# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: https://julialang.org/license # The epochs used for date rounding are based ISO 8601's "year zero" notation const DATEEPOCH = value(Date(0)) const DATETIMEEPOCH = value(DateTime(0)) # According to ISO 8601, the first day of the first week of year 0000 is 0000-01-03 const WEEKEPOCH = value(Date(0, 1, 3)) """ epochdays2date(days) -> Date Takes the number of days since the rounding epoch (`0000-01-01T00:00:00`) and returns the corresponding `Date`. """ epochdays2date(i) = Date(UTD(DATEEPOCH + Int64(i))) """ epochms2datetime(milliseconds) -> DateTime Takes the number of milliseconds since the rounding epoch (`0000-01-01T00:00:00`) and returns the corresponding `DateTime`. """ epochms2datetime(i) = DateTime(UTM(DATETIMEEPOCH + Int64(i))) """ date2epochdays(dt::Date) -> Int64 Takes the given `Date` and returns the number of days since the rounding epoch (`0000-01-01T00:00:00`) as an [`Int64`](@ref). """ date2epochdays(dt::Date) = value(dt) - DATEEPOCH """ datetime2epochms(dt::DateTime) -> Int64 Takes the given `DateTime` and returns the number of milliseconds since the rounding epoch (`0000-01-01T00:00:00`) as an [`Int64`](@ref). """ datetime2epochms(dt::DateTime) = value(dt) - DATETIMEEPOCH function Base.floor(dt::Date, p::Year) value(p) < 1 && throw(DomainError()) years = year(dt) return Date(years - mod(years, value(p))) end function Base.floor(dt::Date, p::Month) value(p) < 1 && throw(DomainError()) y, m = yearmonth(dt) months_since_epoch = y * 12 + m - 1 month_offset = months_since_epoch - mod(months_since_epoch, value(p)) target_month = mod(month_offset, 12) + 1 target_year = div(month_offset, 12) - (month_offset < 0 && target_month != 1) return Date(target_year, target_month) end function Base.floor(dt::Date, p::Week) value(p) < 1 && throw(DomainError()) days = value(dt) - WEEKEPOCH days = days - mod(days, value(Day(p))) return Date(UTD(WEEKEPOCH + Int64(days))) end function Base.floor(dt::Date, p::Day) value(p) < 1 && throw(DomainError()) days = date2epochdays(dt) return epochdays2date(days - mod(days, value(p))) end Base.floor(dt::DateTime, p::DatePeriod) = DateTime(Base.floor(Date(dt), p)) function Base.floor(dt::DateTime, p::TimePeriod) value(p) < 1 && throw(DomainError()) milliseconds = datetime2epochms(dt) return epochms2datetime(milliseconds - mod(milliseconds, value(Millisecond(p)))) end """ floor(dt::TimeType, p::Period) -> TimeType Returns the nearest `Date` or `DateTime` less than or equal to `dt` at resolution `p`. For convenience, `p` may be a type instead of a value: `floor(dt, Dates.Hour)` is a shortcut for `floor(dt, Dates.Hour(1))`. ```jldoctest julia> floor(Date(1985, 8, 16), Dates.Month) 1985-08-01 julia> floor(DateTime(2013, 2, 13, 0, 31, 20), Dates.Minute(15)) 2013-02-13T00:30:00 julia> floor(DateTime(2016, 8, 6, 12, 0, 0), Dates.Day) 2016-08-06T00:00:00 ``` """ Base.floor(::Dates.TimeType, ::Dates.Period) """ ceil(dt::TimeType, p::Period) -> TimeType Returns the nearest `Date` or `DateTime` greater than or equal to `dt` at resolution `p`. For convenience, `p` may be a type instead of a value: `ceil(dt, Dates.Hour)` is a shortcut for `ceil(dt, Dates.Hour(1))`. ```jldoctest julia> ceil(Date(1985, 8, 16), Dates.Month) 1985-09-01 julia> ceil(DateTime(2013, 2, 13, 0, 31, 20), Dates.Minute(15)) 2013-02-13T00:45:00 julia> ceil(DateTime(2016, 8, 6, 12, 0, 0), Dates.Day) 2016-08-07T00:00:00 ``` """ function Base.ceil(dt::TimeType, p::Period) f = floor(dt, p) return (dt == f) ? f : f + p end """ floorceil(dt::TimeType, p::Period) -> (TimeType, TimeType) Simultaneously return the `floor` and `ceil` of a `Date` or `DateTime` at resolution `p`. More efficient than calling both `floor` and `ceil` individually. """ function floorceil(dt::TimeType, p::Period) f = floor(dt, p) return f, (dt == f) ? f : f + p end """ round(dt::TimeType, p::Period, [r::RoundingMode]) -> TimeType Returns the `Date` or `DateTime` nearest to `dt` at resolution `p`. By default (`RoundNearestTiesUp`), ties (e.g., rounding 9:30 to the nearest hour) will be rounded up. For convenience, `p` may be a type instead of a value: `round(dt, Dates.Hour)` is a shortcut for `round(dt, Dates.Hour(1))`. ```jldoctest julia> round(Date(1985, 8, 16), Dates.Month) 1985-08-01 julia> round(DateTime(2013, 2, 13, 0, 31, 20), Dates.Minute(15)) 2013-02-13T00:30:00 julia> round(DateTime(2016, 8, 6, 12, 0, 0), Dates.Day) 2016-08-07T00:00:00 ``` Valid rounding modes for `round(::TimeType, ::Period, ::RoundingMode)` are `RoundNearestTiesUp` (default), `RoundDown` (`floor`), and `RoundUp` (`ceil`). """ function Base.round(dt::TimeType, p::Period, r::RoundingMode{:NearestTiesUp}) f, c = floorceil(dt, p) return (dt - f) < (c - dt) ? f : c end Base.round(dt::TimeType, p::Period, r::RoundingMode{:Down}) = Base.floor(dt, p) Base.round(dt::TimeType, p::Period, r::RoundingMode{:Up}) = Base.ceil(dt, p) # No implementation of other `RoundingMode`s: rounding to nearest "even" is skipped because # "even" is not defined for Period; rounding toward/away from zero is skipped because ISO # 8601's year 0000 is not really "zero". Base.round(::TimeType, ::Period, ::RoundingMode) = throw(DomainError()) # Default to RoundNearestTiesUp. Base.round(dt::TimeType, p::Period) = Base.round(dt, p, RoundNearestTiesUp) # Make rounding functions callable using Period types in addition to values. Base.floor(dt::TimeType, p::Type{<:Period}) = Base.floor(dt, p(1)) Base.ceil(dt::TimeType, p::Type{<:Period}) = Base.ceil(dt, p(1)) function Base.round(dt::TimeType, p::Type{<:Period}, r::RoundingMode=RoundNearestTiesUp) return Base.round(dt, p(1), r) end