Raw File

#include "../core/basic.h"
#include "diagnostics.h"

namespace Slang
    struct NamePool;


    struct TokenList
        Token* begin() const;
        Token* end() const;

        List<Token> mTokens;

    struct TokenSpan
            TokenList const& tokenList)
            : mBegin(tokenList.begin())
            , mEnd  (tokenList.end  ())

        Token* begin() const { return mBegin; }
        Token* end  () const { return mEnd  ; }

        int GetCount() { return (int)(mEnd - mBegin); }

        Token* mBegin;
        Token* mEnd;

    struct TokenReader
        explicit TokenReader(TokenSpan const& tokens)
            : mCursor(tokens.begin())
            , mEnd   (tokens.end  ())
        explicit TokenReader(TokenList const& tokens)
            : mCursor(tokens.begin())
            , mEnd   (tokens.end  ())

        bool IsAtEnd() const { return mCursor == mEnd; }
        Token PeekToken() const;
        TokenType PeekTokenType() const;
        SourceLoc PeekLoc() const;

        Token AdvanceToken();

        int GetCount() { return (int)(mEnd - mCursor); }

        Token* mCursor;
        Token* mEnd;

    typedef unsigned int LexerFlags;
        kLexerFlag_InDirective      = 1 << 0, ///< Turn end-of-line and end-of-file into end-of-directive
        kLexerFlag_ExpectFileName   = 1 << 1, ///< Support `<>` style strings for file paths
        kLexerFlag_IgnoreInvalid    = 1 << 2, ///< Suppress errors about invalid/unsupported characters
        kLexerFlag_ExpectDirectiveMessage = 1 << 3, ///< Don't lexer ordinary tokens, and instead consume rest of line as a string

    struct Lexer
        void initialize(
            SourceView*     sourceView,
            DiagnosticSink* sink,
            NamePool*       namePool);


        Token lexToken(LexerFlags extraFlags = 0);

        TokenList lexAllTokens();

        SourceView*     sourceView;
        DiagnosticSink* sink;
        NamePool*       namePool;

        char const*     cursor;

        char const*     begin;
        char const*     end;

        /// The starting sourceLoc (same as first location of SourceView)
        SourceLoc       startLoc;           

        TokenFlags      tokenFlags;
        LexerFlags      lexerFlags;

    // Helper routines for extracting values from tokens
    String getStringLiteralTokenValue(Token const& token);
    String getFileNameTokenValue(Token const& token);

    typedef int64_t IntegerLiteralValue;
    typedef double FloatingPointLiteralValue;

    IntegerLiteralValue getIntegerLiteralValue(Token const& token, String* outSuffix = 0);
    FloatingPointLiteralValue getFloatingPointLiteralValue(Token const& token, String* outSuffix = 0);

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