useDynLib(Matrix, .registration=TRUE) ## Import functions we need explicitly, notably for which we define methods: importFrom("grDevices", colorRampPalette, grey) importFrom("graphics", par, image) importFrom("grid", grid.rect, gpar, grob)# others via 'grid::' importFrom("lattice", levelplot, panel.levelplot.raster) importFrom("utils", str, head, tail, assignInNamespace, capture.output) importFrom("stats" , "contrasts<-", cov2cor , diffinv, model.frame, rnorm, runif , symnum, terms , toeplitz, update#, vcov ) ## try to import all we need, but not more importFrom("methods" ## still needed {group generics needed to be explicitly imported} ? , Ops, Arith, Compare, Logic, Math, Math2, Summary, Complex ## generics for which we export new methods: , cbind2, rbind2, coerce, show , kronecker ## things we call,.. necessary when Matrix is loaded, but not attached, as in ## Rscript --vanilla -e 'require(methods);(M <- Matrix::Matrix(0:1,3,3));as(M,"sparseMatrix")' , as, is, extends, new , callGeneric, callNextMethod , .selectSuperClasses, .slotNames, canCoerce, packageSlot , getClass, getClassDef, validObject , setClass, setClassUnion, setMethod, setOldClass , setValidity, slot, "slot<-", slotNames, .hasSlot , signature, representation, prototype) ## Generics and functions defined in this package export("%&%", "Cholesky", ".SuiteSparse_version", "Diagonal", ".symDiagonal", ".sparseDiagonal", "Hilbert", "KhatriRao", "Matrix", "MatrixClass", "spMatrix", "sparseMatrix", "rsparsematrix", "Schur", "abIseq", "abIseq1", "rep2abI", "band", "bandSparse", "bdiag", ".bdiag", ## no longer; implicit generics now ## "colMeans", "colSums", ## these needed a "..." added ## "rowMeans", "rowSums", "condest", "onenormest", "det",# << "identical" as base - but with correct determinant() ## "mkDet", # <- useful in other packages (Rmpfr, gmp) .. hmm --> 'stats' ? ## FIXME: why exactly these and not e.g. dsp2dsy and many more? ".dsy2mat", ".dsy2dsp", ".dxC2mat", ".T2Cmat", "..2dge", ".dense2sy", ".C2nC", ".nC2d", ".nC2l", ".diag.dsC",# -> R/dsCMatrix.R --has FIXME .solve.dgC.chol, .solve.dgC.qr,, "diagN2U", "diagU2N", ".diagU2N", ".diag2tT", ".diag2sT", ".diag2mat", "drop0", "expand", "expm", "facmul", "fac2sparse", "fac2Sparse", "forceSymmetric", "T2graph", "graph2T", ## <- 'graph' package (and class) related "anyDuplicatedT", "uniqTsparse", "isTriangular", "isDiagonal", "isLDL", "is.null.DN", "invPerm", "lu", "nearPD", "nnzero", "formatSpMatrix", "formatSparseM", ".formatSparseSimple", "printSpMatrix", "printSpMatrix2", "qrR", "rankMatrix", "readHB", "readMM", "sparse.model.matrix", "sparseVector", "symmpart", "skewpart", "tril", "triu", "updown", "pack", "unpack" , ".updateCHMfactor" , ".validateCsparse" , "writeMM" ) if(getRversion() < "2.15.0") export(".M.classEnv") ## substitute for using cbind() / rbind() ## .Deprecated() for R version >= 3.2.0 [2015-04]: export("cBind", "rBind") exportClasses( ## Class unions: "index", "replValue", # if we don't export it, things fail in dispatch "atomicVector", "number", "xsparseVector", # the class union of all 'x' slot sparseVector's ## not exported (but exporting does not help for method dispatch bug!) ## "numLike", ## "xMatrix", ## "mMatrix", ## all others: ## LOGIC "logic", "abIndex", "rleDiff", ## --- 'Matrix' mother and all its daughters : --------------- "Matrix", ## also intermediate `virtual' ones: "dMatrix", "lMatrix", "nMatrix", ## not yet used, but as sub-classes; ## must provide them for 'hierarchy-analysis': "iMatrix", "zMatrix", "denseMatrix", "sparseMatrix", "compMatrix", "diagonalMatrix", "generalMatrix", "symmetricMatrix", "triangularMatrix", "dsparseMatrix", "lsparseMatrix", "nsparseMatrix", "TsparseMatrix", "CsparseMatrix", "RsparseMatrix", "ddenseMatrix", "ldenseMatrix", "ndenseMatrix", "dgCMatrix", "dgRMatrix", "dgTMatrix", "dgeMatrix", "dpoMatrix", "dppMatrix", "dsCMatrix", "dsRMatrix", "dsTMatrix", "dspMatrix", "dsyMatrix", "dtCMatrix", "dtRMatrix", "dtTMatrix", "dtpMatrix", "dtrMatrix", "ddiMatrix", "lgeMatrix", "lspMatrix", "lsyMatrix", "ltpMatrix", "ltrMatrix", "ldiMatrix", "ngeMatrix", "nspMatrix", "nsyMatrix", "ntpMatrix", "ntrMatrix", "lgCMatrix", "lgRMatrix", "lgTMatrix", "lsCMatrix", "lsRMatrix", "lsTMatrix", "ltCMatrix", "ltRMatrix", "ltTMatrix", "ngCMatrix", "ngRMatrix", "ngTMatrix", "nsCMatrix", "nsRMatrix", "nsTMatrix", "ntCMatrix", "ntRMatrix", "ntTMatrix", "indMatrix", "pMatrix", "corMatrix", # unused ## --- inheriting "Matrix", but also factorizations: "BunchKaufman", "pBunchKaufman", "Cholesky", "pCholesky", ## "LDL", ## --- 'MatrixFactorization' mother and all its daughters : --- "MatrixFactorization", "CholeskyFactorization", "LU", "denseLU", "sparseLU", "CHMfactor", "CHMsuper", "CHMsimpl", "dCHMsuper", "dCHMsimpl", "nCHMsuper",# unused "nCHMsimpl",# unused "sparseQR", ## "SPQR", "Schur", "sparseVector", ## --- and daughters : --- "dsparseVector", "isparseVector", "lsparseVector", "nsparseVector", "zsparseVector" ) exportMethods(## for both own and "other" generics: ## Group Methods "Arith", "Compare", "Logic", "Math", "Math2", "Ops", "Summary", ## re-export S4 methods, for "stats"-S3-generics: "cov2cor", "toeplitz", "update", "!", "+",# for dgT(Matrix) only "%*%", "all", "any", "all.equal", "BunchKaufman", "Cholesky", "Schur", "as.array", "as.matrix", "as.vector", "as.numeric", "as.integer", "as.logical", "band", "chol", "chol2inv", "colMeans", "colSums", "coerce", "crossprod", "determinant", "diag", "diag<-", "diff", "dim", "dim<-", "dimnames", "dimnames<-", "drop", "expand", "expm", "format", "head", "image", "forceSymmetric", "isSymmetric", "", "is.finite", "is.infinite", "kronecker", "length", "mean", "norm", "nnzero", "print",# print(x, ...) when show(x) is not sufficient "qr", "qr.R", "qr.Q", "qr.qy", "qr.qty", "qr.coef", "qr.resid", "qr.fitted", "rep", "rcond", "rowMeans", "rowSums", "show", "solve", ## "spqr", "summary", "symmpart", "skewpart", "t", "tail", "tcrossprod", "tril", "triu", "updown", "unname", "which", "zapsmall" ) if(getRversion() >= "3.1.0") exportMethods("anyNA") exportMethods("rbind2") exportMethods("cbind2") S3method(print, sparseSummary) S3method(print, diagSummary) S3method(c, abIndex)# < for now -- S4 method on c() seems "difficult" ## So that such dispatch also works inside base functions: S3method(as.array, Matrix) S3method(as.array, sparseVector) S3method(as.matrix, Matrix) S3method(as.matrix, sparseVector) S3method(as.vector, Matrix) S3method(as.vector, sparseVector)