# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: https://julialang.org/license ########### # generic # ########### if !isdefined(@__MODULE__, Symbol("@timeit")) # This is designed to allow inserting timers when loading a second copy # of inference for performing performance experiments. macro timeit(args...) esc(args[end]) end end # avoid cycle due to over-specializing `any` when used by inference function _any(@nospecialize(f), a) for x in a f(x) && return true end return false end function _all(@nospecialize(f), a) for x in a f(x) || return false end return true end function contains_is(itr, @nospecialize(x)) for y in itr if y === x return true end end return false end anymap(f::Function, a::Array{Any,1}) = Any[ f(a[i]) for i in 1:length(a) ] ########### # scoping # ########### _topmod(m::Module) = ccall(:jl_base_relative_to, Any, (Any,), m)::Module function istopfunction(@nospecialize(f), name::Symbol) tn = typeof(f).name if tn.mt.name === name top = _topmod(tn.module) return isdefined(top, name) && isconst(top, name) && f === getfield(top, name) end return false end ####### # AST # ####### # Meta expression head, these generally can't be deleted even when they are # in a dead branch but can be ignored when analyzing uses/liveness. is_meta_expr_head(head::Symbol) = (head === :inbounds || head === :boundscheck || head === :meta || head === :loopinfo) sym_isless(a::Symbol, b::Symbol) = ccall(:strcmp, Int32, (Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{UInt8}), a, b) < 0 function is_self_quoting(@nospecialize(x)) return isa(x,Number) || isa(x,AbstractString) || isa(x,Tuple) || isa(x,Type) || isa(x,Char) || x === nothing || isa(x,Function) end function quoted(@nospecialize(x)) return is_self_quoting(x) ? x : QuoteNode(x) end function is_inlineable_constant(@nospecialize(x)) if x isa Type || x isa Symbol return true end return isbits(x) && Core.sizeof(x) <= MAX_INLINE_CONST_SIZE end ########################### # MethodInstance/CodeInfo # ########################### function invoke_api(li::CodeInstance) return ccall(:jl_invoke_api, Cint, (Any,), li) end function get_staged(li::MethodInstance) may_invoke_generator(li) || return nothing try # user code might throw errors – ignore them return ccall(:jl_code_for_staged, Any, (Any,), li)::CodeInfo catch return nothing end end function retrieve_code_info(linfo::MethodInstance) m = linfo.def::Method c = nothing if isdefined(m, :generator) # user code might throw errors – ignore them c = get_staged(linfo) end if c === nothing && isdefined(m, :source) src = m.source if isa(src, Array{UInt8,1}) c = ccall(:jl_uncompress_ir, Any, (Any, Ptr{Cvoid}, Any), m, C_NULL, src) else c = copy(src::CodeInfo) end end if c isa CodeInfo c.parent = linfo return c end end function inf_for_methodinstance(mi::MethodInstance, min_world::UInt, max_world::UInt=min_world) return ccall(:jl_rettype_inferred, Any, (Any, UInt, UInt), mi, min_world, max_world)::Union{Nothing, CodeInstance} end # get a handle to the unique specialization object representing a particular instantiation of a call function specialize_method(method::Method, @nospecialize(atypes), sparams::SimpleVector, preexisting::Bool=false) if preexisting # check cached specializations # for an existing result stored there return ccall(:jl_specializations_lookup, Any, (Any, Any), method, atypes) end return ccall(:jl_specializations_get_linfo, Ref{MethodInstance}, (Any, Any, Any), method, atypes, sparams) end # This function is used for computing alternate limit heuristics function method_for_inference_heuristics(method::Method, @nospecialize(sig), sparams::SimpleVector) if isdefined(method, :generator) && method.generator.expand_early && may_invoke_generator(method, sig, sparams) method_instance = specialize_method(method, sig, sparams, false) if isa(method_instance, MethodInstance) cinfo = get_staged(method_instance) if isa(cinfo, CodeInfo) method2 = cinfo.method_for_inference_limit_heuristics if method2 isa Method return method2 end end end end return nothing end argextype(@nospecialize(x), state) = argextype(x, state.src, state.sptypes, state.slottypes) const empty_slottypes = Any[] function argextype(@nospecialize(x), src, sptypes::Vector{Any}, slottypes::Vector{Any} = empty_slottypes) if isa(x, Expr) if x.head === :static_parameter return sptypes[x.args[1]] elseif x.head === :boundscheck return Bool elseif x.head === :copyast return argextype(x.args[1], src, sptypes, slottypes) end @assert false "argextype only works on argument-position values" elseif isa(x, SlotNumber) return slottypes[(x::SlotNumber).id] elseif isa(x, TypedSlot) return (x::TypedSlot).typ elseif isa(x, SSAValue) return abstract_eval_ssavalue(x::SSAValue, src) elseif isa(x, Argument) return isa(src, IncrementalCompact) ? src.ir.argtypes[x.n] : src.argtypes[x.n] elseif isa(x, QuoteNode) return AbstractEvalConstant((x::QuoteNode).value) elseif isa(x, GlobalRef) return abstract_eval_global(x.mod, (x::GlobalRef).name) elseif isa(x, PhiNode) return Any elseif isa(x, PiNode) return x.typ else return AbstractEvalConstant(x) end end ################### # SSAValues/Slots # ################### function find_ssavalue_uses(body::Vector{Any}, nvals::Int) uses = BitSet[ BitSet() for i = 1:nvals ] for line in 1:length(body) e = body[line] if isa(e, SSAValue) push!(uses[e.id], line) elseif isa(e, Expr) find_ssavalue_uses(e, uses, line) end end return uses end function find_ssavalue_uses(e::Expr, uses::Vector{BitSet}, line::Int) head = e.head is_meta_expr_head(head) && return skiparg = (head === :(=)) for a in e.args if skiparg skiparg = false elseif isa(a, SSAValue) push!(uses[a.id], line) elseif isa(a, Expr) find_ssavalue_uses(a, uses, line) end end end # using a function to ensure we can infer this @inline slot_id(s) = isa(s, SlotNumber) ? (s::SlotNumber).id : (s::TypedSlot).id ########### # options # ########### is_root_module(m::Module) = false inlining_enabled() = (JLOptions().can_inline == 1) function coverage_enabled(m::Module) ccall(:jl_generating_output, Cint, ()) == 0 || return false # don't alter caches cov = JLOptions().code_coverage if cov == 1 m = moduleroot(m) m === Core && return false isdefined(Main, :Base) && m === Main.Base && return false return true elseif cov == 2 return true end return false end function inbounds_option() opt_check_bounds = JLOptions().check_bounds opt_check_bounds == 0 && return :default opt_check_bounds == 1 && return :on return :off end