaces. \emph{J. Comput. Graph. Statist.} \bold{11}, 587--599 } } \author{Martin Schlather, \email{schlather@math.uni-mannheim.de} } \seealso{ \command{\link{RMmodel}}, \command{\link{RFsimulate}}, \command{\link{RFfit}}. } \keyword{spatial} \keyword{models} \examples{ ## For examples see the help page of 'RFsimulateAdvanced' ## model <- RMexp() plot(model, model.cutoff=RMcutoff(model, diameter=1), xlim=c(0, 4)) \dontshow{FinalizeExample()} }