Precrec ======= [![Travis](]( [![AppVeyor Build Status](]( [![](]( [![CRAN\_Status\_Badge](]( The aim of the `precrec` package is to provide an integrated platform that enables robust performance evaluations of binary classifiers. Specifically, `precrec` offers accurate calculations of ROC (Receiver Operator Characteristics) and precision-recall curves. All the main calculations of `precrec` are implemented with C++/[Rcpp]( Four key features of precrec ---------------------------- ### 1. Super accurate `precrec` provides accurate precision-recall curves. - Non-linear interpolation - Elongation to the y-axis to estimate the first point when necessary - Use of score-wise threshold values instead of fixed bins Because of this accuracy `precrec` calculates correct AUC scores. ### 2. Ultra fast `precrec` calculates curves in a matter of seconds even for fairly large datasets. It is much faster than most other performance evaluation tools. ### 3. Various evaluation metrics `precrec` concurrently calculates precision-recall and ROC curves as well as their AUCs by default. It also offers basic evaluation measures. - Error rate - Accuracy - Specificity - Sensitivity, true positive rate (TPR), recall - Precision, positive predictive value (PPV) - Matthews correlation coefficient - F-score ### 4. Supporting functions `precrec` provides several useful functions that lack in many other evaluation tools. - Handling multiple models and multiple test sets - Handling tied scores and missing values - Calculation of confidence interval bands when multiple test sets are specified - Calculation of partial AUCs - Pre- and post-process functions for simple data preparation and curve analysis Installation ------------ - Install the release version of `precrec` from CRAN with `install.packages("precrec")`. - Alternatively, you can install a development version of `precrec` from [our GitHub repository]( To install it: 1. Make sure you have a working development environment. - **Windows**: Install Rtools (available on the CRAN website). - **Mac**: Install Xcode from the Mac App Store. - **Linux**: Install a compiler and various development libraries (details vary across different flavors of Linux). 2. Install `devtools` from CRAN with `install.packages("devtools")`. 3. Install `precrec` from the GitHub repository with `devtools::install_github("takayasaito/precrec")`. Functions --------- The `precrec` package provides the following five functions. | Function | Description | |:---------------------|:-----------------------------------------------------------| | evalmod | Main function to calculate evaluation measures | | mmdata | Reformat input data for performance evaluation calculation | | join\_scores | Join scores of multiple models into a list | | join\_labels | Join observed labels of multiple test datasets into a list | | create\_sim\_samples | Create random samples for simulations | Moreover, the `precrec` package provides eight S3 generics for the S3 object created by the `evalmod` function. **N.B.** The R language specifies S3 objects and S3 generic functions as part of the most basic object-oriented system in R. | S3 generic | Package | Description | |:--------------|:---------|:---------------------------------------------------------------| | print | base | Print the calculation results and the summary of the test data | | | base | Convert a precrec object to a data frame | | plot | graphics | Plot performance evaluation measures | | autoplot | ggplot2 | Plot performance evaluation measures with ggplot2 | | fortify | ggplot2 | Prepare a data frame for ggplot2 | | auc | precrec | Make a data frame with AUC scores | | part | precrec | Set partial curves and calculate AUC scores | | pauc | precrec | Make a data frame with pAUC scores | Documentation ------------- - Introduction to precrec - a package vignette that contains the descriptions of the functions with several useful examples. View the vignette with `vignette("introduction", package = "precrec")` in R or click the link on the [precrec CRAN page]( - Help pages - all the functions including the S3 generics except for `print` have their own help pages with plenty of examples. View the main help page with `help(package = "precrec")` in R. In addition, CRAN provides a pdf version of all combined help files as a reference manual on the [precrec CRAN page]( Examples -------- Following two examples show the basic usage of `precrec` functions. ### ROC and Precision-Recall calculations The `evalmod` function calculates ROC and Precision-Recall curves and returns an S3 object. ``` r library(precrec) # Load a test dataset data(P10N10) # Calculate ROC and Precision-Recall curves sscurves <- evalmod(scores = P10N10$scores, labels = P10N10$labels) ``` ### Visualization of the curves The `autoplot` function outputs ROC and Precision-Recall curves by using the `ggplot2` package. ``` r # The ggplot2 package is required library(ggplot2) # Show ROC and Precision-Recall plots autoplot(sscurves) ``` ![]( Citation -------- *Precrec: fast and accurate precision-recall and ROC curve calculations in R* Takaya Saito; Marc Rehmsmeier Bioinformatics 2016; doi: [10.1093/bioinformatics/btw570]( External links -------------- - [Classifier evaluation with imbalanced datasets]( - our web site that contains several pages with useful tips for performance evaluation on binary classifiers. - [The Precision-Recall Plot Is More Informative than the ROC Plot When Evaluating Binary Classifiers on Imbalanced Datasets]( - our paper that summarized potential pitfalls of ROC plots with imbalanced datasets and advantages of using precision-recall plots instead. - [Advanced R]( and [R packages]( - web sites of two Hadley Wickham's books that we used as references to decide the basic structure and the coding style of `precrec`.