\name{factorial} \alias{factorial} \docType{data} \title{ Data From a Chemical Experiment } \description{ A factorial designed experiment from chemistry. Three experimental variables representing reactor conditions, and the response, conversion (\%) from n-Heptane to acetylene. } \usage{data(factorial)} \format{ A data frame with 16 observations on the following 4 variables. \describe{ \item{\code{temperature}}{reactor temperature} \item{\code{ratio}}{ratio of H2 to n-heptane (mole ratio)} \item{\code{contact}}{Contact time (sec)} \item{\code{conversion}}{the response, conversion from n-heptane to acetylene} } } \details{ This data is used in an exercise on regression with many explanatory variables, page 413 of second edition. Original authors assume a quadratic functional form. } \source{ } \references{ } \examples{ data(factorial) summary(factorial) # non-Bayesian analysis: fac.mod1 <- lm(conversion ~ temperature+ratio+contact+ I(temperature*ratio)+I(temperature*contact)+ I(ratio*contact)+I(temperature^2)+I(ratio^2)+I(contact^2), data=factorial) summary(fac.mod1) } \keyword{datasets} \concept{ridge regression}