Tip revision: 25214e052b7b7b35a20ce546f2b2cd9f009960ba authored by Alexey Sergushichev on 11 December 2018, 21:48:19 UTC
metadata update
metadata update
Tip revision: 25214e0
#' Load GEO Dataset.
#' \code{loadPreloaded} returns the file with serialized ExpressionSets using
#' ProtoBuf, that were preloaded on server.
#' @param name String, containing filename. Assuming
#' that in the directory with preloaded files \code{preloadedDir}
#' exists file \code{filename.rda} with list of ExpressionSets \code{ess}.
#' @param exactName If you know, that inside file is object with name
#' \code{exactName}, you can specify it to load only this object.
#' Otherwise, whole file will be loaded.
#' @return File with ProtoBuf-serialized ExpressionSet-s
#' that were loaded from specified file.
#' @import Biobase
loadPreloaded <- function(name, exactName = NULL) {
preloadedDir <- getOption("phantasusPreloadedDir")
if (is.null(preloadedDir)) {
stop("Specify the directory with presaved files")
} else if (!dir.exists(preloadedDir)) {
stop("No such directory")
fileToLoad <- file.path(preloadedDir, paste0(name, '.rda'))
if (file.exists(fileToLoad)) {
x <- load(fileToLoad) # must return the object ess
loaded <- get(x)
wrongFormat <- paste("Wrong format.",
"File must contain either ExpressionSet",
"or list of ExpressionSets")
ess <- NULL
if (class(loaded) == "ExpressionSet") {
ess <- list()
ess[[x]] <- loaded
} else if (class(loaded) != "list") {
} else {
ess <- loaded
files <- list()
seriesNames <- names(ess)
if (is.null(seriesNames)) {
seriesNames <- paste0(name, "_", 1:length(ess))
if (!is.null(exactName) && exactName == name) {
exactName <- NULL
if (!is.null(exactName) && !(exactName %in% seriesNames)) {
stop("There is not such object in this file")
if (!is.null(exactName)) {
ess <- list(ess[[exactName]])
for (i in 1:length(ess)) {
if (class(ess[[i]]) != "ExpressionSet") {
assign("es", ess[[i]], envir = parent.frame())
files[[seriesNames[[i]]]] <- writeToList(ess[[i]])
f <- tempfile(pattern = "gse", tmpdir = getwd(), fileext = ".bin")
writeBin(protolite::serialize_pb(files), f)
} else {
stop("No such file")
#' Check existence of phantasusPreloadedDir
#' \code{preloadedDirExists} checks if there is specified
#' directory with preloaded files.
#' @return Boolean value.
preloadedDirExists <- function() {
preloadedDir <- getOption("phantasusPreloadedDir")
jsonlite::toJSON(!is.null(preloadedDir) && dir.exists(preloadedDir))
#' Check names inside preloaded file
#' \code{checkPreloadedNames} checks names of ExpressionSets that
#' are included in file \code{name}
#' @param name String, containing filename. Assuming
#' that in the directory with preloaded files \code{preloadedDir}
#' exists file \code{filename.rda} with list of ExpressionSets \code{ess}.
#' @return Vector of names serialized in JSON format.
checkPreloadedNames <- function(name) {
if (!jsonlite::fromJSON(preloadedDirExists())) {
stop("No such directory")
preloadedDir <- getOption("phantasusPreloadedDir")
fileToLoad <- file.path(preloadedDir, paste0(name, '.rda'))
if (!file.exists(fileToLoad)) {
fileToLoadGct <- file.path(preloadedDir, paste0(name, '.gct'))
if (!file.exists(fileToLoadGct)) {
stop("No such file")
es <- read.gct(fileToLoadGct)
ess <- list(es=es)
names(ess) <- name
save(ess, file=fileToLoad, compress = TRUE)
x <- load(fileToLoad) # must return the object ess
loaded <- get(x)
answer <- c()
if (class(loaded) == "ExpressionSet") {
answer <- c(x)
} else if (class(loaded) == "list") {
if (!is.null(names(loaded))) {
answer <- names(loaded)
else {
if (length(loaded) > 1) {
answer <- paste0(name, "_", 1:length(loaded))
} else {
answer <- c(name)
} else {
wrongFormat <- paste("Wrong format.",
"File must contain either ExpressionSet",
"or list of ExpressionSets")