############################################################### # # # (c) Toni Giorgino # # Laboratory for Biomedical Informatics # # University of Pavia - Italy # # www.labmedinfo.org # # # # $Id: backtrack.R 72 2007-12-31 16:40:44Z tonig $ # # ############################################################### ######################################## ## Backtrack the steps taken - internal `backtrack` <- function(jmin, gcm) { dir<-gcm$stepPatterns; npat <- attr(dir,"npat"); n <- nrow(gcm$costMatrix); m <- ncol(gcm$costMatrix); i <- n; j <- jmin; ## drop rows with (0,0) deltas nullrows <- dir[,2]==0 & dir[,3] ==0 ; tmp <- dir[!nullrows,]; ## Pre-compute steps stepsCache <- list(); for(k in 1:npat) { stepsCache[[k]] <- .extractpattern(tmp,k); } ## mapping lists ii<-c(n); jj<-c(m); repeat { ## cross fingers for termination if(i==1 && j==1) { break; } ## direction taken s<-gcm$directionMatrix[i,j]; ## undo the steps steps<-stepsCache[[s]]; ns<-nrow(steps); ## In some rare cases (eg symmetricP0), ns will be 1 ## R indexing rules make k==0 a no-op anyway for(k in 1:ns) { ## take note of current cell, prepending to mapping lists ii <- c(i-steps[k,1],ii); jj <- c(j-steps[k,2],jj); ## All sub-steps are visited & appended; we have dropped (0,0) deltas } ## And don't forget where we arrived to i<-i-steps[ns,1]; j<-j-steps[ns,2]; } out<-list(); out$index1<-ii; out$index2<-jj; return(out); }