--- title: "Hyperosmotic Stress" output: html_vignette: mathjax: null vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Hyperosmotic Stress} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} bibliography: cpdat.bib csl: peerj.csl --- ```{r setup, include=FALSE} library(canprot) library(CHNOSZ) library(knitr) ## use pngquant to reduce size of PNG images knit_hooks$set(pngquant = hook_pngquant) pngquant <- "--speed=1 --quality=0-25" # in case pngquant isn't available (R-Forge?) if (!nzchar(Sys.which("pngquant"))) pngquant <- NULL ``` This vignette shows compositional metrics and phylostrata for proteins that are differentially expressed in hyperosmotic compared to control conditions. Abbreviations: * ZC – carbon oxidation state; nH2O – stoichiometric hydration state; nO2 – stoichiometric oxidation state. * nAA – protein length; PS – phylostrata. * ndown – number of down-expressed proteins; nup – number of up-expressed proteins. Stoichiometric values are calculated using basis species (rQEC method; Dick et al., 2020) or amino acid biosynthetic reactions. References for gene ages: [Trigos et al. (2017)](https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1617743114) (TPPG17); [Liebeskind et al. (2016)](https://doi.org/10.1093/gbe/evw113) (LMM16). ```{r options, echo=FALSE} options(width = 90) ``` ```{r datasets} datasets <- pdat_osmotic() ``` ```{r comptab, results="hide", message=FALSE, echo = FALSE} pdat1 <- lapply_canprot(datasets, pdat_osmotic) comptab1 <- lapply(pdat1, get_comptab) pdat2 <- lapply(pdat1, pdat_recomp, "biosynth") comptab2 <- lapply(pdat2, get_comptab, "nO2") comptab3 <- lapply(pdat1, get_comptab, "nAA", "PS") comptab4 <- lapply(pdat1, get_comptab, "nAA", "PS", PS_source = "LMM16") ``` Dashed contour lines in the plots outline the 50% credible region for highest probability density. Triangle symbols indicate transcriptomic datasets; all others are protein expression. ```{r diffplot, fig.width=8, fig.height=8, fig.align = "center", echo = FALSE, pngquant = pngquant} par(mfrow = c(2, 2), mar = c(4, 4, 2, 2), mgp = c(2.5, 1, 0)) pch <- ifelse(grepl("transcript", datasets), 2, 1) diffplot(comptab1, pch = pch) title(quote("rQEC"~italic(n)[H[2]*O]), font.main = 1) diffplot(comptab2, c("nO2", "nH2O"), pch = pch) title(quote("Biosynthetic"~italic(n)[H[2]*O]~"and"~italic(n)[O[2]]), font.main = 1) diffplot(comptab3, c("nAA", "PS"), pch = pch) title("Trigos et al. (2017) ages", font.main = 1) diffplot(comptab4, c("nAA", "PS"), pch = pch) title("Liebeskind et al. (2016) ages", font.main = 1) ``` In the table, values of ΔZC, ΔnH2O and ΔnO2 are multiplied by 1000, values of ΔPS are multiplied by 100, and negative values are shown in bold. ```{r xsummary, results="asis", echo = FALSE} library(xtable) out <- xsummary2(comptab1, comptab2, comptab3, comptab4) # round values and include dataset tags tags <- sapply(sapply(strsplit(datasets, "="), "[", -1), paste, collapse = ";") out <- cbind(out[, 1:2], tags = tags, out[, 3:25]) out[, 6:26] <- round(out[, 6:26], 4) write.csv(out, "hyperosmotic.csv", row.names = FALSE, quote = 2) ``` ## Data Sources __a__. __b__. __c__. VHG (300 g/L) vs control (20 g/L). The comparisons here use proteins with expression ratios < 0.9 or > 1.1 and with p-values < 0.05. Source: SI Table of @PW08. __d__. 24 h at 16.7 mM vs 5.6 mM glucose. Source: extracted from Suppl. Table ST4 of @WCM+09; including the red- and blue-highlighted rows in the source table (those with ANOVA _p_-value < 0.01), and applying the authors' criterion that proteins be identified by 2 or more unique peptides in at least 4 of the 8 most intense LC-MS/MS runs. __e__. 300 mOsm (control) or 400 mOsm (NaCl treatment). Source: Suppl. Table 1 of @OBBH11. __f__. __g__. Mannitol-balanced 5.5 (control), 25 or 100 mM ᴅ-glucose media. Source: Table 1 of @CCC+12. __h__. __i__. __j__. __k__. Temperature and NaCl treatment (control: 35 °C, _a_~w~ = 0.993). Source: Suppl. Tables S13–S16 of @KKG+12. __l__. __m__. 5.5 (control), 25 or 100 mM ᴅ-glucose. Source: Table 1 of @CCCC13. __n__. Gill proteome of Japanese eel (_Anguilla japonica_) adapted to seawater or freshwater. Source: Protein IDs from Suppl. Table 3 and gene names of human orthologs from Suppl. File 4 of @TSZ+13. __o__. __p__. __q__. 30 min in YNB (2% glucose) vs YPKG (0.5% glucose) media. Source: extracted from Suppl. Files 3 and 5 of @GSC14, using the authors' criterion of _p_-value <0.05. __r__. 280 (control), 380, or 480 mOsm (NaCl treatment) for 24 h. Source: Table 2 of @CLG+15. __s__. __t__. __u__. __v__. Overnight treatment with a final concentration of 40/50 mM NaCl or 200 mM sucrose vs M2 minimal salts medium plus glucose (control). Source: Additional file Table S2 of @KLB+15. __w__. __x__. 15 g/L vs 5 g/L (control) glucose at days 0, 3, 6, and 9. The comparisons here use all proteins reported to have expression patterns in Cluster 1 (up) or Cluster 5 (down), or only the proteins with high expression differences (ratio ≤-0.2 or ≥0.2) at all time points. Source: SI Table S4 of @LDB+15. __y__. 4.21 osmol/kg vs 3.17 osmol/kg osmotic pressure (NaCl treatment). Source: Table 1 of @YDZ+15. __z__. 0.1 M KCl (treatment) vs medium with no added KCl (control). Source: Suppl. Tables 2 and 3 of @RBP+16. ## References