\name{angle} \alias{Real} \alias{Imag} \alias{angle} \title{Basic Complex Functions} \description{ Basic complex functions (Matlab style) } \usage{ Real(z) Imag(z) angle(z) } \arguments{ \item{z}{Vector or matrix of real or complex numbers} } \details{ These are just Matlab names for the corresponding functions in R. The \code{angle} function is simply defined as \code{atan2(Im(z), Re(z))}. } \value{ returning real or complex values; \code{angle} returns in radians. } \note{ The true Matlab names are \code{real}, \code{imag}, and \code{conj}, but as \code{real} was taken in R, all these beginnings are changed to capitals. The function \code{Mod} has no special name in Matlab; use \code{abs()} instead. } \seealso{ \code{\link{Mod}}, \code{\link{abs}} } \examples{ z <- c(0, 1, 1+1i, 1i) Real(z) # Re(z) Imag(z) # Im(z) Conj(z) # Conj(z) abs(z) # Mod(z) angle(z) } \keyword{ arith }