/// // @ts-check const path = require("path"); const log = require("fancy-log"); // was `require("gulp-util").log (see https://github.com/gulpjs/gulp-util) const fs = require("fs"); const child_process = require("child_process"); const runSequence = require("run-sequence"); const newer = require("gulp-newer"); const insert = require("gulp-insert"); const { append } = require("gulp-insert"); const sourcemaps = require("gulp-sourcemaps"); const del = require("del"); const browserify = require("browserify"); const through2 = require("through2"); const fold = require("travis-fold"); const rename = require("gulp-rename"); const concat = require("gulp-concat"); const convertMap = require("convert-source-map"); const sorcery = require("sorcery"); const Vinyl = require("vinyl"); const mkdirp = require("./scripts/build/mkdirp"); const gulp = require("./scripts/build/gulp"); const getDirSize = require("./scripts/build/getDirSize"); const project = require("./scripts/build/project"); const replace = require("./scripts/build/replace"); const convertConstEnums = require("./scripts/build/convertConstEnum"); const needsUpdate = require("./scripts/build/needsUpdate"); const getDiffTool = require("./scripts/build/getDiffTool"); const baselineAccept = require("./scripts/build/baselineAccept"); const cmdLineOptions = require("./scripts/build/options"); const exec = require("./scripts/build/exec"); const _debugMode = require("./scripts/build/debugMode"); const { libraryTargets, generateLibs } = require("./scripts/build/lib"); const { runConsoleTests, cleanTestDirs, writeTestConfigFile, refBaseline, localBaseline, refRwcBaseline, localRwcBaseline } = require("./scripts/build/tests"); Error.stackTraceLimit = 1000; // Constants const host = cmdLineOptions.host; const copyright = "CopyrightNotice.txt"; project.addTypeScript("lkg", "./lib/typescript.js"); project.addTypeScript("built", "./built/local/typescriptServices.js"); project.addTypeScript("default", "lkg"); // Compile using the LKG compiler by default const scriptsProject = "scripts/tsconfig.json"; const configurePrereleaseJs = "scripts/configurePrerelease.js"; const processDiagnosticMessagesJs = "scripts/processDiagnosticMessages.js"; const generateLocalizedDiagnosticMessagesJs = "scripts/generateLocalizedDiagnosticMessages.js"; const buildProtocolJs = "scripts/buildProtocol.js"; const produceLKGJs = "scripts/produceLKG.js"; const word2mdJs = "scripts/word2md.js"; gulp.task("scripts", /*help*/ false, () => project.compile(scriptsProject), { aliases: [ configurePrereleaseJs, processDiagnosticMessagesJs, generateLocalizedDiagnosticMessagesJs, produceLKGJs, buildProtocolJs, word2mdJs ] }); gulp.task("clean-scripts", /*help*/ false, () => project.clean(scriptsProject)); // Nightly management tasks gulp.task( "configure-nightly", "Runs scripts/configurePrerelease.ts to prepare a build for nightly publishing", [configurePrereleaseJs], () => exec(host, [configurePrereleaseJs, "dev", "package.json", "src/compiler/core.ts"])); gulp.task( "publish-nightly", "Runs `npm publish --tag next` to create a new nightly build on npm", ["LKG"], () => runSequence("clean", "useDebugMode", "runtests-parallel", () => exec("npm", ["publish", "--tag", "next"]))); const importDefinitelyTypedTestsProject = "scripts/importDefinitelyTypedTests/tsconfig.json"; const importDefinitelyTypedTestsJs = "scripts/importDefinitelyTypedTests/importDefinitelyTypedTests.js"; gulp.task(importDefinitelyTypedTestsJs, /*help*/ false, () => project.compile(importDefinitelyTypedTestsProject)); gulp.task("clean:" + importDefinitelyTypedTestsJs, /*help*/ false, () => project.clean(importDefinitelyTypedTestsProject)); gulp.task( "importDefinitelyTypedTests", "Runs scripts/importDefinitelyTypedTests/importDefinitelyTypedTests.ts to copy DT's tests to the TS-internal RWC tests", [importDefinitelyTypedTestsJs], () => exec(host, [importDefinitelyTypedTestsJs, "./", "../DefinitelyTyped"])); gulp.task( "lib", "Builds the library targets", () => generateLibs([copyright])); // The generated diagnostics map; built for the compiler and for the "generate-diagnostics" task const diagnosticInformationMapTs = "src/compiler/diagnosticInformationMap.generated.ts"; const diagnosticMessagesJson = "src/compiler/diagnosticMessages.json"; const diagnosticMessagesGeneratedJson = "src/compiler/diagnosticMessages.generated.json"; gulp.task(diagnosticInformationMapTs, /*help*/ false, [processDiagnosticMessagesJs], () => { if (needsUpdate(diagnosticMessagesJson, [diagnosticMessagesGeneratedJson, diagnosticInformationMapTs])) { return exec(host, [processDiagnosticMessagesJs, diagnosticMessagesJson]); } }); gulp.task("clean:" + diagnosticInformationMapTs, /*help*/ false, () => del([diagnosticInformationMapTs, diagnosticMessagesGeneratedJson])); const builtGeneratedDiagnosticMessagesJson = "built/local/diagnosticMessages.generated.json"; gulp.task(builtGeneratedDiagnosticMessagesJson, /*help*/ false, [diagnosticInformationMapTs], () => gulp.src([diagnosticMessagesGeneratedJson], { base: "src/compiler" }) .pipe(newer(builtGeneratedDiagnosticMessagesJson)) .pipe(gulp.dest("built/local"))); gulp.task( "generate-diagnostics", "Generates a diagnostic file in TypeScript based on an input JSON file", [diagnosticInformationMapTs]); // Localize diagnostics /** * .lcg file is what localization team uses to know what messages to localize. * The file is always generated in 'enu/diagnosticMessages.generated.json.lcg' */ const generatedLCGFile = "built/local/enu/diagnosticMessages.generated.json.lcg"; /** * The localization target produces the two following transformations: * 1. 'src\loc\lcl\\diagnosticMessages.generated.json.lcl' => 'built\local\\diagnosticMessages.generated.json' * convert localized resources into a .json file the compiler can understand * 2. 'src\compiler\diagnosticMessages.generated.json' => 'built\local\ENU\diagnosticMessages.generated.json.lcg' * generate the lcg file (source of messages to localize) from the diagnosticMessages.generated.json */ const localizationTargets = ["cs", "de", "es", "fr", "it", "ja", "ko", "pl", "pt-BR", "ru", "tr", "zh-CN", "zh-TW"] .map(f => `built/local/${f}/diagnosticMessages.generated.json`) .concat(generatedLCGFile); gulp.task(generatedLCGFile, /*help*/ false, [generateLocalizedDiagnosticMessagesJs, diagnosticInformationMapTs], (done) => { if (needsUpdate(diagnosticMessagesGeneratedJson, generatedLCGFile)) { return exec(host, [generateLocalizedDiagnosticMessagesJs, "src/loc/lcl", "built/local", diagnosticMessagesGeneratedJson], { ignoreExitCode: true }); } }); gulp.task("localize", /*help*/ false, [generatedLCGFile]); const typescriptServicesProject = "built/local/typescriptServices.tsconfig.json"; gulp.task(typescriptServicesProject, /*help*/ false, () => { // NOTE: flatten services so that we can properly strip @internal project.flatten("src/services/tsconfig.json", typescriptServicesProject, { compilerOptions: { "removeComments": true, "stripInternal": true, "outFile": "typescriptServices.js" } }); }); const typescriptServicesJs = "built/local/typescriptServices.js"; const typescriptServicesDts = "built/local/typescriptServices.d.ts"; gulp.task(typescriptServicesJs, /*help*/ false, ["lib", "generate-diagnostics", typescriptServicesProject], () => project.compile(typescriptServicesProject, { dts: convertConstEnums() }), { aliases: [typescriptServicesDts] }); const typescriptJs = "built/local/typescript.js"; gulp.task(typescriptJs, /*help*/ false, [typescriptServicesJs], () => gulp.src([typescriptServicesJs], { base: "built/local" }) .pipe(newer(typescriptJs)) .pipe(rename("typescript.js")) .pipe(gulp.dest("built/local"))) const typescriptDts = "built/local/typescript.d.ts"; gulp.task(typescriptDts, /*help*/ false, [typescriptServicesDts], () => gulp.src([typescriptServicesDts], { base: "built/local" }) .pipe(newer(typescriptDts)) .pipe(append("\nexport = ts;")) .pipe(rename("typescript.d.ts")) .pipe(gulp.dest("built/local"))); const typescriptStandaloneDts = "built/local/typescript_standalone.d.ts"; gulp.task(typescriptStandaloneDts, /*help*/ false, [typescriptServicesDts], () => gulp.src([typescriptServicesDts], { base: "built/local" }) .pipe(newer(typescriptStandaloneDts)) .pipe(replace(/declare (namespace|module) ts/g, 'declare module "typescript"')) .pipe(rename("typescript_standalone.d.ts")) .pipe(gulp.dest("built/local"))); // build all 'typescriptServices'-related outputs gulp.task("typescriptServices", /*help*/ false, [typescriptServicesJs, typescriptServicesDts, typescriptJs, typescriptDts, typescriptStandaloneDts]); const tscProject = "src/tsc/tsconfig.json"; const tscJs = "built/local/tsc.js"; gulp.task(tscJs, /*help*/ false, [typescriptServicesJs], () => project.compile(tscProject, { typescript: "built" })); const cancellationTokenProject = "src/cancellationToken/tsconfig.json"; const cancellationTokenJs = "built/local/cancellationToken.js"; gulp.task(cancellationTokenJs, /*help*/ false, [typescriptServicesJs], () => project.compile(cancellationTokenProject, { typescript: "built" })); const typingsInstallerProject = "src/typingsInstaller/tsconfig.json"; const typingsInstallerJs = "built/local/typingsInstaller.js"; gulp.task(typingsInstallerJs, /*help*/ false, [typescriptServicesJs], () => project.compile(typingsInstallerProject, { typescript: "built" })); const tsserverProject = "src/tsserver/tsconfig.json"; const tsserverJs = "built/local/tsserver.js"; gulp.task(tsserverJs, /*help*/ false, [typescriptServicesJs], () => project.compile(tsserverProject, { typescript: "built" })); const watchGuardProject = "src/watchGuard/tsconfig.json"; const watchGuardJs = "built/local/watchGuard.js"; gulp.task(watchGuardJs, /*help*/ false, [typescriptServicesJs], () => project.compile(watchGuardProject, { typescript: "built" })); const typesMapJson = "built/local/typesMap.json"; gulp.task(typesMapJson, /*help*/ false, [], () => gulp.src("src/server/typesMap.json") .pipe(newer(typesMapJson)) .pipe(insert.transform(contents => (JSON.parse(contents), contents))) .pipe(gulp.dest("built/local"))); const tsserverlibraryDts = "built/local/tsserverlibrary.d.ts"; gulp.task(tsserverlibraryDts, /*help*/ false, [tsserverJs], () => gulp.src(["built/local/compiler.d.ts", "built/local/jsTyping.d.ts", "built/local/services.d.ts", "built/local/server.d.ts"], { base: "built/local" }) .pipe(convertConstEnums()) .pipe(concat("tsserverlibrary.d.ts", { newLine: "\n" })) .pipe(append("\nexport = ts;\nexport as namespace ts;")) .pipe(gulp.dest("built/local"))); gulp.task( "lssl", "Builds language service server library", [tsserverlibraryDts]); gulp.task( "local", "Builds the full compiler and services", [tscJs, "typescriptServices", tsserverJs, builtGeneratedDiagnosticMessagesJson, tsserverlibraryDts, "localize"]); gulp.task( "tsc", "Builds only the compiler", [tscJs]); // Generate Markdown spec const specMd = "doc/spec.md"; gulp.task(specMd, /*help*/ false, [word2mdJs], () => exec("cscript", ["//nologo", word2mdJs, path.resolve(specMd), path.resolve("doc/TypeScript Language Specification.docx")])); gulp.task( "generate-spec", "Generates a Markdown version of the Language Specification", [specMd]); gulp.task("produce-LKG", /*help*/ false, ["scripts", "local", cancellationTokenJs, typingsInstallerJs, watchGuardJs], () => { const expectedFiles = [ tscJs, typescriptServicesJs, tsserverJs, typescriptJs, typescriptDts, typescriptServicesDts, tsserverlibraryDts, tsserverlibraryDts, typingsInstallerJs, cancellationTokenJs ].concat(libraryTargets); const missingFiles = expectedFiles .concat(localizationTargets) .filter(f => !fs.existsSync(f)); if (missingFiles.length > 0) { throw new Error("Cannot replace the LKG unless all built targets are present in directory 'built/local/'. The following files are missing:\n" + missingFiles.join("\n")); } const sizeBefore = getDirSize("lib"); return exec(host, [produceLKGJs]).then(() => { const sizeAfter = getDirSize("lib"); if (sizeAfter > (sizeBefore * 1.10)) { throw new Error("The lib folder increased by 10% or more. This likely indicates a bug."); } }); }); gulp.task( "LKG", "Makes a new LKG out of the built js files", () => runSequence("clean-built", "dontUseDebugMode", "produce-LKG")); // Task to build the tests infrastructure using the built compiler const testRunnerProject = "src/testRunner/tsconfig.json"; const runJs = "built/local/run.js"; gulp.task(runJs, /*help*/ false, [typescriptServicesJs, tsserverlibraryDts], () => project.compile(testRunnerProject, { typescript: "built" })); gulp.task( "tests", "Builds the test infrastructure using the built compiler", [runJs]); gulp.task( "tests-debug", "Builds the test sources and automation in debug mode", () => runSequence("useDebugMode", "tests")); gulp.task( "runtests-parallel", "Runs all the tests in parallel using the built run.js file. Optional arguments are: --t[ests]=category1|category2|... --d[ebug]=true.", ["build-rules", "tests"], () => runConsoleTests(runJs, "min", /*runInParallel*/ true)); gulp.task( "runtests", "Runs the tests using the built run.js file. Optional arguments are: --t[ests]=regex --r[eporter]=[list|spec|json|] --d[ebug]=true --color[s]=false --lint=true.", ["build-rules", "tests"], () => runConsoleTests(runJs, "mocha-fivemat-progress-reporter", /*runInParallel*/ false)); const webTestServerProject = "tests/webTestServer.tsconfig.json"; const webTestServerJs = "tests/webTestServer.js"; gulp.task(webTestServerJs, /*help*/ false, [typescriptServicesJs], () => project.compile(webTestServerProject, { typescript: "built" })); gulp.task("clean:" + webTestServerJs, /*help*/ false, () => project.clean(webTestServerProject)); const bundlePath = path.resolve("built/local/bundle.js"); // TODO(rbuckton): Clean up browserify logic gulp.task( "browserify", "Runs browserify on run.js to produce a file suitable for running tests in the browser", [runJs], (done) => { /** @type {*} */ let originalMap; /** @type {string} */ let prebundledContent; browserify(gulp.src([runJs]) .pipe(newer(bundlePath)) .pipe(sourcemaps.init({ loadMaps: true })) .pipe(through2.obj((file, enc, next) => { if (originalMap) { throw new Error("Should only recieve one file!"); } log(`Saving sourcemaps for ${file.path}`); originalMap = file.sourceMap; prebundledContent = file.contents.toString(); // Make paths absolute to help sorcery deal with all the terrible paths being thrown around originalMap.sources = originalMap.sources.map(s => path.resolve(path.join("src/harness", s))); // browserify names input files this when they are streamed in, so this is what it puts in the sourcemap originalMap.file = "built/local/_stream_0.js"; next(/*err*/ undefined, file.contents); })) .on("error", err => { return done(err); }), { debug: true, basedir: __dirname }) // Attach error handler to inner stream .bundle((err, contents) => { if (err) { if (err.message.match(/Cannot find module '.*_stream_0.js'/)) { return done(); // Browserify errors when we pass in no files when `newer` filters the input, we should count that as a success, though } return done(err); } const stringContent = contents.toString(); const file = new Vinyl({ contents, path: bundlePath }); log(`Fixing sourcemaps for ${file.path}`); // assumes contents is a Buffer, since that's what browserify yields const maps = convertMap.fromSource(stringContent).toObject(); delete maps.sourceRoot; maps.sources = maps.sources.map(s => path.resolve(s === "_stream_0.js" ? "built/local/_stream_0.js" : s)); // Strip browserify's inline comments away (could probably just let sorcery do this, but then we couldn't fix the paths) file.contents = new Buffer(convertMap.removeComments(stringContent)); const chain = sorcery.loadSync(bundlePath, { content: { "built/local/_stream_0.js": prebundledContent, [bundlePath]: stringContent }, sourcemaps: { "built/local/_stream_0.js": originalMap, [bundlePath]: maps, "node_modules/source-map-support/source-map-support.js": undefined, } }); const finalMap = chain.apply(); file.sourceMap = finalMap; const stream = through2.obj((file, enc, callback) => { return callback(/*err*/ undefined, file); }); stream.pipe(sourcemaps.write(".", { includeContent: false })) .pipe(gulp.dest(".")) .on("end", done) .on("error", done); stream.write(file); stream.end(); }); }); gulp.task( "runtests-browser", "Runs the tests using the built run.js file like 'gulp runtests'. Syntax is gulp runtests-browser. Additional optional parameters --tests=[regex], --browser=[chrome|IE]", ["browserify", webTestServerJs], () => cleanTestDirs().then(() => { const tests = cmdLineOptions.tests; const runners = cmdLineOptions.runners; const light = cmdLineOptions.light; const testConfigFile = "test.config"; if (fs.existsSync(testConfigFile)) { fs.unlinkSync(testConfigFile); } if (tests || runners || light) { writeTestConfigFile(tests, runners, light); } const args = [webTestServerJs]; if (cmdLineOptions.browser) { args.push(cmdLineOptions.browser); } if (tests) { args.push(JSON.stringify(tests)); } return exec("node", args); })); gulp.task( "generate-code-coverage", "Generates code coverage data via istanbul", ["tests"], () => exec("istanbul", ["cover", "node_modules/mocha/bin/_mocha", "--", "-R", "min", "-t", "" + cmdLineOptions.testTimeout, runJs])); gulp.task( "diff", "Diffs the compiler baselines using the diff tool specified by the 'DIFF' environment variable", () => exec(getDiffTool(), [refBaseline, localBaseline], { ignoreExitCode: true })); gulp.task( "diff-rwc", "Diffs the RWC baselines using the diff tool specified by the 'DIFF' environment variable", () => exec(getDiffTool(), [refRwcBaseline, localRwcBaseline], { ignoreExitCode: true })); gulp.task( "baseline-accept", "Makes the most recent test results the new baseline, overwriting the old baseline", () => baselineAccept()); gulp.task( "baseline-accept-rwc", "Makes the most recent rwc test results the new baseline, overwriting the old baseline", () => baselineAccept("rwc")); gulp.task( "baseline-accept-test262", "Makes the most recent test262 test results the new baseline, overwriting the old baseline", () => baselineAccept("test262")); // Webhost const webtscProject = "tests/webhost/webtsc.tsconfig.json"; const webtscJs = "tests/webhost/webtsc.js"; gulp.task(webtscJs, /*help*/ false, [typescriptServicesJs], () => project.compile(webtscProject, { typescript: "built" })); gulp.task("clean:" + webtscJs, /*help*/ false, () => project.clean(webtscProject)); gulp.task("webhost", "Builds the tsc web host", [webtscJs], () => gulp.src("built/local/lib.d.ts") .pipe(gulp.dest("tests/webhost/"))); // Perf compiler const perftscProject = "tests/perftsc.tsconfig.json"; const perftscJs = "built/local/perftsc.js"; gulp.task(perftscJs, /*help*/ false, [typescriptServicesJs], () => project.compile(perftscProject, { typescript: "built" })); gulp.task("clean:" + perftscJs, /*help*/ false, () => project.clean(perftscProject)); gulp.task( "perftsc", "Builds augmented version of the compiler for perf tests", [perftscJs]); // Instrumented compiler const loggedIOTs = "src/harness/loggedIO.ts"; const loggedIOJs = "built/local/loggedIO.js"; gulp.task(loggedIOJs, /*help*/ false, [], (done) => { return mkdirp("built/local/temp") .then(() => exec(host, ["lib/tsc.js", "--types", "--target es5", "--lib es5", "--outdir", "built/local/temp", loggedIOTs])) .then(() => { fs.renameSync(path.join("built/local/temp", "/harness/loggedIO.js"), loggedIOJs); }) .then(() => del("built/local/temp")); }); const instrumenterProject = "src/instrumenter/tsconfig.json"; const instrumenterJs = "built/local/instrumenter.js"; gulp.task(instrumenterJs, /*help*/ false, () => project.compile(instrumenterProject)); gulp.task("clean:" + instrumenterJs, /*help*/ false, () => project.clean(instrumenterProject)); gulp.task( "tsc-instrumented", "Builds an instrumented tsc.js - run with --test=[testname]", ["local", loggedIOJs, instrumenterJs, typescriptServicesJs], () => exec(host, [instrumenterJs, "record", cmdLineOptions.tests || "iocapture", "built/local"])); gulp.task( "update-sublime", "Updates the sublime plugin's tsserver", ["local", tsserverJs], () => gulp.src([tsserverJs, tsserverJs + ".map"]) .pipe(gulp.dest("../TypeScript-Sublime-Plugin/tsserver/"))); gulp.task( "build-rules", "Compiles tslint rules to js", () => project.compile("scripts/tslint/tsconfig.json")); gulp.task("clean-rules", /*help*/ false, () => project.clean("scripts/tslint/tsconfig.json")); gulp.task( "lint", "Runs tslint on the compiler sources. Optional arguments are: --f[iles]=regex", ["build-rules"], () => { if (fold.isTravis()) console.log(fold.start("lint")); for (const project of ["scripts/tslint/tsconfig.json", "src/tsconfig-base.json"]) { const cmd = `node node_modules/tslint/bin/tslint --project ${project} --formatters-dir ./built/local/tslint/formatters --format autolinkableStylish${cmdLineOptions.fix ? " --fix" : ""}`; log("Linting: " + cmd); child_process.execSync(cmd, { stdio: [0, 1, 2] }); } if (fold.isTravis()) console.log(fold.end("lint")); }); gulp.task( "default", "Runs 'local'", ["local"]); // TODO(rbuckton): Investigate restoring gulp.watch() functionality. // gulp.task( // "watch", // "Watches the src/ directory for changes and executes runtests-parallel.", // [], // () => gulp.watch("src/**/*.*", ["runtests-parallel"])); gulp.task("clean-built", /*help*/ false, ["clean:" + diagnosticInformationMapTs], () => del(["built"])); gulp.task( "clean", "Cleans the compiler output, declare files, and tests", [ "clean:" + importDefinitelyTypedTestsJs, "clean:" + webtscJs, "clean:" + perftscJs, "clean:" + instrumenterJs, "clean:" + webTestServerJs, "clean-scripts", "clean-rules", "clean-built" ]);