\name{fixdiag} \alias{fixdiag} \alias{fixdiag<-} \alias{fixdiag.ff} \alias{fixdiag.default} \alias{fixdiag.dist} \title{ Test for fixed diagonal } \description{ Check if an object has fixed diagonal } \usage{ fixdiag(x, \dots) fixdiag(x, \dots) <- value \method{fixdiag}{ff}(x, \dots) \method{fixdiag}{default}(x, \dots) \method{fixdiag}{dist}(x, \dots) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ an ff or ram object } \item{value}{ assignement value } \item{\dots}{ further arguments (not used) } } \details{ ff symmetric matrices can be declared to have fixed diagonal at creation time. Compatibility function \command{fixdiag.default} returns NULL, \command{fixdiag.dist} returns 0. } \value{ NULL or the scalar representing the fixed diagonal } \author{ Jens Oehlschlägel } \seealso{ \code{\link{fixdiag}}, \code{\link{ff}} %, \code{\link{symm}} , \code{\link{dist}} } \examples{ fixdiag(matrix(1:16, 4, 4)) fixdiag(dist(rnorm(1:4))) } \keyword{ IO } \keyword{ data }