Raw File
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Fri May  3 12:09:11 2019


import math
import numpy
#from scipy.linalg.blas import daxpy
#from scipy.linalg.blas import ddot
#from scipy.linalg.blas import dscal
#from scipy.linalg.blas import idamax

#from Documents.ChromaStarPy.GAS.blas.Ddot import ddot
#from Documents.ChromaStarPy.GAS.blas.Dscal import dscal
#from Documents.ChromaStarPy.GAS.blas.Idamax import idamax
#from Documents.ChromaStarPy.GAS.blas.Daxpy import daxpy
import Ddot
import Dscal
import Idamax
import Daxpy

def dgefa(a, lda, n):
    #a = [ [0.0e0 for i in range(n)] for j in range(n) ] #output array
    info = 0
    ipvt = [0 for i in range(n)]
    #aOut = [ [a[j][i] for i in range(n)] for j in range(n) ]
c     dgefa factors a double precision matrix by gaussian elimination.
c     dgefa is usually called by dgeco, but it can be called
c     directly with a saving in time if  rcond  is not needed.
c     (time for dgeco) = (1 + 9/n)*(time for dgefa) .
c     on entry
c        a       double precision(lda, n)
c                the matrix to be factored.
c        lda     integer
c                the leading dimension of the array  a .
c        n       integer
c                the order of the matrix  a .
c     on return
c        a       an upper triangular matrix and the multipliers
c                which were used to obtain it.
c                the factorization can be written  a = l*u  where
c                l  is a product of permutation and unit lower
c                triangular matrices and  u  is upper triangular.
c        ipvt    integer(n)
c                an integer vector of pivot indices.
c        info    integer
c                = 0  normal value.
c                = k  if  u(k,k) .eq. 0.0 .  this is not an error
c                     condition for this subroutine, but it does
c                     indicate that dgesl or dgedi will divide by zero
c                     if called.  use  rcond  in dgeco for a reliable
c                     indication of singularity.
c     linpack. this version dated 08/14/78 .
c     cleve moler, university of new mexico, argonne national lab.
c     subroutines and functions
c     blas daxpy,dscal,idamax
c     internal variables

    Port to python by Ian Short
    Saint Mary's University
    May 2019
    #c     gaussian elimination with partial pivoting
    info = 0
    nm1 = n - 1
    #print("DGEFA: n ", n, " nm1 ", nm1)
    if (nm1 >= 1):
        for k in range(nm1):
            #print("DGEFA: k ", k, " n-k ", n-k)
            kp1 = k + 1
            #c        find l = pivot index
            #l = idamax(n-k+1, a[k][k], 1) + k - 1
            #l = idamax(n-k+1, [a[kk][k] for kk in range(k, n)], 1) + k - 1
            #print("IDAMAX: a ", [a[kk][k] for kk in range(k, n)])
            l = Idamax.idamax(n-k, [a[kk][k] for kk in range(k, n)], 1) + k
            #print("l ", l)
            ipvt[k] = l
            #c        zero pivot implies this column already triangularized
            #if (a[l][k] != 0.0e0):
            if (a[l][k] != 0.0e0):
                #c           interchange if necessary
                if (l != k):
                    #print("l != k")
                    #t = a[l][k]
                    #a[l][k] = a[k][k]
                    #a[k][k] = t
                    t = a[l][k]
                    a[l][k] = a[k][k]
                    a[k][k] = t                    
                #c           compute multipliers
                #t = -1.0e0/a[k][k]
                t = -1.0e0/a[k][k]
                #FORTRAN: call dscal(n-k, t, a[k+1][k], 1)
                #3rd parameter is in/out
                #a[k+1][k] = dscal(n-k, t, a[k+1][k], 1)
                #[a[k+1][kk] for kk in range(k, n)] =\
                #dscal(n-k, t, [a[k+1][kk] for kk in range(k, n)], 1)
                #print("BEFORE DSCAL: t ", t, " a ", [a[kk][k] for kk in range(k+1, n)])
                dscalOut =\
                Dscal.dscal(n-k-1, t, [a[kk][k] for kk in range(k+1, n)], 1)
                #dscalSize = len(dscalOut)
                #[a[k+1][kk] for kk in range(k, n)] = [dscalOut[ll] for ll in range(dscalSize)]
                dscalCount = 0
                for kk in range(k+1, n):
                    a[kk][k] = dscalOut[dscalCount]
                #print("AFTER DSCAL: a ", [a[kk][k] for kk in range(n)])
                #scipy: a[k+1][k] = dscal(t, a[k+1][k], n-k, 1)
                #c           row elimination with column indexing
                for j in range(kp1, n):
                    #t = a[l][j]
                    t = a[l][j]
                    if (l != k):
                        #a[l][j] = a[k][j]
                        #a[k][j] = t
                        a[l][j] = a[k][j]
                        a[k][j] = t                        

                    #FORTRAN call daxpy(n-k, t, a[k+1][k] ,1, a[k+1][j], 1)
                    #5th parameter is in/out
                    #a[k+1][j] = daxpy(n-k, t, a[k+1][k] ,1, a[k+1][j], 1)
                    #[a[k+1][jj] for jj in range(j, n)] =\
                    #daxpy(n-k, t, [a[k+1][kk] for kk in range(k, n)], 1, [a[k+1][jj] for jj in range(j, n)], 1)
                    #print("k ", k, " j ", j, " l ", l, " t ", t)
                    #print("Before DAXPY: [a[kk][j] for kk in range(k+1, n)] ",\
                    #                      [a[kk][j] for kk in range(k+1, n)]) 
                    daxpyOut =\
                    Daxpy.daxpy(n-k-1, t, [a[kk][k] for kk in range(k+1, n)], 1, [a[kk][j] for kk in range(k+1, n)], 1)
                    #daxpySize = len(daxpyOut)
                    daxpyCount = 0
                    for kk in range(k+1, n):
                        a[kk][j] = daxpyOut[daxpyCount]
                    #print("After DAXPY: [a[kk][j] for kk in range(k+1, n)] ",\
                    #                      [a[kk][j] for kk in range(k+1, n)])                     
                    #scipy library: a[k+1][j] = daxpy(t, a[k+1][k], n-k, 1, 1)
            if (a[l][k] == 0.0e0):
                info = k
    #print("DGEFA final n ", n)
    #ipvt[n-1] = n
    ipvt[n-1] = n-1
    if (a[n-1][n-1] == 0.0e0):
        #info = n
        info = n-1
# Try returning a tupple:
    return a, ipvt, info



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