Raw File
Scilab version 1.1
January 2 1994

This is the first version of Scilab which was distributed. Anonymous ftp was used.

Scilab is a composite software developped and distributed by the "Scilab Group" compound by :
- INRIA : François Delebecque, Claude Gomez, Maurice Goursat, Ramine Nikoukhah and Serge Steer;
- ENPC : Jean-Philippe Chancelier.


    The contribution of many people is acknowledged (the following list
    is not exhaustive !).

X11G: Scilab graphic routines by Jean-Philippe Chancelier (Cergrene Enpc).
calelm: BLAS + low level routines (INRIA).
control: LINPACK + EISPACK + INRIA routines.
     dsubsp and exchnqz : Paul van Dooren.
     rpoly : copyrighted by the ACM (alg. 493), which grants
             general permission to distribute provided 
             the copies are not made for direct commercial advantage. 
     lybsc, lydsr, lybad,sydsr and sybad are adapted from SLICE (M. Denham).
     sszer: Emami-naeini, A. and van Dooren, P. (Automatica paper).
     syhsc: G.Golub, S.Nash, C.van Loan, Stanford University.
     rilac, ricd : A. Laub.
     dexpm1, pade, dclmat, coef, cerr, wexpm1, wpade, wclmat: J. Roche.
     polmc: adapted from P.Hr. Petkov, Sofia, Bulgaria.
     bdiag: adapted from Bavely and Stewart.
     ereduc,fstair: T. Beelen, P. Van Dooren.
default: Scilab routines (INRIA) for the user.
dynamic: Scilab routines for dynamic interfacing (INRIA).
integ: routines from Odepack and Quadpack.
     dassl: L. Petzold (LLNL).
     hybrd: Minpack (ANL).
interf: Scilab interface with numerical libraries (INRIA).
metanet: routines for network analysis (Metanet, INRIA).
optim: optimization routines (Modulopt library, INRIA).
       nemirov:  A.S. Nemirovskii & Yu.E. Nesterov.
       quapro: E. Casas Renteria & C. Pola Mendez (Universidad de Cantabria).
poly: Scilab polynomial library (INRIA).
signal: routines from IEEE Signal processing library.
sparse: Sparse 1.3 by Kenneth S. Kundert, Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli and 
        the University of California (see Copyright notice in programs of 
        the "sparse" directory).
sun: specific Scilab routines. 
     link_sun.c is originated from a program written by Michael Fan and 
     provided by Andre Tits (University of Maryland).
     zzledt.c is from Mitchell and Gauthier ass.
system: basic routines of Scilab interpreter (INRIA). Inspired by
        "classic" Matlab of C. Moler.
system2: low level Scilab routines (INRIA).
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