(* This file contains boolean functions corresponding to the different predicates commonly used in reasoning about sets. These boolean functions are connected to the corresponding predicates using the reflection lemmas (similar to ssreflect). The type of elements in the set (or lists) are from eqType. Following are the boolean functions and their corresponding predicated Propositions Boolean functions Connecting Lemma In a l <-> memb a l membP IN a b l <-> memb2 a b l memb2p NoDup l <-> noDup l nodupP Empty l <-> is_empty l emptyP Subset s s' <-> subset s s' subsetP Equal s s' <-> equal s s' equalP Exists P l <-> existsb f l ExistsP exists x, (In x l /\ P x) <-> existsb f l existsP exists x, (In x l /\ f x) <-> existsb f l existsbP Forall P l <-> forallb f l ForallP forall x, (In x l -> P x) <-> forallb f l forallP forall x, (In x l -> f x) <-> forallb f l forallbP We also define index function (idx a l), which returns the location of an element a in the list l. forall_em_exists f: (forall x, In x l -> f x) \/ (exists x, In x l /\ ~ f x). exists_em_forall f: (exists x, In x l /\ f x) \/ (forall x, In x l -> ~ f x). Definition forall_xyb g l := forallb (fun x => (forallb ( fun y=> g x y) l)) l. Definition forall_yxb g l := forallb (fun y => (forallb ( fun x=> g x y) l)) l. forall_xyP g l: reflect (forall x y, In x l-> In y l-> g x y) (forall_xyb g l). forall_yxP g l: reflect (forall x y, In x l-> In y l-> g x y) (forall_yxb g l). ------------*) From Coq Require Export ssreflect ssrbool Lists.List. Require Export SetSpecs GenReflect DecType. Set Implicit Arguments. Section SetReflections. Context { A:eqType }. (* to declare A as implicit for all functions in this section *) Lemma decA: forall x y:A, {x=y}+{x<>y}. Proof. eauto. Qed. (*--------- set_mem (boolean function) and its specification ---------*) Fixpoint memb (a:A)(l: list A){struct l}: bool:= match l with | nil =>false | a1::l1 => (a== a1) || memb a l1 end. (* fix In (a : A) (l : list A) {struct l} : Prop := match l with | nil => False | b :: m => b = a \/ In a m end *) Lemma set_memb_correct1: forall (a:A)(l:list A), memb a l -> In a l. Proof. { intros a l. induction l. { simpl;auto. } { simpl. move /orP. intro H; destruct H. move /eqP in H;symmetry in H; left;auto. right; auto. } } Qed. Lemma set_memb_correct2: forall (a:A)(l:list A), In a l -> memb a l. Proof. { intros a l. induction l. { simpl;auto. } { simpl. intro H. apply /orP. destruct H. left; apply /eqP; symmetry; auto. right; auto. } } Qed. Lemma membP a l: reflect (In a l) (memb a l). Proof. apply reflect_intro. split. apply set_memb_correct2. apply set_memb_correct1. Qed. Hint Resolve membP : core. Hint Immediate set_memb_correct1 set_memb_correct2: core. Lemma memb_prop1 (a:A)(l s: list A): l [<=] s -> In a l -> memb a l = memb a s. Proof. intros H H1. assert (H2: In a s); auto. Qed. Lemma memb_prop2 (a:A)(l s: list A): l [<=] s -> ~ In a s -> memb a l = memb a s. Proof. intros H H1. assert (H2: ~ In a l); auto. Qed. Lemma memb_prop3 (a:A)(l s: list A): l [=] s -> memb a l = memb a s. Proof. { intro h. destruct h as [h1 h2]. cut (In a l \/ ~ In a l). intro h3. destruct h3 as [h3 | h3]. apply memb_prop1;auto. apply memb_prop2;auto. eapply reflect_EM;auto. } Qed. Hint Resolve memb_prop1 memb_prop2 memb_prop3: core. Lemma In_EM: forall (a:A) (x: list A), In a x \/ ~ In a x. Proof. eauto. Qed. Definition IN := fun (x:A)(y:A)(l:list A) => In x l /\ In y l. Definition memb2 x y l := memb x l && memb y l. Lemma memb2P a b x : reflect (IN a b x) (memb2 a b x). Proof. { apply reflect_intro. split. { unfold IN; unfold memb2. intro H; destruct H. apply /andP. split; apply /membP; auto. } { unfold IN; unfold memb2. move /andP. intro H; split; apply /membP; tauto. } } Qed. Lemma memb2_comute (x y: A)(l: list A): memb2 x y l = memb2 y x l. Proof. unfold memb2. case (memb x l);case (memb y l); simpl;auto. Qed. Hint Resolve memb2P: core. Lemma IN_EM: forall (a b:A)(x:list A), IN a b x \/ ~ IN a b x. Proof. eauto. Qed. Lemma memb_prop4 (x y: A)(l s: list A): l [=] s -> memb2 x y l = memb2 x y s. Proof. intro h. assert (h1: s [=] l). auto. unfold memb2. replace (memb x s) with (memb x l). replace (memb y s) with (memb y l). auto. all: auto. Qed. Lemma memb2_elim (x y: A)(l: list A): memb2 x y l = false -> (~ In x l \/ ~ In y l). Proof. { intro h7. unfold memb2 in h7. destruct (memb x l) eqn:h7x; destruct (memb y l) eqn:h7y; simpl in h7; move /membP in h7x; move /membP in h7y. inversion h7. right;auto. all: left;auto. } Qed. (*---------- noDup (boolean function) and its specification ---------*) Fixpoint noDup (x: list A): bool:= match x with |nil => true |h :: x1 => if memb h x1 then false else noDup x1 end. Lemma NoDup_iff_noDup l: NoDup l <-> noDup l. Proof. { split. { induction l. auto. intro H; inversion H; simpl. replace (memb a l) with false; auto. } { induction l. constructor. simpl. case (memb a l) eqn: H1. discriminate. intro H2. constructor. move /membP. rewrite H1. auto. tauto. } } Qed. Lemma noDup_intro l: NoDup l -> noDup l. Proof. apply NoDup_iff_noDup. Qed. Lemma noDup_elim l: noDup l -> NoDup l. Proof. apply NoDup_iff_noDup. Qed. Hint Immediate noDup_elim noDup_intro: core. Lemma nodupP l: reflect (NoDup l) (noDup l). Proof. {cut (NoDup l <-> noDup l). eauto. apply NoDup_iff_noDup. } Qed. Hint Resolve nodupP : core. Lemma NoDup_EM: forall l:list A, NoDup l \/ ~ NoDup l. Proof. eauto. Qed. Lemma NoDup_dec: forall l:list A, {NoDup l} + { ~ NoDup l}. Proof. eauto. Qed. Lemma nodup_spec: forall l:list A, NoDup (nodup decA l). Proof. intros. eapply NoDup_nodup. Qed. (*---------- is_empty (boolean function) and its specification -----------------*) Definition is_empty (x:list A) : bool := match x with | nil => true | _ => false end. Lemma emptyP l : reflect (Empty l) (is_empty l). Proof. { destruct l eqn:H. simpl. constructor. unfold Empty; auto. simpl. constructor. unfold Empty. intro H1. specialize (H1 e). apply H1. auto. } Qed. Hint Resolve emptyP : core. Lemma Empty_EM (l:list A): Empty l \/ ~ Empty l. Proof. solve_EM. Qed. Lemma Empty_dec (l: list A): {Empty l} + {~Empty l}. Proof. solve_dec. Qed. Lemma empty_intro l : Empty l -> is_empty l. Proof. move /emptyP. auto. Qed. Lemma empty_elim l: is_empty l -> Empty l. Proof. move /emptyP. auto. Qed. Hint Immediate empty_elim empty_intro: core. (*----------- subset (boolean function) and its specification--------------------*) Fixpoint subset (s s': list A): bool:= match s with |nil => true | a1 :: s1=> memb a1 s' && subset s1 s' end. Lemma subsetP s s': reflect (Subset s s') (subset s s'). Proof. { induction s. simpl. constructor. intro. intros H. absurd (In a nil); auto. apply reflect_intro. split. { intro H. cut (In a s' /\ Subset s s'). 2:{ split; eauto. } simpl. intro H1; destruct H1 as [H1 H2]. apply /andP. split. apply /membP;auto. apply /IHs;auto. } { simpl. move /andP. intro H; destruct H as [H1 H2]. unfold Subset. intros a0 H3. cut (a0= a \/ In a0 s). intro H4; destruct H4 as [H4 | H5]. rewrite H4. apply /membP;auto. cut (Subset s s'). intro H6. auto. apply /IHs;auto. eauto. } } Qed. Hint Resolve subsetP: core. Lemma Subset_EM (s s': list A): Subset s s' \/ ~ Subset s s'. Proof. solve_EM. Qed. Lemma Subset_dec (s s': list A): {Subset s s'} + {~ Subset s s'}. Proof. solve_dec. Qed. Lemma subset_intro s s': Subset s s' -> subset s s'. Proof. move /subsetP. auto. Qed. Lemma subset_elim s s': subset s s' -> Subset s s'. Proof. move /subsetP. auto. Qed. Hint Immediate subset_intro subset_elim: core. (*----------- equal (boolean function) and its specifications--------------------*) Definition equal (s s':list A): bool:= subset s s' && subset s' s. Lemma equalP s s': reflect (Equal s s') (equal s s'). Proof. { apply reflect_intro. split. { intro H. cut (Subset s s'/\ Subset s' s). 2:{ auto. } intro H1. unfold equal. apply /andP. split; apply /subsetP; tauto. } { unfold equal. move /andP. intro H. apply Equal_intro; apply /subsetP; tauto. } } Qed. Hint Resolve equalP: core. Lemma Equal_EM (s s': list A): Equal s s' \/ ~ Equal s s'. Proof. solve_EM. Qed. Lemma Equal_dec (s s': list A): {Equal s s'} + {~ Equal s s'}. Proof. solve_dec. Qed. Lemma equal_intro s s': Equal s s' -> equal s s'. Proof. move /equalP. auto. Qed. Lemma equal_elim s s': equal s s' -> Equal s s'. Proof. move /equalP. auto. Qed. Hint Immediate equal_elim equal_intro: core. (*----------- existsb (boolean function) and its specifications-------------------*) (* fix existsb (l : list A) : bool := match l with | nil => false | a :: l0 => f a || existsb l0 end *) (* Inductive Exists (A : Type) (P : A -> Prop) : list A -> Prop := Exists_cons_hd : forall (x : A) (l : list A), P x -> Exists P (x :: l) | Exists_cons_tl : forall (x : A) (l : list A), Exists P l -> Exists P (x :: l) *) Lemma ExistsP P f l: (forall x:A, reflect (P x) (f x) ) -> reflect (Exists P l) (existsb f l). Proof. { intro H. eapply reflect_intro. induction l. simpl. constructor; intro H1; inversion H1. split. { intro H1. inversion H1. simpl. apply /orP; left; apply /H;auto. simpl. apply /orP; right; apply /IHl; auto. } { simpl. move /orP. intro H1; destruct H1 as [H1| H2]. constructor. apply /H; auto. eapply Exists_cons_tl. apply /IHl; auto. } } Qed. Hint Resolve ExistsP: core. (* Exists_dec : forall (A : Type) (P : A -> Prop) (l : list A), (forall x : A, {P x} + {~ P x}) -> {Exists P l} + {~ Exists P l} *) Lemma Exists_EM P l:(forall x:A, P x \/ ~ P x )-> Exists P l \/ ~ Exists P l. Proof. { intros H. induction l. right. intro H1. inversion H1. cut( P a \/ ~ P a). intro Ha. cut (Exists P l \/ ~ Exists P l). intro Hl. { destruct Ha as [Ha1 | Ha2]; destruct Hl as [Hl1 | Hl2]. left. constructor;auto. left; constructor;auto. left. apply Exists_cons_tl;auto. right. intro H1. inversion H1. all:contradiction. } all: auto. } Qed. (* Exists_exists : forall (A : Type) (P : A -> Prop) (l : list A), Exists P l <-> (exists x : A, In x l /\ P x) *) Lemma existsP P f l: (forall x:A, reflect (P x)(f x))-> reflect (exists x, In x l /\ P x)(existsb f l). Proof. { intro H. eapply iffP with (P:= Exists P l). eapply ExistsP. apply H. all: apply Exists_exists. } Qed. Hint Resolve existsP: core. Lemma existsbP (f:A->bool) l: reflect (exists x, In x l /\ f x)(existsb f l). Proof. apply existsP. intros. apply idP. Qed. Lemma exists_dec P l: (forall x:A, {P x} + {~ P x})-> { (exists x, In x l /\ P x) } + { ~ exists x, In x l /\ P x}. Proof. { intros. cut({Exists P l}+{ ~ Exists P l}). intro H;destruct H as [Hl |Hr]. left. apply Exists_exists;auto. right;intro H1; apply Hr; apply Exists_exists;auto. eapply Exists_dec;auto. } Qed. Lemma exists_EM P l: (forall x:A, P x \/ ~ P x) -> (exists x, In x l /\ P x) \/ ~ (exists x, In x l /\ P x) . Proof. { intro H. cut(Exists P l \/ ~ Exists P l). intro H1; destruct H1 as [H1l| H1r]. left. eapply Exists_exists;auto. right; intro H2;apply H1r; apply Exists_exists;auto. eapply Exists_EM;auto. } Qed. (*----------- forallb ( boolean function) and its specifications----------------- *) (* fix forallb (l : list A) : bool := match l with | nil => true | a :: l0 => f a && forallb l0 end *) (* Inductive Forall (A : Type) (P : A -> Prop) : list A -> Prop := Forall_nil : Forall P nil | Forall_cons : forall (x : A) (l : list A), P x -> Forall P l -> Forall P (x :: l) *) Lemma ForallP P f l: (forall x:A, reflect (P x) (f x) ) -> reflect (Forall P l) (forallb f l). Proof. { intro H. eapply reflect_intro. induction l. simpl. constructor; intro H1; inversion H1; auto. split. { intro H1. inversion H1. simpl. apply /andP. split. apply /H;auto. apply /IHl; auto. } { simpl. move /andP. intro H1; destruct H1 as [H1 H2]. constructor. apply /H; auto. apply /IHl; auto. } } Qed. Hint Resolve ForallP: core. Lemma Forall_EM P l:(forall x:A, P x \/ ~ P x ) -> Forall P l \/ ~ Forall P l. Proof. { intros H. induction l. left. constructor. cut( P a \/ ~ P a). intro Ha. cut (Forall P l \/ ~ Forall P l). intro Hl. { destruct Ha as [Ha1 | Ha2]; destruct Hl as [Hl1 | Hl2]. left. constructor;auto. right; intro H1;apply Hl2; inversion H1;auto. right; intro H1; apply Ha2; inversion H1; auto. right. intro H1. apply Ha2. inversion H1;auto. } all: auto. } Qed. Lemma forallP P f l: (forall x:A, reflect (P x) (f x) ) -> reflect (forall x, In x l -> P x) (forallb f l). Proof. { intro H. eapply iffP with (P:= Forall P l). eapply ForallP. apply H. all: apply Forall_forall. } Qed. Lemma forallbP (f: A->bool) (l: list A): reflect (forall x:A, In x l -> (f x)) (forallb f l). Proof. apply forallP. intros. apply idP. Qed. Lemma forall_dec P l: (forall x:A, {P x} + { ~ P x}) -> { (forall x, In x l -> P x) } + { ~ forall x, In x l -> P x}. Proof. { intros. cut({Forall P l} + {~ Forall P l}). intro H;destruct H as [Hl |Hr]. left. apply Forall_forall;auto. right;intro H1; apply Hr; apply Forall_forall;auto. eapply Forall_dec; auto. } Qed. Lemma forall_EM P l: (forall x:A, P x \/ ~ P x )-> (forall x, In x l -> P x) \/ ~ (forall x, In x l -> P x). Proof. { intros H. cut(Forall P l \/ ~ Forall P l). intro H1; destruct H1 as [H1l| H1r]. left. eapply Forall_forall;auto. right; intro H2;apply H1r; apply Forall_forall;auto. eapply Forall_EM;auto. } Qed. Lemma forall_exists_EM P l: (forall x:A, P x \/ ~ P x) -> (forall x, In x l -> P x) \/ (exists x, In x l /\ ~ P x). Proof. { intros. cut(Forall P l \/ ~ Forall P l). 2:{ eapply Forall_EM. auto. } intro H1; destruct H1 as [Hl | Hr]. left. apply Forall_forall. auto. right. cut(Exists (fun x : A => ~ P x) l). eapply Exists_exists. apply Exists_Forall_neg. all:auto. } Qed. Lemma exists_forall_EM P l: (forall x:A, P x \/ ~ P x)-> (exists x, In x l /\ P x) \/ (forall x, In x l -> ~ P x). Proof. { intros. cut(Exists P l \/ ~ Exists P l). 2:{ eapply Exists_EM. auto. } intro H1; destruct H1 as [Hl | Hr]. left. apply Exists_exists. auto. right. cut(Forall (fun x : A => ~ P x) l). eapply Forall_forall. apply Forall_Exists_neg. all:auto. } Qed. Lemma forall_em_exists (f: A-> bool) (l: list A): (forall x, In x l -> f x) \/ (exists x, In x l /\ ~ f x). Proof. apply forall_exists_EM; intro x;destruct (f x); auto. Qed. Lemma exists_em_forall (f: A-> bool) (l: list A): (exists x, In x l /\ f x) \/ (forall x, In x l -> ~ f x). Proof. apply exists_forall_EM; intro x; destruct (f x); auto. Qed. End SetReflections. Hint Resolve membP memb2P nodupP emptyP subsetP equalP existsP existsbP ExistsP ForallP forallP forallbP memb2_comute: core. Hint Resolve forall_exists_EM exists_forall_EM: core. Hint Resolve forall_em_exists exists_em_forall: core. Hint Immediate set_memb_correct1 set_memb_correct2 memb2_elim: core. Hint Resolve memb_prop1 memb_prop2 memb_prop3 memb_prop4: core. Hint Immediate noDup_elim noDup_intro: core. Hint Immediate empty_elim empty_intro: core. Hint Immediate subset_intro subset_elim: core. Hint Immediate equal_elim equal_intro: core. Section MoreReflection. Context { A:eqType }. Definition forall_xyb (g:A->A->bool)(l:list A):= (forallb (fun x=> (forallb (fun y => g x y) l )) l). Definition forall_yxb (g:A->A->bool)(l:list A) := (forallb (fun y=> (forallb (fun x => g x y) l )) l). Lemma forall_xyP (g:A->A->bool) (l:list A): reflect (forall x y, In x l-> In y l-> g x y) (forall_xyb g l). Proof. eapply iffP with (P:= (forall x, In x l -> (forall y, In y l -> g x y))). unfold forall_xyb; auto. all: auto. Qed. Lemma forall_yxP (g:A->A->bool) (l:list A): reflect (forall x y, In x l-> In y l-> g x y) (forall_yxb g l). Proof. eapply iffP with (P:= (forall y, In y l -> (forall x, In x l -> g x y))). unfold forall_yxb; auto. all: auto. Qed. End MoreReflection. Hint Resolve forall_xyP forall_yxP: core.