Raw File
\title{Reshape Matrix}
  Reshape matrix or vector.
Reshape(a, n, m)
  \item{a}{matrix or vector}
  \item{n, m}{size of the result}
  \code{Reshape(a, n, m)} returns the n-by-m matrix whose elements are taken
  column-wise from \code{a}.

  An error results if \code{a} does not have \code{n*m} elements.
  If \code{m} is missing, it will be calculated from \code{n} and the
  size of \code{a}.
  Returns matrix (or array) of the requested size containing the elements
  of \code{a}.
a <- matrix(1:12, nrow=4, ncol=3)
Reshape(a, 6, 2)
Reshape(a, 6)     # the same
Reshape(a, 3, 4)

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