/* * Copyright: None, public domain * Filename: GeminiCatchUpAndRendezvousProgram/ASM.c * Purpose: Provides replacements for various IBM 7090/7094 * assembly-language sub-programs of the GEMINI * catch-up and rendezvous simulation program. * History: 2010-08-17 RSB Created in FORTRAN. * 2010-09-04 RSB Replaced with C. */ // I have no idea what DSB and ENB were supposed to do. I expect // they're some kind of disables/enables for some of the IBM // 7090/7094 hardware. Ignore for now. void dsb_ (void) { } void enb_ (void) { } // These set tapes A7/A9/B6 to high/low density. Obviously, we can // simply ignore them. void hda7_ (void) { } void hda9_ (void) { } void ldb6_ (void) { } // Some kind of keypad functions. Not sure yet how they work. void keycn_ (int *k) { } void keys_ (int *k, int *n) { } // I believe that this skips files on the tape. Obviously irrelevant // to us. void skpn_ (int *x, int *i, int *j) { } // Generates a self-loading tape on drive A7. Not sure waht that // means, but seems safe to ignore. void selfld_ (void) { }