Raw File
/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */


#include "FrameMetrics.h"             // for FrameMetrics
#include "mozilla/gfx/Matrix.h"       // for Matrix4x4
#include "mozilla/gfx/Point.h"        // for IntSize, etc
#include "mozilla/gfx/TiledRegion.h"  // for TiledRegion
#include "mozilla/gfx/Types.h"        // for SamplingFilter, SurfaceFormat
#include "mozilla/layers/APZTypes.h"  // for SLGuidAndRenderRoot
#include "mozilla/layers/CompositorTypes.h"  // for TextureFlags
#include "mozilla/layers/WebRenderLayersLogging.h"
#include "mozilla/layers/ZoomConstraints.h"
#include "nsAString.h"
#include "nsPrintfCString.h"  // for nsPrintfCString
#include "nsRegion.h"         // for nsRegion, nsIntRegion
#include "nscore.h"           // for nsACString, etc

struct nsRectAbsolute;

namespace mozilla {

namespace gfx {
template <class units, class F>
struct RectTyped;
}  // namespace gfx

enum class ImageFormat;

namespace layers {
struct ZoomConstraints;

void AppendToString(std::stringstream& aStream, const void* p,
                    const char* pfx = "", const char* sfx = "");

void AppendToString(std::stringstream& aStream, ScrollableLayerGuid::ViewID n,
                    const char* pfx = "", const char* sfx = "");

void AppendToString(std::stringstream& aStream, const gfx::Color& c,
                    const char* pfx = "", const char* sfx = "");

void AppendToString(std::stringstream& aStream, const nsPoint& p,
                    const char* pfx = "", const char* sfx = "");

void AppendToString(std::stringstream& aStream, const nsRect& r,
                    const char* pfx = "", const char* sfx = "");

void AppendToString(std::stringstream& aStream, const nsRectAbsolute& r,
                    const char* pfx = "", const char* sfx = "");

template <class T>
void AppendToString(std::stringstream& aStream,
                    const mozilla::gfx::PointTyped<T>& p, const char* pfx = "",
                    const char* sfx = "") {
  aStream << pfx << p << sfx;

template <class T>
void AppendToString(std::stringstream& aStream,
                    const mozilla::gfx::Point3DTyped<T>& p,
                    const char* pfx = "", const char* sfx = "") {
  aStream << pfx << p << sfx;

template <class T>
void AppendToString(std::stringstream& aStream,
                    const mozilla::gfx::IntPointTyped<T>& p,
                    const char* pfx = "", const char* sfx = "") {
  aStream << pfx << p << sfx;

template <class T>
void AppendToString(std::stringstream& aStream,
                    const mozilla::gfx::RectTyped<T>& r, const char* pfx = "",
                    const char* sfx = "") {
  aStream << pfx;
  aStream << nsPrintfCString("(x=%f, y=%f, w=%f, h=%f)", r.X(), r.Y(),
                             r.Width(), r.Height())
  aStream << sfx;

template <class T>
void AppendToString(std::stringstream& aStream,
                    const mozilla::gfx::IntRectTyped<T>& r,
                    const char* pfx = "", const char* sfx = "") {
  aStream << pfx;
  aStream << nsPrintfCString("(x=%d, y=%d, w=%d, h=%d)", r.X(), r.Y(),
                             r.Width(), r.Height())
  aStream << sfx;

template <class T>
void AppendToString(std::stringstream& aStream,
                    const mozilla::gfx::RectAbsoluteTyped<T>& r,
                    const char* pfx = "", const char* sfx = "") {
  aStream << pfx;
  aStream << nsPrintfCString("(l=%f, t=%f, r=%f, b=%f)", r.Left(), r.Top(),
                             r.Right(), r.Bottom())
  aStream << sfx;

template <class T>
void AppendToString(std::stringstream& aStream,
                    const mozilla::gfx::IntRectAbsoluteTyped<T>& r,
                    const char* pfx = "", const char* sfx = "") {
  aStream << pfx;
  aStream << nsPrintfCString("(l=%d, t=%d, r=%d, b=%d)", r.Left(), r.Top(),
                             r.Right(), r.Bottom())
  aStream << sfx;

void AppendToString(std::stringstream& aStream, const wr::ColorF& c,
                    const char* pfx = "", const char* sfx = "");

void AppendToString(std::stringstream& aStream, const wr::LayoutRect& r,
                    const char* pfx = "", const char* sfx = "");

void AppendToString(std::stringstream& aStream, const wr::LayoutSize& s,
                    const char* pfx = "", const char* sfx = "");

void AppendToString(std::stringstream& aStream, const nsSize& sz,
                    const char* pfx = "", const char* sfx = "");

void AppendToString(std::stringstream& aStream, const wr::StickyOffsetBounds& s,
                    const char* pfx = "", const char* sfx = "");

void AppendToString(std::stringstream& aStream, const nsRegion& r,
                    const char* pfx = "", const char* sfx = "");

void AppendToString(std::stringstream& aStream, const nsIntRegion& r,
                    const char* pfx = "", const char* sfx = "");

template <typename units>
void AppendToString(std::stringstream& aStream,
                    const mozilla::gfx::IntRegionTyped<units>& r,
                    const char* pfx = "", const char* sfx = "") {
  aStream << pfx;

  aStream << "< ";
  for (auto iter = r.RectIter(); !iter.Done(); iter.Next()) {
    AppendToString(aStream, iter.Get());
    aStream << "; ";
  aStream << ">";

  aStream << sfx;

template <typename T>
void AppendToString(std::stringstream& aStream,
                    const mozilla::gfx::TiledRegion<T>& r, const char* pfx = "",
                    const char* sfx = "") {
  aStream << pfx;
  AppendToString(aStream, r.GetRegion());
  aStream << " (bounds=";
  AppendToString(aStream, r.GetBounds());
  aStream << ", covers=" << r.CoversBounds() << ")" << sfx;

void AppendToString(std::stringstream& aStream, const EventRegions& e,
                    const char* pfx = "", const char* sfx = "");

void AppendToString(std::stringstream& aStream, OverscrollBehavior aBehavior,
                    const char* pfx = "", const char* sfx = "");

void AppendToString(std::stringstream& aStream, const ScrollMetadata& m,
                    const char* pfx = "", const char* sfx = "");

void AppendToString(std::stringstream& aStream, const FrameMetrics& m,
                    const char* pfx = "", const char* sfx = "",
                    bool detailed = false);

void AppendToString(std::stringstream& aStream, const ScrollableLayerGuid& s,
                    const char* pfx = "", const char* sfx = "");

void AppendToString(std::stringstream& aStream, const SLGuidAndRenderRoot& s,
                    const char* pfx = "", const char* sfx = "");

void AppendToString(std::stringstream& aStream, const ZoomConstraints& z,
                    const char* pfx = "", const char* sfx = "");

template <class T>
void AppendToString(std::stringstream& aStream,
                    const mozilla::gfx::MarginTyped<T>& m, const char* pfx = "",
                    const char* sfx = "") {
  aStream << pfx;
  aStream << nsPrintfCString("(l=%f, t=%f, r=%f, b=%f)", m.left, m.top, m.right,
  aStream << sfx;

template <class T>
void AppendToString(std::stringstream& aStream,
                    const mozilla::gfx::SizeTyped<T>& sz, const char* pfx = "",
                    const char* sfx = "") {
  aStream << pfx;
  aStream << nsPrintfCString("(w=%f, h=%f)", sz.width, sz.height).get();
  aStream << sfx;

template <class T>
void AppendToString(std::stringstream& aStream,
                    const mozilla::gfx::IntSizeTyped<T>& sz,
                    const char* pfx = "", const char* sfx = "") {
  aStream << pfx;
  aStream << nsPrintfCString("(w=%d, h=%d)", sz.width, sz.height).get();
  aStream << sfx;

template <class src, class dst>
void AppendToString(std::stringstream& aStream,
                    const mozilla::gfx::ScaleFactors2D<src, dst>& scale,
                    const char* pfx = "", const char* sfx = "") {
  aStream << pfx;
  std::streamsize oldPrecision = aStream.precision(3);
  if (scale.AreScalesSame()) {
    aStream << scale.xScale;
  } else {
    aStream << '(' << scale.xScale << ',' << scale.yScale << ')';
  aStream << sfx;

void AppendToString(std::stringstream& aStream, const mozilla::gfx::Matrix& m,
                    const char* pfx = "", const char* sfx = "");

template <class SourceUnits, class TargetUnits>
void AppendToString(
    std::stringstream& aStream,
    const mozilla::gfx::Matrix4x4Typed<SourceUnits, TargetUnits>& m,
    const char* pfx = "", const char* sfx = "") {
  if (m.Is2D()) {
    mozilla::gfx::Matrix matrix = m.As2D();
    AppendToString(aStream, matrix, pfx, sfx);

  aStream << pfx;
  aStream << nsPrintfCString(
                 "[ %g %g %g %g; %g %g %g %g; %g %g %g %g; %g %g %g %g; ]",
                 m._11, m._12, m._13, m._14, m._21, m._22, m._23, m._24, m._31,
                 m._32, m._33, m._34, m._41, m._42, m._43, m._44)
  aStream << sfx;

void AppendToString(std::stringstream& aStream,
                    const mozilla::gfx::Matrix5x4& m, const char* pfx = "",
                    const char* sfx = "");

void AppendToString(std::stringstream& aStream,
                    const mozilla::gfx::SamplingFilter samplingFilter,
                    const char* pfx = "", const char* sfx = "");

void AppendToString(std::stringstream& aStream,
                    mozilla::layers::TextureFlags flags, const char* pfx = "",
                    const char* sfx = "");

void AppendToString(std::stringstream& aStream,
                    mozilla::gfx::SurfaceFormat format, const char* pfx = "",
                    const char* sfx = "");

void AppendToString(std::stringstream& aStream, gfx::SurfaceType format,
                    const char* pfx = "", const char* sfx = "");

void AppendToString(std::stringstream& aStream, ImageFormat format,
                    const char* pfx = "", const char* sfx = "");

// Sometimes, you just want a string from a single value.
template <typename T>
std::string Stringify(const T& obj) {
  std::stringstream ss;
  AppendToString(ss, obj);
  return ss.str();

}  // namespace layers
}  // namespace mozilla

// versions of printf_stderr and fprintf_stderr that deal with line
// truncation on android by printing individual lines out of the
// stringstream as separate calls to logcat.
void print_stderr(std::stringstream& aStr);
void fprint_stderr(FILE* aFile, std::stringstream& aStr);

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