Raw File
#ifndef GEN_MAPS_H
#define GEN_MAPS_H
*  Computer Algebra System SINGULAR     *
/// polynomial map for ideals/module/matrix
/// map_id: the ideal to map
/// map_r: the base ring for map_id
/// image_id: the image of the variables
/// image_r: the base ring for image_id
/// nMap: map for coeffcients
ideal maMapIdeal(const ideal map_id, const ring map_r,const ideal image_id, const ring image_r, const nMapFunc nMap);

/// polynomial map for poly (vector)
/// map_p: the poly (vector) to map
/// map_r: the base ring for map_p
/// image_id: the image of the variables
/// image_r: the base ring for image_id
/// nMap: map for coeffcients
poly maMapPoly(const poly map_p, const ring map_r,const ideal image_id, const ring image_r, const nMapFunc nMap);

poly p_SubstPoly (poly p, int var, poly image, const ring preimage_r, const ring image_r, const nMapFunc nMap, matrix cache=NULL);
ideal id_SubstPoly (ideal id, int var, poly image, const ring preimage_r, const ring image_r, const nMapFunc nMap);

/// evaluate the polynomial p at the pt given by the array pt
number maEvalAt(const poly p,const number* pt, const ring r);

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