% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/plotGame.R \name{plotGame} \alias{plotGame} \title{Plot equilibrium search result (2-objectives only)} \usage{ plotGame(res, equilibrium = "NE", add = FALSE, UQ_eq = TRUE, simus = NULL, integcontrol = NULL, simucontrol = NULL, ncores = 1) } \arguments{ \item{res}{list returned by \code{\link[GPGame]{solve_game}}} \item{equilibrium}{either "\code{NE}" for Nash, "\code{KSE}" for Kalai-Smoridinsky and "\code{NKSE}" for Nash-Kalai-Smoridinsky} \item{add}{logical; if \code{TRUE} adds the first graphical output to an already existing plot; if \code{FALSE}, (default) starts a new plot} \item{UQ_eq}{logical; should simulations of the equilibrium be displayed?} \item{simus}{optional matrix of conditional simulation if \code{UQ_Eq} is \code{TRUE}} \item{integcontrol}{list with \code{n.s} element (maybe n.s should be returned by solve_game). See \code{\link[GPGame]{solve_game}}.} \item{simucontrol}{optional list for handling conditional simulations. See \code{\link[GPGame]{solve_game}}.} \item{ncores}{number of CPU available (> 1 makes mean parallel \code{TRUE})} } \description{ Plot equilibrium search result (2-objectives only) } \examples{ \dontrun{ library(GPareto) library(parallel) # Turn off on Windows parallel <- TRUE # FALSE # ncores <- 1 if(parallel) ncores <- detectCores() cov.reestim <- TRUE n.sim <- 20 n.ynew <- 20 IS <- TRUE set.seed(1) pb <- "P1" # 'P1' 'PDE' 'Diff' fun <- P1 equilibrium = "NE" d <- 2 nobj <- 2 n.init <- 20 n.ite <- 4 model.trend <- ~1 n.s <- rep(31, 2) #31 x.to.obj <- c(1,2) gridtype <- 'cartesian' nsimPoints <- 800 ncandPoints <- 200 sur_window_filter <- NULL sur_pnash_filter <- NULL Pnash_only_filter <- NULL res <- solve_game(fun, equilibrium = equilibrium, crit = "sur", model = NULL, n.init=n.init, n.ite = n.ite, nobj=nobj, x.to.obj = x.to.obj, integcontrol=list(n.s=n.s, gridtype=gridtype), simucontrol=list(n.ynew=n.ynew, n.sim=n.sim, IS=IS), ncores = ncores, d = d, filtercontrol=list(filter=sur_window_filter, nsimPoints=nsimPoints, ncandPoints=ncandPoints), kmcontrol=list(model.trend=model.trend), trace=3, seed=1) plotGame(res, equilibrium = equilibrium) dom <- matrix(c(0,0,1,1),2) plotGameGrid("P1", graphs = "objective", domain = dom, n.grid = 51, equilibrium = equilibrium) plotGame(res, equilibrium = equilibrium, add = TRUE) } }