Tip revision: af9eede56f27215ca38ddd32564017f1f90417d0 authored by Diana Dima on 20 November 2021, 02:04:32 UTC
final clean up fixes
final clean up fixes
Tip revision: af9eede
function [magn, ornt, of_x, of_y] = get_optic_flow(videolist, inputsize)
%extract optic flow from a set of videos (Horn-Shunck algorithm)
%save magnitude, orientation, Vx and Vy, averaged across frames
%Inputs: videolist = cell array of video paths to load
% inputsize = frame size to reduce videos to (to speed up calculation)
%DC Dima 2020 (
nvid = numel(videolist);
ornt = nan(nvid, prod(inputsize)); %orientation
magn = nan(nvid, prod(inputsize)); %magnitude
of_x = nan(nvid, prod(inputsize)); %x component
of_y = nan(nvid, prod(inputsize)); %y component
%video loop
for v = 1:nvid
fprintf('\nVideo %d...\n',v);
vid = VideoReader(videolist{v});
oF = opticalFlowHS;
or = nan(prod(inputsize),ceil(vid.FrameRate*vid.Duration));
mg = or; ox = or; oy = or;
count = 0;
%frame loop
while hasFrame(vid)
count = count+1;
frameRGB = readFrame(vid);
if size(frameRGB,1)~=inputsize(1) || size(frameRGB,2)~=inputsize(2)
frameRGB = imresize(frameRGB, inputsize);
frameGray = rgb2gray(frameRGB);
flow = estimateFlow(oF,frameGray); %flow object, contains Orientation & Magnitude, size h x w
or(:,count) = flow.Orientation(:);
mg(:,count) = flow.Magnitude(:);
ox(:,count) = flow.Vx(:);
oy(:,count) = flow.Vy(:);
of_x(v,:) = squeeze(nanmean(ox,2));
of_y(v,:) = squeeze(nanmean(oy,2));
ornt(v,:) = squeeze(nanmean(or,2));
magn(v,:) = squeeze(nanmean(mg,2));