Raw File
% Ince, Paton, Kay and Schyns
% "Bayesian inference of population prevalence"
% biorxiv: https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.07.08.191106
% Figure 1: Population vs individual inference. For each simulation, we 
% sample N=50 individual participant mean effects from a normal 
% distribution with population mean μ (A,B: μ=0; C,D: μ=1) and 
% between-participant standard deviation σ_b=2. Within each participant, 
% T trials (A,C: T=20; B,D: T=500) are drawn from a normal distribution 
% with the participant-specific mean and a common within-participant 
% standard deviation σ_w=10 (Baker et al. 2020). Orange and blue indicate, 
% respectively, exceeding or not exceeding a p=0.05 threshold for a t-test 
% at the population level (on the within-participant means, population 
% normal density curves) or at the individual participant level (individual
% sample means +/- s.e.m.). E: Bayesian posterior distributions of 
% population prevalence of true positive results for the 4 simulated data 
% sets (A-D). Circles show Bayesian maximum a posteriori estimates. 
% Thick and thin horizontal lines indicate 50% and 96% highest posterior 
% density intervals, respectively. MAP [96% HPDI] values are shown in the 
% legend. 

% Simulations inspired by 
% Baker, Vilidaite, Lygo, Smith, Flack, Gouws and Andrews
% "Power contours: optimising sample size and precision in experimental
% psychology and human neuroscience"
% Psychological Methods
% https://doi.org/10.1037/met0000337
% http://arxiv.org/abs/1902.06122

x = [];


Nsub = 50;
sigma_w = 10;
sigma_b = 2;

% s = rng;
% save('fig1seed','s')
load fig1seed

% Generate data from heirachical normal distribution
Nsamp = 20;
mu_g = 0;
sigma_g = sqrt(sigma_b.^2 + ((sigma_w).^2)/Nsamp);
datA = generate_data(mu_g, sigma_b, sigma_w, Nsamp, Nsub);
datA.sigma_g = sigma_g;
plot_data(mu_g, sigma_g, datA, datA.groupsig+1);

Nsamp = 500;
mu_g = 0;
sigma_g = sqrt(sigma_b.^2 + ((sigma_w).^2)/Nsamp);
datB = generate_data(mu_g, sigma_b, sigma_w, Nsamp, Nsub);
datB.sigma_g = sigma_g;
plot_data(mu_g, sigma_g, datB, datB.groupsig+1);

Nsamp = 20;
mu_g = 1;
sigma_g = sqrt(sigma_b.^2 + ((sigma_w).^2)/Nsamp);
datC = generate_data(mu_g, sigma_b, sigma_w, Nsamp, Nsub);
datC.sigma_g = sigma_g;
plot_data(mu_g, sigma_g, datC, datC.groupsig+1);

Nsamp = 500;
mu_g = 1;
sigma_g = sqrt(sigma_b.^2 + ((sigma_w).^2)/Nsamp);
datD = generate_data(mu_g, sigma_b, sigma_w, Nsamp, Nsub);
datD.sigma_g = sigma_g;
plot_data(mu_g, sigma_g, datD, datD.groupsig+1);

x = linspace(0,1,200);
co = get(gca,'ColorOrder');

oil = 2;
iil = 4;
a = 0.05;
lh = [];

k = sum(datA.indsig);i=3;hy = 0.3;
b = 1;
dat = datA;
% b = sampsizepwr('t',[0 sigma_w],max(abs(dat.submeans)),[],dat.Nsamp)
lh(1) = plot(x, bayesprev_posterior(x, k, Nsub, a, b),'Color',co(i,:));
hold on
xmap = bayesprev_map(k,Nsub, a, b);
pmap = bayesprev_posterior(xmap,k,Nsub, a, b);
plot(xmap, pmap,'.','MarkerSize',20,'Color',co(i,:));
h = bayesprev_hpdi(0.96,k,Nsub, a, b);
plot([h(1) h(2)],[pmap pmap],'Color',co(i,:),'LineWidth',oil)
h = bayesprev_hpdi(0.5,k,Nsub, a, b);
plot([h(1) h(2)],[pmap pmap],'Color',co(i,:),'LineWidth',iil)
% plot([p.g p.g],[0 freqy],'Color',co(i,:))

k = sum(datB.indsig);i=4;hy = 0.5;
b = 1;
dat = datB;
% b = sampsizepwr('t',[0 sigma_w],max(abs(dat.submeans)),[],dat.Nsamp)
lh(2) = plot(x, bayesprev_posterior(x, k, Nsub, a, b),'Color',co(i,:));
hold on
xmap = bayesprev_map(k,Nsub, a, b);
pmap = bayesprev_posterior(xmap,k,Nsub, a, b);
plot(xmap, pmap,'.','MarkerSize',20,'Color',co(i,:));
h = bayesprev_hpdi(0.96,k,Nsub, a, b);
plot([h(1) h(2)],[pmap pmap],'Color',co(i,:),'LineWidth',oil)
h = bayesprev_hpdi(0.5,k,Nsub, a, b);
plot([h(1) h(2)],[pmap pmap],'Color',co(i,:),'LineWidth',iil)
% plot([p.g p.g],[0 freqy],'Color',co(i,:))

k = sum(datC.indsig);i=5;hy = 0.5;
b = 1;
dat = datC;
% b = sampsizepwr('t',[0 sigma_w],max(abs(dat.submeans)),[],dat.Nsamp)
lh(3) = plot(x, bayesprev_posterior(x, k, Nsub, a, b),'Color',co(i,:));
hold on
xmap = bayesprev_map(k,Nsub, a, b);
pmap = bayesprev_posterior(xmap,k,Nsub, a, b);
plot(xmap, pmap,'.','MarkerSize',20,'Color',co(i,:));
h = bayesprev_hpdi(0.96,k,Nsub, a, b);
plot([h(1) h(2)],[pmap pmap],'Color',co(i,:),'LineWidth',oil)
h = bayesprev_hpdi(0.5,k,Nsub, a, b);
plot([h(1) h(2)],[pmap pmap],'Color',co(i,:),'LineWidth',iil)
% plot([p.g p.g],[0 freqy],'Color',co(i,:))

k = sum(datD.indsig);i=6;hy = 0.3;
b = 1;
dat = datD;
% b = sampsizepwr('t',[0 sigma_w],max(abs(dat.submeans)),[],dat.Nsamp)
lh(4) = plot(x, bayesprev_posterior(x, k, Nsub, a, b),'Color',co(i,:));
hold on
xmap = bayesprev_map(k,Nsub, a, b);
pmap = bayesprev_posterior(xmap,k,Nsub, a, b);
plot(xmap, pmap,'.','MarkerSize',20,'Color',co(i,:));
h = bayesprev_hpdi(0.96,k,Nsub, a, b);
plot([h(1) h(2)],[pmap pmap],'Color',co(i,:),'LineWidth',oil)
h = bayesprev_hpdi(0.5,k,Nsub, a, b);
plot([h(1) h(2)],[pmap pmap],'Color',co(i,:),'LineWidth',iil)
% plot([p.g p.g],[0 freqy],'Color',co(i,:))

xlim([0 1])


% generate data from heirachical normal model
function dat = generate_data(mu_g, sigma_b, sigma_w, Nsamp, Nsub)
% mu_g - ground truth group mean
% sigma_b - between participant standard deviation
% sigma_w - within participant standard deviation
% Nsamp - number of trials per participant
% Nsub - number of participants

% generate individual subject means from population normal distribution
submeanstrue = normrnd(mu_g, sigma_b, [Nsub 1]);
rawdat = zeros(Nsamp, Nsub);
dat.indsig = false(1,Nsub);
dat.indt = zeros(1,Nsub);
for si=1:Nsub
    % generate within-participant data
    rawdat(:,si) = normrnd(submeanstrue(si), sigma_w, [Nsamp 1]);
    % within-participant t-test significance
    [dat.indsig(si) p ci stats] = ttest(rawdat(:,si));
    % within-participant t-score
    dat.indt(si) = stats.tstat;
% within-participant mean
dat.submeans = mean(rawdat,1);
dat.subsem = std(rawdat,[],1) ./ sqrt(Nsamp);
% second level t-test on within-participant means
[h p ci stats] = ttest(mean(rawdat,1));
% population level t-test significance
dat.groupsig = h;
dat.groupp = p;
dat.Nsub = Nsub;
dat.Nsamp = Nsamp;
dat.tdf = stats.df;
% population level t-score
dat.t = stats.tstat;

% plot group and individual data
function plot_data(mu_g, sigma_g, d, gc)

x = -15:0.1:15;
y = normpdf(x,mu_g,sigma_g);
co = get(gca,'ColorOrder');
% plot population model (normal) distribution
hold on
ypos = unifrnd(zeros(1,d.Nsub)+0.0005, 0.95*normpdf(d.submeans, mu_g, sigma_g));
% plot(submeans, ypos, '.' , 'Color',co(1,:))
% plot significant within-participant means in orange
% plot non-significant within-participant means in blue 
if mu_g~=0
axis square
xlim([-15 15])
title(sprintf('%d trials, %d/50 sig, group t(%d)=%.2f p=%.3f',d.Nsamp,sum(d.indsig),d.tdf,d.t,d.groupp))

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