Raw File
\title{Vertices of a Window}
  Finds the vertices of a window, or similar object.

  \item{w}{A window (object of class \code{"owin"}) or similar object.}
  A list with components \code{x} and \code{y} giving the coordinates
  of the vertices.
  This function computes the vertices (`corners') of a spatial window
  or other object.

  For \code{vertices.owin},
  the argument \code{w} should be a window (an object of class
  \code{"owin"}, see \code{\link{owin.object}} for details).

  If \code{w} is a rectangle, the coordinates of the
  four corner points are returned.

  If \code{w} is a polygonal window (consisting of one or more
  polygons), the coordinates of the vertices of all polygons are

  If \code{w} is a binary mask, then a `boundary pixel' is defined to be
  a pixel inside the window
  which has at least one neighbour outside the window. The coordinates
  of the centres of all boundary pixels are returned.
  vert <- vertices(letterR)

  plot(letterR, main="Polygonal vertices")
  plot(letterR, main="Boundary pixels")
  and \rolf
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