# CoCalc Travis-CI Configuration File sudo: required dist: trusty language: python python: - '2.7' addons: rethinkdb: '2.3.4' # Travis supports "global" and "build matrix" variables # http://docs.travis-ci.com/user/environment-variables/ env: matrix: - MODE=util #- MODE=sagews #- MODE=server # installation and setup before_script: - sudo apt-get -qq update - sudo apt-get install -y python-pip python-yaml - source /etc/lsb-release - rethinkdb --version - pip -V - python -V - nvm install v5.11 - node --version - sudo pip install pytest - pytest --version # the setup & compilation of SMC install: - cd smc/src - source smc-env - npm install - npm run make - cd smc_webapp - npm install - cd ../smc-util - npm install - cd ../smc_pyutil - sudo pip install --upgrade ./ - cd ../smc_sagews - sudo pip install --upgrade ./ # This is the actual testing, which runs in the same directory where `before_script` did end up in. # A non-zero exit code indicates a failure. # npm test is the usual, but we also run coverage reporting script: - if [[ $MODE = "sagews" ]]; then cd ~/smc/src/smc_sagews/smc_sagews/; python -m pytest tests/; fi - if [[ $MODE = "webapp" ]]; then cd ~/smc/src/smc-webapp/; npm run test; fi - if [[ $MODE = "server" ]]; then npm run coveralls; fi - if [[ $MODE = "util" ]]; then cd ~/smc/src/smc-util/; npm test; fi # send coverage report over to https://coveralls.io #after_success: # - if [[ $MODE = "server" ]]; then sh -c 'cat ./coverage/lcov.info | ./node_modules/.bin/coveralls'; fi notifications: slack: rooms: - sagemath:imLn6eVwpZSOBCWBIKu97HXx#dev email: recipients: - hsy@sagemath.com on_success: change on_failure: change