require 'Pathname' require 'FileUtils' require 'common_impl.rb' require 'list_package_files_impl.rb' def default_mirror_op return RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mswin32|cygwin|mingw|bccwin/ ? :hardlink : :symlink end # # "Mirror" the listed 'files' from a given source 'package_subdir' folder # into a given target 'build_root' folder. # Entries in the file list are pathnames relative to the package folder. # The directory structure under the package folder is replicated in the build root folder, # creating new folders as neccesary # # "Mirroring" a file consist on creating within the build folder a view to a file located into the package folder. # In true POSIX platforms this is done via a symlink. # In Windows platforms hardlinks are used instead. Hardlinks are recrated whenever the source file is newer, this # ensures that broken hardlinks are syncronized again. # # The mirroring operation is automatically selected according to the platform, but can be overrided if needed. # # By setting mirror_op = :copy, this function can also be used to create # a clean copy (instead of a mirror) of the package files inside a build folder. # In this case, the destination file must not exist. Use remove_package_from_buildtree to remove them first. # def mirror_package(files, package_subdir, build_root, mirror_op = default_mirror_op ) assert_exist!(package_subdir, 'package sub directory' ) assert_exist!(build_root , 'build root directory' ) $report << "Mirroring package [#{package_subdir}] into [#{build_root}]\n" # Keep a local hash of subfolders to avoid accessing the filesystem redudantly subdir_exist = {} files.each do |file| begin # exception block dir_name, file_name = File.split(file) src_file = package_subdir + '/' + dir_name + '/' + file_name dst_file = build_root + '/' + dir_name + '/' + file_name assert_exist!(src_file, 'source file') # Remove existing hardlink if outdated if ( mirror_op == :hardlink ) then if ( File.exist?(dst_file) ) then if ( File.mtime(src_file) != File.mtime(dst_file) ) then $report << "Hardlink [#{dst_file}] is outdated. Removing it.\n" File.delete(dst_file) end end end # Already mirror files are never mirrored agaiin. unless File.exist?(dst_file) then # # Replicate directory structure as needed # do |local_subdir| dst_subdir = build_root + '/' + local_subdir unless subdir_exist[dst_subdir] unless FileTest.exist?(dst_subdir) $report << "Creating build subdir [#{dst_subdir}]\n" Dir.mkdir(dst_subdir) end subdir_exist[dst_subdir] = true end end # # Mirror file # case ( mirror_op ) when :symlink $report << "Creating symlink from [#{src_file}] to [#{dst_file}]\n" File.symlink(src_file, dst_file) when :hardlink $report << "Creating hardlink from [#{src_file}] to [#{dst_file}]\n", dst_file) when :copy $report << "Creating a clean copy of [#{src_file}] as [#{dst_file}]\n" File.copy(src_file, dst_file) end end rescue Exception => e $report << "Error installing #{file}: #{e}" << ENDL end end end # -- TEST -- #mirror_package(["include/CGAL/Straight_skeleton_2.h"],TEST_PKG_DIR, TEST_BUILD_ROOT) #mirror_package(list_package_files(TEST_PKG_DIR,false),TEST_PKG_DIR, TEST_BUILD_ROOT) # -- TEST --