(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) - 2012--2016 - IMDEA Software Institute * Copyright (c) - 2012--2018 - Inria * Copyright (c) - 2012--2018 - Ecole Polytechnique * * Distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-C-V1 license * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) open EcUtils open EcLocation open EcIdent open EcSymbols open EcPath open EcTypes open EcFol open EcEnv open EcMatching open EcReduction open EcCoreGoal open EcBaseLogic open EcProofTerm module EP = EcParsetree module ER = EcReduction module TTC = EcProofTyping module LG = EcCoreLib.CI_Logic module PT = EcProofTerm (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let (@!) (t1 : FApi.backward) (t2 : FApi.backward) = FApi.t_seq t1 t2 let (@+) (t : FApi.backward) (ts : FApi.backward list) = FApi.t_seqsub t ts let (@>) (t1 : FApi.backward) (t2 : FApi.backward) = fun tc -> FApi.t_last t1 (t2 tc) let (@~) (t : FApi.backward) (tt : FApi.tactical) = fun tc -> tt (t tc) let (@!+) (tt : FApi.tactical) (t : FApi.backward) = fun tc -> FApi.t_onall t (tt tc) let (@~+) (tt : FApi.tactical) (ts : FApi.backward list) = fun tc -> FApi.t_sub ts (tt tc) (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) exception InvalidProofTerm type side = [`Left|`Right] type lazyred = [`Full | `NoDelta | `None] (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) module LowApply = struct type ckenv = [ | `Tc of rtcenv * ident option | `Hyps of EcEnv.LDecl.hyps * proofenv ] (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *) let hyps_of_ckenv = function | `Hyps hyps -> (fst hyps) | `Tc (tc, target) -> RApi.tc_hyps ?target tc (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *) let sub_hyps (hy1 : LDecl.hyps) (hy2 : LDecl.hyps) = if hy1 (*φ*)== hy2 then true else let env1, ld1 = LDecl.baseenv hy1, LDecl.tohyps hy1 in let env2, ld2 = LDecl.baseenv hy2, LDecl.tohyps hy2 in if env1 (*φ*)!= env2 then false else if ld1.h_tvar (*φ*)!= ld2.h_tvar then false else if ld1.h_local (*φ*)== ld2.h_local then true else let env = env1 in let hyps = LDecl.init env ld1.h_tvar in let tophyps = Mid.of_list ld2.h_local in let h_eqs (x, v) = match Mid.find_opt x tophyps with | None -> false | Some v' -> (v (*φ*)== v') || match v, v' with | LD_var (t1, f1), LD_var (t2, f2) -> EqTest.for_type env t1 t2 && oeq (is_alpha_eq hyps) f1 f2 | LD_mem m1, LD_mem m2 -> oeq EcMemory.lmt_equal m1 m2 | LD_modty (mt1, mr1), LD_modty (mt2, mr2) -> (mt1 == mt2) && (mr1 == mr2) | LD_hyp f1, LD_hyp f2 -> is_alpha_eq hyps f1 f2 | LD_abs_st au1, LD_abs_st au2 -> au1 (*φ*)== au2 | _, _ -> false in List.for_all h_eqs ld1.h_local (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *) let rec check_pthead (pt : pt_head) (tc : ckenv) = let hyps = hyps_of_ckenv tc in match pt with | PTCut f -> begin match tc with | `Hyps ( _, _) -> (PTCut f, f) | `Tc (tc, _) -> (* cut - create a dedicated subgoal *) let handle = RApi.newgoal tc ~hyps f in (PTHandle handle, f) end | PTHandle hd -> begin let subgoal = match tc with | `Hyps tc -> FApi.get_pregoal_by_id hd (snd tc) | `Tc tc -> RApi.tc_get_pregoal_by_id hd (fst tc) in (* proof reuse - fetch corresponding subgoal*) if not (sub_hyps subgoal.g_hyps (hyps_of_ckenv tc)) then raise InvalidProofTerm; (pt, subgoal.g_concl) end | PTLocal x -> begin let hyps = hyps_of_ckenv tc in try (pt, LDecl.hyp_by_id x hyps) with LDecl.LdeclError _ -> raise InvalidProofTerm end | PTGlobal (p, tys) -> (* FIXME: poor API ==> poor error recovery *) let env = LDecl.toenv (hyps_of_ckenv tc) in (pt, EcEnv.Ax.instanciate p tys env) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *) and check (mode : [`Intro | `Elim]) (pt : proofterm) (tc : ckenv) = let hyps = hyps_of_ckenv tc in let env = LDecl.toenv hyps in let rec check_args (sbt, ax, nargs) args = match args with | [] -> (Fsubst.f_subst sbt ax, List.rev nargs) | arg :: args -> let ((sbt, ax), narg) = check_arg (sbt, ax) arg in check_args (sbt, ax, narg :: nargs) args and check_arg (sbt, ax) arg = let check_binder (x, xty) f = let xty = Fsubst.gty_subst sbt xty in match xty, arg with | GTty xty, PAFormula arg -> if not (EcReduction.EqTest.for_type env xty arg.f_ty) then raise InvalidProofTerm; (Fsubst.f_bind_local sbt x arg, f) | GTmem _, PAMemory m -> (Fsubst.f_bind_mem sbt x m, f) | GTmodty (emt, restr), PAModule (mp, mt) -> begin (* FIXME: poor API ==> poor error recovery *) try EcTyping.check_modtype_with_restrictions env mp mt emt restr; EcPV.check_module_in env mp emt; (Fsubst.f_bind_mod sbt x mp, f) with _ -> raise InvalidProofTerm end | _ -> raise InvalidProofTerm in match mode with | `Elim -> begin match TTC.destruct_product hyps ax, arg with | Some (`Imp (f1, f2)), PASub subpt when mode = `Elim -> let f1 = Fsubst.f_subst sbt f1 in let subpt = match subpt with | None -> { pt_head = PTCut f1; pt_args = []; } | Some subpt -> subpt in let subpt, subax = check mode subpt tc in if not (EcReduction.is_conv hyps f1 subax) then raise InvalidProofTerm; ((sbt, f2), PASub (Some subpt)) | Some (`Forall (x, xty, f)), _ -> (check_binder (x, xty) f, arg) | _, _ -> if Fsubst.is_subst_id sbt then raise InvalidProofTerm; check_arg (Fsubst.f_subst_id, Fsubst.f_subst sbt ax) arg end | `Intro -> begin match TTC.destruct_exists hyps ax with | Some (`Exists (x, xty, f)) -> (check_binder (x, xty) f, arg) | None -> if Fsubst.is_subst_id sbt then raise InvalidProofTerm; check_arg (Fsubst.f_subst_id, Fsubst.f_subst sbt ax) arg end in let (nhd, ax) = check_pthead pt.pt_head tc in let ax, nargs = check_args (Fsubst.f_subst_id, ax, []) pt.pt_args in ({ pt_head = nhd; pt_args = nargs }, ax) end (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_abort (_ : tcenv1) = raise InvalidGoalShape (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_admit (tc : tcenv1) = FApi.close (FApi.tcenv_of_tcenv1 tc) VAdmit (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_fail (tc : tcenv1) = tc_error !!tc ~who:"fail" "explicit call to [fail]" (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_close ?who (t : FApi.backward) (tc : tcenv1) = let tc = t tc in if not (FApi.tc_done tc) then tc_error !$tc ?who "expecting a closed goal"; tc (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_id (tc : tcenv1) = FApi.tcenv_of_tcenv1 tc (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_shuffle (ids : EcIdent.t list) (tc : tcenv1) = let module E = struct exception InvalidShuffle end in try let hypstc, concl = FApi.tc1_flat tc in let { h_tvar; h_local = hyps } = EcEnv.LDecl.tohyps hypstc in let hyps = Mid.of_list hyps in let test_fv known fv = let test x _ = (* Either the variable is in known or was not in the previous hyps, in that case the variable is declared in the environment *) Mid.mem x known || not (LDecl.has_id x hypstc) in if not (Mid.for_all test fv) then raise E.InvalidShuffle in let for_form known f = test_fv known f.f_fv in let for_type known ty = test_fv known ty.ty_fv in let new_ = LDecl.init (LDecl.baseenv hypstc) h_tvar in let known, new_ = let add1 (known, new_) x = if Sid.mem x known then raise E.InvalidShuffle; let bd = Mid.find_opt x hyps in let bd = oget ~exn:E.InvalidShuffle bd in begin match bd with | LD_var (ty, f) -> for_type known ty; oiter (for_form known) f | LD_hyp f -> for_form known f | LD_mem _ | LD_abs_st _ | LD_modty _ -> () end; (Sid. add x known, LDecl.add_local x bd new_) in List.fold_left add1 (Sid.empty, new_) ids in for_form known concl; FApi.xmutate1_hyps tc (VShuffle ids) [(new_, concl)] with E.InvalidShuffle -> tc_error !!tc "invalid shuffle" (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_change_r ?(fail=false) ?target action (tc : tcenv1) = match target with | None -> begin let hyps, concl = FApi.tc1_flat tc in match action (lazy hyps) concl with | None -> if fail then raise InvalidGoalShape else tc | Some fp when fp == concl -> tc | Some fp -> FApi.mutate1 tc (fun hd -> VConv (hd, Sid.empty)) fp end | Some tg -> begin let action hyps fp = action hyps fp |> odfl fp in match LDecl.hyp_convert tg action (FApi.tc1_hyps tc) with | None -> tc | Some hyps -> let concl = FApi.tc1_goal tc in FApi.mutate1 tc (fun hd -> VLConv (hd, tg)) ~hyps concl end (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_change1 ?target (fp : form) (tc : tcenv1) = let action (lazy hyps) tgfp = if not (EcReduction.is_conv hyps fp tgfp) then raise InvalidGoalShape; if fp == tgfp then None else Some fp in t_change_r ?target action tc let t_change ?target f tc = FApi.tcenv_of_tcenv1 (t_change1 ?target f tc) (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) type simplify_t = ?target:ident -> ?delta:bool -> ?logic:rlogic_info -> FApi.backward type simplify_with_info_t = ?target:ident -> reduction_info -> FApi.backward (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_cbv_with_info ?target (ri : reduction_info) (tc : tcenv1) = let action (lazy hyps) fp = Some (EcCallbyValue.norm_cbv ri hyps fp) in FApi.tcenv_of_tcenv1 (t_change_r ?target action tc) (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_cbv ?target ?(delta = true) ?(logic = Some `Full) (tc : tcenv1) = let ri = if delta then full_red else nodelta in let ri = { ri with logic } in t_cbv_with_info ?target ri tc (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_cbn_with_info ?target (ri : reduction_info) (tc : tcenv1) = let action (lazy hyps) fp = Some (EcCallbyValue.norm_cbv ri hyps fp) in FApi.tcenv_of_tcenv1 (t_change_r ?target action tc) (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_cbn ?target ?(delta = true) ?(logic = Some `Full) (tc : tcenv1) = let ri = if delta then full_red else nodelta in let ri = { ri with logic } in t_cbv_with_info ?target ri tc (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_hred_with_info ?target (ri : reduction_info) (tc : tcenv1) = let action (lazy hyps) fp = EcReduction.h_red_opt ri hyps fp in FApi.tcenv_of_tcenv1 (t_change_r ~fail:true ?target action tc) (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let rec t_lazy_match ?(reduce = `Full) (tx : form -> FApi.backward) (tc : tcenv1) = let concl = FApi.tc1_goal tc in try tx concl tc with TTC.NoMatch -> let strategy = match reduce with | `None -> raise InvalidGoalShape | `Full -> EcReduction.full_red | `NoDelta -> EcReduction.nodelta in FApi.t_seq (t_hred_with_info strategy) (t_lazy_match ~reduce tx) tc (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) type smode = [ `Cbv | `Cbn ] let dmode : smode = `Cbv (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_simplify_with_info ?(mode = dmode) = match mode with | `Cbn -> t_cbn_with_info | `Cbv -> t_cbv_with_info (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_simplify ?(mode = dmode) = match mode with | `Cbn -> t_cbn | `Cbv -> t_cbv (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_clears1 ?(leniant = false) xs tc = let (hyps, concl) = FApi.tc1_flat tc in let xs = if not (Mid.set_disjoint xs concl.f_fv) then if leniant then Mid.set_diff xs concl.f_fv else let ids () = Sid.elements (Mid.set_inter xs concl.f_fv) in raise (ClearError (lazy (`ClearInGoal (ids ())))) else xs in if Sid.is_empty xs then tc else let hyps = try LDecl.clear ~leniant xs hyps with LDecl.LdeclError (LDecl.CannotClear (id1, id2)) -> raise (ClearError (lazy (`ClearDep (id1, id2)))) in FApi.mutate1 tc (fun hd -> VConv (hd, xs)) ~hyps concl (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_clear1 ?leniant x tc = t_clears1 ?leniant (Sid.singleton x) tc (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_clear ?leniant x tc = FApi.tcenv_of_tcenv1 (t_clears1 ?leniant (Sid.singleton x) tc) (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_clears1 ?leniant xs tc = t_clears1 ?leniant (Sid.of_list xs) tc (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_clears ?leniant xs tc = FApi.tcenv_of_tcenv1 (t_clears1 ?leniant xs tc) (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) module LowIntro = struct let valid_anon_name chk x = if x <> "" then x.[0] = '`' && chk (String.sub x 1 (String.length x - 1)) else false let valid_name chk x = x = "_" || chk x || valid_anon_name chk x let valid_value_name (x : symbol) = valid_name EcIo.is_sym_ident x let valid_mod_name (x : symbol) = valid_name EcIo.is_mod_ident x let valid_mem_name (x : symbol) = valid_name EcIo.is_mem_ident x type kind = [`Value | `Module | `Memory] let tc_no_product (pe : proofenv) ?loc () = tc_error pe ?loc "nothing to introduce" let check_name_validity pe kind x : unit = let ok = match kind with | `Value -> valid_value_name (tg_val x) | `Module -> valid_mod_name (tg_val x) | `Memory -> valid_mem_name (tg_val x) in if not ok then tc_error pe ?loc:(tg_tag x) "invalid name: %s" (tg_val x) end (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_intros_x (ids : (ident option) mloc list) (tc : tcenv1) = let add_local hyps id sbt x gty = let gty = Fsubst.gty_subst sbt gty in let id = tg_map (function | Some id -> id | None -> EcEnv.LDecl.fresh_id hyps (EcIdent.name x)) id in let name = tg_map EcIdent.name id in match gty with | GTty ty -> LowIntro.check_name_validity !!tc `Value name; (id, LD_var (ty, None), Fsubst.f_bind_rename sbt x (tg_val id) ty) | GTmem me -> LowIntro.check_name_validity !!tc `Memory name; (id, LD_mem me, Fsubst.f_bind_mem sbt x (tg_val id)) | GTmodty (i, r) -> LowIntro.check_name_validity !!tc `Module name; (id, LD_modty (i, r), Fsubst.f_bind_mod sbt x (EcPath.mident (tg_val id))) in let add_ld id ld hyps = EcLocation.set_oloc (tg_tag id) (fun () -> LDecl.add_local (tg_val id) ld hyps) () in let rec intro1 ((hyps, concl), sbt) id = match EcFol.sform_of_form concl with | SFquant (Lforall, (x, gty), lazy concl) -> let (id, ld, sbt) = add_local hyps id sbt x gty in let hyps = add_ld id ld hyps in (hyps, concl), sbt | SFimp (prem, concl) -> let prem = Fsubst.f_subst sbt prem in let id = tg_map (function | None -> EcIdent.create "_" | Some id -> id) id in let hyps = add_ld id (LD_hyp prem) hyps in (hyps, concl), sbt | SFlet (LSymbol (x, xty), xe, concl) -> let id = tg_map (function | None -> EcEnv.LDecl.fresh_id hyps (EcIdent.name x) | Some id -> id) id in let xty = sbt.fs_ty xty in let xe = Fsubst.f_subst sbt xe in let sbt = Fsubst.f_bind_rename sbt x (tg_val id) xty in let hyps = add_ld id (LD_var (xty, Some xe)) hyps in (hyps, concl), sbt | _ when sbt !=(*φ*) Fsubst.f_subst_id -> let concl = Fsubst.f_subst sbt concl in intro1 ((hyps, concl), Fsubst.f_subst_id) id | _ -> match h_red_opt full_red hyps concl with | None -> LowIntro.tc_no_product !!tc ?loc:(tg_tag id) () | Some concl -> intro1 ((hyps, concl), sbt) id in let tc = FApi.tcenv_of_tcenv1 tc in if List.is_empty ids then tc else begin let sbt = Fsubst.f_subst_id in let (hyps, concl), sbt = List.fold_left intro1 (FApi.tc_flat tc, sbt) ids in let concl = Fsubst.f_subst sbt concl in let (tc, hd) = FApi.newgoal tc ~hyps concl in FApi.close tc (VIntros (hd, List.map tg_val ids)) end (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_intros (ids : ident mloc list) (tc : tcenv1) = t_intros_x (List.map (tg_map some) ids) tc (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) type iname = [ | `Symbol of symbol | `Fresh | `Ident of EcIdent.t ] type inames = [`Symbol of symbol list | `Ident of EcIdent.t list] (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_intros_n (n : int) (tc : tcenv1) = t_intros_x (EcUtils.List.make n (notag None)) tc (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_intro_i_x (id : EcIdent.t option) (tc : tcenv1) = t_intros_x [notag id] tc (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_intro_i (id : EcIdent.t) (tc : tcenv1) = t_intro_i_x (Some id) tc (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_intro_s (id : iname) (tc : tcenv1) = match id with | `Symbol x -> t_intro_i_x (Some (EcIdent.create x)) tc | `Ident x -> t_intro_i_x (Some x) tc | `Fresh -> t_intro_i_x None tc (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_intros_i (ids : EcIdent.t list) (tc : tcenv1) = t_intros_x (List.map (notag |- some) ids) tc (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_intros_s (ids : inames) (tc : tcenv1) = match ids with | `Symbol x -> t_intros_i (List.map EcIdent.create x) tc | `Ident x -> t_intros_i x tc (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_intros_i_1 (ids : EcIdent.t list) (tc : tcenv1) = FApi.as_tcenv1 (t_intros_i ids tc) (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_intros_i_seq ?(clear = false) ids tt tc = let tt = if clear then FApi.t_seq tt (t_clears ids) else tt in FApi.t_focus tt (t_intros_i ids tc) (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_intros_s_seq ids tt tc = FApi.t_focus tt (t_intros_s ids tc) (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let tt_apply (pt : proofterm) (tc : tcenv) = let (hyps, concl) = FApi.tc_flat tc in let tc, (pt, ax) = RApi.to_pure (fun tc -> LowApply.check `Elim pt (`Tc (tc, None))) tc in if not (EcReduction.is_conv hyps ax concl) then raise InvalidGoalShape; FApi.close tc (VApply pt) (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let tt_apply_hyp (x : EcIdent.t) ?(args = []) ?(sk = 0) tc = let pt = let args = (List.map paformula args) @ (List.make sk (PASub None)) in { pt_head = PTLocal x; pt_args = args; } in tt_apply pt tc (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let tt_apply_s (p : path) tys ?(args = []) ?(sk = 0) tc = let pt = let args = (List.map paformula args) @ (List.make sk (PASub None)) in { pt_head = PTGlobal (p, tys); pt_args = args; } in tt_apply pt tc (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let tt_apply_hd (hd : handle) ?(args = []) ?(sk = 0) tc = let pt = let args = (List.map paformula args) @ (List.make sk (PASub None)) in { pt_head = PTHandle hd; pt_args = args; } in tt_apply pt tc (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_apply (pt : proofterm) (tc : tcenv1) = tt_apply pt (FApi.tcenv_of_tcenv1 tc) (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_apply_hyp (x : EcIdent.t) ?args ?sk tc = tt_apply_hyp x ?args ?sk (FApi.tcenv_of_tcenv1 tc) (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_hyp (x : EcIdent.t) tc = t_apply_hyp x ~args:[] ~sk:0 tc (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_apply_s (p : path) (tys : ty list) ?args ?sk tc = tt_apply_s p tys ?args ?sk (FApi.tcenv_of_tcenv1 tc) (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_apply_hd (hd : handle) ?args ?sk tc = tt_apply_hd hd ?args ?sk (FApi.tcenv_of_tcenv1 tc) (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) module Apply = struct type reason = [`DoNotMatch | `IncompleteInference] exception NoInstance of (bool * reason * PT.pt_env * (form * form)) let t_apply_bwd_r ?(mode = fmdelta) ?(canview = true) pt (tc : tcenv1) = let ((hyps, concl), pterr) = (FApi.tc1_flat tc, PT.copy pt.ptev_env) in let noinstance ?(dpe = false) reason = raise (NoInstance (dpe, reason, pterr, (pt.ptev_ax, concl))) in let rec instantiate canview istop pt = match istop && PT.can_concretize pt.PT.ptev_env with | true -> let ax = PT.concretize_form pt.PT.ptev_env pt.PT.ptev_ax in if EcReduction.is_conv ~ri:EcReduction.full_compat hyps ax concl then pt else instantiate canview false pt | false -> begin try PT.pf_form_match ~mode pt.PT.ptev_env ~ptn:pt.PT.ptev_ax concl; if not (PT.can_concretize pt.PT.ptev_env) then noinstance `IncompleteInference; pt with EcMatching.MatchFailure -> match TTC.destruct_product hyps pt.PT.ptev_ax with | Some _ -> (* FIXME: add internal marker *) instantiate canview false (PT.apply_pterm_to_hole pt) | None when not canview -> noinstance `DoNotMatch | None -> let forview (p, fs) = (* Current proof-term is view argument *) (* Copy PT environment to set a back-track point *) let ptenv = PT.copy pt.ptev_env in let argpt = { pt with ptev_env = ptenv } in let argpt = { ptea_env = argpt.ptev_env; ptea_arg = PVASub argpt; } in (* Type-check view - FIXME: the current API is perfectible *) let viewpt = PT.pt_of_global_r ptenv p [] in let viewpt = List.fold_left (fun viewpt arg -> apply_pterm_to_arg_r viewpt (PVAFormula arg)) viewpt fs in (* Apply view to its actual arguments *) let viewpt = apply_pterm_to_arg viewpt argpt in try Some (instantiate false true viewpt) with NoInstance _ -> None in let views = match sform_of_form pt.PT.ptev_ax with | SFiff (f1, f2) -> [(LG.p_iff_rl, [f1; f2]); (LG.p_iff_lr, [f1; f2])] | SFnot f1 -> [(LG.p_negbTE, [f1])] | _ -> [] in try List.find_map forview views with Not_found -> noinstance `DoNotMatch end in let pt = instantiate canview true pt in let pt = fst (PT.concretize pt) in t_apply pt tc let t_apply_bwd ?mode ?canview pt (tc : tcenv1) = let hyps = FApi.tc1_hyps tc in let pt, ax = LowApply.check `Elim pt (`Hyps (hyps, !!tc)) in let ptenv = ptenv_of_penv hyps !!tc in let pt = { ptev_env = ptenv; ptev_pt = pt; ptev_ax = ax; } in t_apply_bwd_r ?mode ?canview pt tc let t_apply_bwd_hi ?(dpe = true) ?mode ?canview pt (tc : tcenv1) = try t_apply_bwd ?mode ?canview pt tc with (NoInstance (_, r, pt, f)) -> tc_error_exn !!tc (NoInstance (dpe, r, pt, f)) end (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) type genclear = [`Clear | `TryClear | `NoClear] let t_generalize_hyps_x ?(missing = false) ?naming ?(letin = false) ids tc = let env, hyps, concl = FApi.tc1_eflat tc in let fresh x = match naming with | None -> EcIdent.fresh x | Some f -> match f x with | None -> EcIdent.fresh x | Some x -> EcIdent.create x in let rec for1 (s, bds, args, cls) (clid, id) = try let cls = match clid with | `TryClear -> (true , id) :: cls | `Clear -> (false, id) :: cls | `NoClear -> cls in match LDecl.ld_subst s (LDecl.by_id id hyps) with | LD_var (ty, Some body) when letin -> let x = fresh id in let s = Fsubst.f_bind_rename s id x ty in let bds = `LetIn (x, GTty ty, body) :: bds in let args = args in (s, bds, args, cls) | LD_var (ty, _) -> let x = fresh id in let s = Fsubst.f_bind_rename s id x ty in let bds = `Forall (x, GTty ty) :: bds in let args = PAFormula (f_local id ty) :: args in (s, bds, args, cls) | LD_mem mt -> let x = fresh id in let s = Fsubst.f_bind_mem s id x in let bds = `Forall (x, GTmem mt) :: bds in let args = PAMemory id :: args in (s, bds, args, cls) | LD_modty (mt,r) -> let x = fresh id in let s = Fsubst.f_bind_mod s id (EcPath.mident x) in let mp = EcPath.mident id in let sig_ = (EcEnv.Mod.by_mpath mp env).EcModules.me_sig in let bds = `Forall (x, GTmodty (mt, r)) :: bds in let args = PAModule (mp, sig_) :: args in (s, bds, args, cls) | LD_hyp f -> let bds = `Imp f :: bds in let args = palocal id :: args in (s, bds, args, cls) | LD_abs_st _ -> raise InvalidGoalShape with LDecl.LdeclError _ when missing -> (s, bds, args, cls) in let (s, bds, args, cls) = (Fsubst.f_subst_id, [], [], []) in let (s, bds, args, cls) = List.fold_left for1 (s, bds, args, cls) ids in let cltry, cldo = List.partition fst cls in let cltry, cldo = (List.map snd cltry, List.map snd cldo) in let ff = List.fold_left (fun ff bd -> match bd with | `Forall (x, xty) -> f_forall [x, xty] ff | `Imp pre -> f_imp pre ff | `LetIn (x, _, f) -> f_let1 x f ff) (Fsubst.f_subst s concl) bds in let pt = { pt_head = PTCut ff; pt_args = List.rev args; } in let tc = t_apply pt tc in let ct = fun tc -> tc |> t_clears1 ~leniant:true cltry |> t_clears1 ~leniant:false cldo |> FApi.tcenv_of_tcenv1 in FApi.t_onall ct tc let t_generalize_hyps ?(clear = `No) ?missing ?naming ?letin ids tc = let ids = match clear with | `Yes -> List.map (fun x -> (`Clear , x)) ids | `Try -> List.map (fun x -> (`TryClear, x)) ids | `No -> List.map (fun x -> (`NoClear , x)) ids in t_generalize_hyps_x ?missing ?naming ?letin ids tc let t_generalize_hyp ?clear ?missing ?naming ?letin id tc = t_generalize_hyps ?clear ?missing ?naming ?letin [id] tc (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) module LowAssumption = struct (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *) let gen_find_in_hyps test hyps = let test (_, lk) = match lk with | LD_hyp f -> test f | _ -> false in fst (List.find test (LDecl.tohyps hyps).h_local) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *) let t_gen_assumption tests tc = let (hyps, concl) = FApi.tc1_flat tc in let hyp = try List.find_map (fun test -> try Some (gen_find_in_hyps (test hyps concl) hyps) with Not_found -> None) tests with Not_found -> tc_error !!tc "no assumption" in FApi.t_internal (t_hyp hyp) tc end (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let alpha_find_in_hyps hyps f = LowAssumption.gen_find_in_hyps (EcReduction.is_alpha_eq hyps f) hyps let t_assumption mode (tc : tcenv1) = let convs = match mode with | `Alpha -> [EcReduction.is_alpha_eq] | `Conv -> [EcReduction.is_alpha_eq; EcReduction.is_conv] in LowAssumption.t_gen_assumption convs tc (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_cut (fp : form) (tc : tcenv1) = let concl = FApi.tc1_goal tc in t_apply_s LG.p_cut_lemma [] ~args:[fp; concl] ~sk:2 tc (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_cutdef (pt : proofterm) (fp : form) (tc : tcenv1) = FApi.t_first (t_apply pt) (t_cut fp tc) (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_true (tc : tcenv1) = t_apply_s LG.p_true_intro [] tc (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_reflex_s (f : form) (tc : tcenv1) = t_apply_s LG.p_eq_refl [f.f_ty] ~args:[f] tc let t_reflex ?(mode=`Conv) ?reduce (tc : tcenv1) = let t_reflex_r (fp : form) (tc : tcenv1) = match sform_of_form fp with | SFeq (f1, f2) -> if mode = `Conv || EcReduction.is_alpha_eq (FApi.tc1_hyps tc) f1 f2 then t_reflex_s f1 tc else raise InvalidGoalShape | _ -> raise TTC.NoMatch in t_lazy_match ?reduce t_reflex_r tc (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_symmetry_s f1 f2 tc = t_apply_s LG.p_eq_sym_imp [f1.f_ty] ~args:[f2; f1] ~sk:1 tc let t_symmetry ?reduce (tc : tcenv1) = let t_symmetry_r (fp : form) (tc : tcenv1) = match sform_of_form fp with | SFeq (f1, f2) -> t_symmetry_s f1 f2 tc | _ -> raise TTC.NoMatch in t_lazy_match ?reduce t_symmetry_r tc (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_transitivity_s f1 f2 f3 tc = t_apply_s LG.p_eq_trans [f1.f_ty] ~args:[f1; f2; f3] ~sk:2 tc let t_transitivity ?reduce f2 (tc : tcenv1) = let t_transitivity_r (fp : form) (tc : tcenv1) = match sform_of_form fp with | SFeq (f1, f3) -> t_transitivity_s f1 f2 f3 tc | _ -> raise TTC.NoMatch in t_lazy_match ?reduce t_transitivity_r tc (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_exists_intro_s (args : pt_arg list) (tc : tcenv1) = let hyps = FApi.tc1_hyps tc in let pt = { pt_head = PTHandle (FApi.tc1_handle tc); pt_args = args; } in let ax = snd (LowApply.check `Intro pt (`Hyps (hyps, !!tc))) in FApi.xmutate1 tc (`Exists args) [ax] (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_or_intro_s opsym (side : side) (f1, f2 : form pair) (tc : tcenv1) = let p = match side, opsym with | `Left , `Asym -> LG.p_ora_intro_l | `Right, `Asym -> LG.p_ora_intro_r | `Left , `Sym -> LG.p_or_intro_l | `Right, `Sym -> LG.p_or_intro_r in t_apply_s p [] ~args:[f1; f2] ~sk:1 tc let t_or_intro ?reduce (side : side) (tc : tcenv1) = let t_or_intro_r (fp : form) (tc : tcenv1) = match sform_of_form fp with | SFor (b, (left, right)) -> t_or_intro_s b side (left, right) tc | _ -> raise TTC.NoMatch in t_lazy_match ?reduce t_or_intro_r tc let t_left ?reduce tc = t_or_intro ?reduce `Left tc let t_right ?reduce tc = t_or_intro ?reduce `Right tc (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_and_intro_s opsym (f1, f2 : form pair) (tc : tcenv1) = let p = match opsym with | `Asym -> LG.p_anda_intro | `Sym -> LG.p_and_intro in t_apply_s p [] ~args:[f1; f2] ~sk:2 tc let t_and_intro ?reduce (tc : tcenv1) = let t_and_intro_r (fp : form) (tc : tcenv1) = match sform_of_form fp with | SFand (b, (left, right)) -> t_and_intro_s b (left, right) tc | _ -> raise TTC.NoMatch in t_lazy_match ?reduce t_and_intro_r tc (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_iff_intro_s (f1, f2 : form pair) (tc : tcenv1) = t_apply_s LG.p_iff_intro [] ~args:[f1; f2] ~sk:2 tc let t_iff_intro ?reduce (tc : tcenv1) = let t_iff_intro_r (fp : form) (tc : tcenv1) = match sform_of_form fp with | SFiff (f1, f2) -> t_iff_intro_s (f1, f2) tc | _ -> raise TTC.NoMatch in t_lazy_match ?reduce t_iff_intro_r tc (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let gen_tuple_intro tys = let var ty name i = let var = EcIdent.create (Printf.sprintf "%s%d" name (i+1)) in (var, f_local var ty) in let eq i ty = let (x, fx) = var ty "x" i in let (y, fy) = var ty "y" i in ((x, fx), (y, fy), f_eq fx fy) in let eqs = List.mapi eq tys in let concl = f_eq (f_tuple (List.map (snd |- proj3_1) eqs)) (f_tuple (List.map (snd |- proj3_2) eqs)) in let concl = f_imps (List.map proj3_3 eqs) concl in let concl = let bindings = let for1 ((x, fx), (y, fy), _) bindings = (x, GTty fx.f_ty) :: (y, GTty fy.f_ty) :: bindings in List.fold_right for1 eqs [] in f_forall bindings concl in concl (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let pf_gen_tuple_intro tys hyps pe = let fp = gen_tuple_intro tys in FApi.newfact pe (VExtern (`TupleCongr tys, [])) hyps fp (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_tuple_intro_s (fs : form pair list) (tc : tcenv1) = let tc = RApi.rtcenv_of_tcenv1 tc in let tys = List.map (fun f -> (fst f).f_ty) fs in let hd = RApi.bwd_of_fwd (pf_gen_tuple_intro tys (RApi.tc_hyps tc)) tc in let fs = List.flatten (List.map (fun (x, y) -> [x; y]) fs) in RApi.of_pure_u (tt_apply_hd hd ~args:fs ~sk:(List.length tys)) tc; RApi.tcenv_of_rtcenv tc let t_tuple_intro ?reduce (tc : tcenv1) = let t_tuple_intro_r (fp : form) (tc : tcenv1) = match sform_of_form fp with | SFeq (f1, f2) when is_tuple f1 && is_tuple f2 -> let fs = List.combine (destr_tuple f1) (destr_tuple f2) in t_tuple_intro_s fs tc | _ -> raise TTC.NoMatch in t_lazy_match ?reduce t_tuple_intro_r tc (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_elim_r ?(reduce = (`Full : lazyred)) txs tc = match sform_of_form (FApi.tc1_goal tc) with | SFimp (f1, f2) -> let rec aux f1 = let sf1 = sform_of_form f1 in match List.opick (fun tx -> try Some (tx (f1, sf1) f2 tc) with TTC.NoMatch -> None) txs with | Some gs -> gs | None -> begin let strategy = match reduce with | `None -> raise InvalidGoalShape | `Full -> EcReduction.full_red | `NoDelta -> EcReduction.nodelta in match h_red_opt strategy (FApi.tc1_hyps tc) f1 with | None -> raise InvalidGoalShape | Some f1 -> aux f1 end in aux f1 | _ -> raise InvalidGoalShape (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_elim_false_r ((_, sf) : form * sform) concl tc = match sf with | SFfalse -> t_apply_s LG.p_false_elim [] ~args:[concl] tc | _ -> raise TTC.NoMatch let t_elim_false ?reduce tc = t_elim_r ?reduce [t_elim_false_r] tc (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_elim_and_r ((_, sf) : form * sform) concl tc = match sf with | SFand (opsym, (a1, a2)) -> let p = match opsym with | `Asym -> LG.p_anda_elim | `Sym -> LG.p_and_elim in t_apply_s p [] ~args:[a1; a2; concl] ~sk:1 tc | _ -> raise TTC.NoMatch let t_elim_and ?reduce goal = t_elim_r ?reduce [t_elim_and_r] goal (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_elim_or_r ((_, sf) : form * sform) concl tc = match sf with | SFor (opsym, (a1, a2)) -> let p = match opsym with | `Asym -> LG.p_ora_elim | `Sym -> LG.p_or_elim in t_apply_s p [] ~args:[a1; a2; concl] ~sk:2 tc | _ -> raise TTC.NoMatch let t_elim_or ?reduce tc = t_elim_r ?reduce [t_elim_or_r] tc (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_elim_iff_r ((_, sf) : form * sform) concl tc = match sf with | SFiff (a1, a2) -> t_apply_s LG.p_iff_elim [] ~args:[a1; a2; concl] ~sk:1 tc | _ -> raise TTC.NoMatch let t_elim_iff ?reduce tc = t_elim_r ?reduce [t_elim_iff_r] tc (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_elim_if_r ((_, sf) : form * sform) concl tc = match sf with | SFif (a1, a2, a3) -> t_apply_s LG.p_if_elim [] ~args:[a1; a2; a3; concl] ~sk:2 tc | _ -> raise TTC.NoMatch let t_elim_if ?reduce tc = t_elim_r ?reduce [t_elim_if_r] tc (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let gen_tuple_eq_elim (tys : ty list) : form = let p = EcIdent.create "p" in let fp = f_local p tbool in let var ty name i = let var = EcIdent.create (Printf.sprintf "%s%d" name (i+1)) in (var, f_local var ty) in let eq i ty = let (x, fx) = var ty "x" i in let (y, fy) = var ty "y" i in ((x, fx), (y, fy), f_eq fx fy) in let eqs = List.mapi eq tys in let concl = f_eq (f_tuple (List.map (snd |- proj3_1) eqs)) (f_tuple (List.map (snd |- proj3_2) eqs)) in let concl = f_imps [f_imps (List.map proj3_3 eqs) fp; concl] fp in let concl = let bindings = let for1 ((x, fx), (y, fy), _) bindings = (x, GTty fx.f_ty) :: (y, GTty fy.f_ty) :: bindings in List.fold_right for1 eqs [] in f_forall bindings concl in f_forall [(p, GTty tbool)] concl (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let pf_gen_tuple_eq_elim tys hyps pe = let fp = gen_tuple_eq_elim tys in FApi.newfact pe (VExtern (`TupleEqElim tys, [])) hyps fp (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_elim_eq_tuple_r_n ((_, sf) : form * sform) concl tc = match sf with | SFeq (a1, a2) when is_tuple a1 && is_tuple a2 -> let tc = RApi.rtcenv_of_tcenv1 tc in let hyps = RApi.tc_hyps tc in let fs = List.combine (destr_tuple a1) (destr_tuple a2) in let tys = List.map (f_ty |- fst) fs in let hd = RApi.bwd_of_fwd (pf_gen_tuple_eq_elim tys hyps) tc in let args = List.flatten (List.map (fun (x, y) -> [x; y]) fs) in let args = concl :: args in RApi.of_pure_u (tt_apply_hd hd ~args ~sk:1) tc; List.length tys, RApi.tcenv_of_rtcenv tc | _ -> raise TTC.NoMatch let t_elim_eq_tuple_r f concl tc = snd (t_elim_eq_tuple_r_n f concl tc) let t_elim_eq_tuple ?reduce goal = t_elim_r ?reduce [t_elim_eq_tuple_r] goal (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_elim_exists_r ((f, _) : form * sform) concl tc = match f.f_node with | Fquant (Lexists, bd, body) -> let subst = Fsubst.f_subst_init ~freshen:true () in let subst, bd = Fsubst.add_bindings subst bd in let newc = f_forall bd (f_imp (Fsubst.f_subst subst body) concl) in let tc = FApi.mutate1 tc (fun hd -> VExtern (`Exists, [hd])) newc in FApi.tcenv_of_tcenv1 tc | _ -> raise TTC.NoMatch let t_elim_exists ?reduce tc = t_elim_r ?reduce [t_elim_exists_r] tc (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* FIXME: document this function ! *) let t_elimT_form (ind : proofterm) ?(sk = 0) (f : form) (tc : tcenv1) = let tc = FApi.tcenv_of_tcenv1 tc in let _, ax = snd (RApi.to_pure (fun tc -> LowApply.check `Elim ind (`Tc (tc, None))) tc) in let hyps, concl = FApi.tc_flat tc in let env = LDecl.toenv hyps in let rec skip i a f = match i, EcFol.sform_of_form f with | Some i, _ when i <= 0 -> (a, f) | Some i, SFimp (_, f2) -> skip (Some (i-1)) (a+1) f2 | None , SFimp (_, f2) -> skip None (a+1) f2 | Some _, _ -> raise InvalidGoalShape | None , _ -> (a, f) in let (pr, prty, ax) = match sform_of_form ax with | SFquant (Lforall, (pr, GTty prty), lazy ax) -> (pr, prty, ax) | _ -> raise InvalidGoalShape in if not (EqTest.for_type env prty (tfun f.f_ty tbool)) then raise InvalidGoalShape; let (aa1, ax) = skip None 0 ax in let (x, _xty, ax) = match sform_of_form ax with | SFquant (Lforall, (x, GTty xty), lazy ax) -> (x, xty, ax) | _ -> raise InvalidGoalShape in let (aa2, ax) = let rec doit ax aa = match TTC.destruct_product hyps ax with | Some (`Imp (f1, f2)) when Mid.mem pr f1.f_fv -> doit f2 (aa+1) | _ -> (aa, ax) in doit ax 0 in let pf = let (_, concl) = skip (Some sk) 0 concl in let (z, concl) = EcProofTerm.pattern_form ~name:(EcIdent.name x) hyps ~ptn:f concl in Fsubst.f_subst_local pr (f_lambda [(z, GTty f.f_ty)] concl) ax in let pf_inst = Fsubst.f_subst_local x f pf in let (aa3, sk) = let rec doit pf_inst (aa, sk) = if EcReduction.is_conv hyps pf_inst concl then (aa, sk) else match TTC.destruct_product hyps pf_inst with | Some (`Imp (_, f2)) -> doit f2 (aa+1, sk+1) | _ -> raise InvalidGoalShape in doit pf_inst (0, sk) in let pf = f_lambda [(x, GTty f.f_ty)] (snd (skip (Some sk) 0 pf)) in let args = (PAFormula pf :: (List.make aa1 (PASub None)) @ PAFormula f :: (List.make (aa2+aa3) (PASub None))) in let pt = { ind with pt_args = ind.pt_args @ args; } in (* FIXME: put first goal last *) FApi.t_focus (t_apply pt) tc (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_elimT_form_global p ?(typ = []) ?sk f tc = let pt = { pt_head = PTGlobal (p, typ); pt_args = []; } in t_elimT_form pt f ?sk tc (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let gen_tuple_elim ?(witheq = true) (tys : ty list) : form = let var i ty = let var = EcIdent.create (Printf.sprintf "%s%d" "x" (i+1)) in (var, f_local var ty) in let tty = ttuple tys in let p = EcIdent.create "p" in let fp = f_local p (tfun tty tbool) in let t = EcIdent.create "t" in let ft = f_local t tty in let vars = List.mapi var tys in let tf = f_tuple (List.map snd vars) in let indh = f_app fp [tf] tbool in let indh = if witheq then f_imp (f_eq ft tf) indh else indh in let indh = f_forall (List.map (snd_map (fun f -> GTty f.f_ty)) vars) indh in let concl = f_forall [] (f_imp indh (f_app fp [ft] tbool)) in let concl = f_forall [t, GTty tty] concl in let concl = f_forall [p, GTty (tfun tty tbool)] concl in concl (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let pf_gen_tuple_elim ?witheq tys hyps pe = let fp = gen_tuple_elim ?witheq tys in FApi.newfact pe (VExtern (`TupleElim tys, [])) hyps fp (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_elimT_ind ?reduce mode (tc : tcenv1) = let elim (id, ty) tc = let tc, pt, sk = let env, hyps, _ = FApi.tc1_eflat tc in match EcEnv.Ty.scheme_of_ty mode ty env with | Some (p, typ) -> let pt = { pt_head = PTGlobal (p, typ); pt_args = []; } in (tc, pt, 0) | None -> match (EcEnv.ty_hnorm ty env).ty_node with | Ttuple tys -> let indtc = pf_gen_tuple_elim ~witheq:false tys hyps in let tc, hd = FApi.bwd1_of_fwd indtc tc in let pt = { pt_head = PTHandle hd; pt_args = []; } in (tc, pt, 0) | _ when EcReduction.EqTest.for_type env tunit ty -> let pt = { pt_head = PTGlobal (LG.p_unit_elim, []); pt_args = []; } in (tc, pt, 0) | _ when EcReduction.EqTest.for_type env tint ty -> let pt = { pt_head = PTGlobal (EcCoreLib.CI_Int.p_int_elim, []); pt_args = []; } in (tc, pt, 1) | _ when EcReduction.EqTest.for_type env tbool ty -> let pt = { pt_head = PTGlobal (LG.p_bool_elim, []); pt_args = []; } in (tc, pt, 0) | _ -> raise InvalidGoalShape in t_elimT_form ~sk pt (f_local id ty) tc in let doit fp tc = match sform_of_form fp with | SFquant (Lforall, (x, GTty ty), _) -> begin let hyps = FApi.tc1_hyps tc in let id = LDecl.fresh_id hyps (EcIdent.name x) in FApi.t_seqs [t_intros_i_seq ~clear:true [id] (elim (id, ty)); t_simplify_with_info EcReduction.beta_red] tc end | _ -> raise TTC.NoMatch in t_lazy_match ?reduce doit tc (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_elim_default_r = [ t_elim_false_r; t_elim_and_r; t_elim_or_r; t_elim_iff_r; t_elim_if_r; t_elim_eq_tuple_r; t_elim_exists_r; ] let t_elim ?reduce tc = t_elim_r ?reduce t_elim_default_r tc (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_case fp tc = t_elimT_form_global LG.p_case_eq_bool fp tc (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_elim_hyp h tc = (* FIXME: exception? *) let f = LDecl.hyp_by_id h (FApi.tc1_hyps tc) in let pt = { pt_head = PTLocal h; pt_args = []; } in FApi.t_seq (t_cutdef pt f) t_elim tc (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_elim_prind_r ?reduce ?accept (_mode : [`Case | `Ind]) tc = let doit fp tc = let env = FApi.tc1_env tc in match sform_of_form fp with | SFimp (f1, f2) -> let (p, sk), tv, args = match fst_map f_node (destr_app f1) with | Fop (p, tv), args when EcEnv.Op.is_prind env p -> begin if is_some accept then let pri = oget (EcEnv.Op.by_path_opt p env) in let pri = EcDecl.operator_as_prind pri in if not (oget accept pri) then raise InvalidGoalShape; end; (oget (EcEnv.Op.scheme_of_prind env `Case p), tv, args) | _ -> raise InvalidGoalShape in t_apply_s p tv ~args:(args @ [f2]) ~sk tc | _ -> raise TTC.NoMatch in t_lazy_match ?reduce doit tc (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_elim_prind = t_elim_prind_r ?accept:None (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_elim_iso_and ?reduce tc = try (2, t_elim_and ?reduce tc) with InvalidGoalShape -> let outgoals = ref None in let accept pri = match EcInductive.prind_is_iso_ands pri with | None -> false | Some (_, ngoals) -> outgoals := Some ngoals; true in let tc = t_elim_prind_r ?reduce ~accept `Case tc in (oget !outgoals, tc) (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_elim_iso_or ?reduce tc = try ([1; 1], t_elim_or ?reduce tc) with InvalidGoalShape -> let outgoals = ref None in let accept pri = match EcInductive.prind_is_iso_ors pri with | None -> false | Some ((_, n1), (_, n2)) -> outgoals := Some [n1; n2]; true in let tc = t_elim_prind_r ?reduce ~accept `Case tc in (oget !outgoals, tc) (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_split ?(closeonly = false) ?reduce (tc : tcenv1) = let t_split_r (fp : form) (tc : tcenv1) = let concl = FApi.tc1_goal tc in match sform_of_form fp with | SFtrue -> t_true tc | SFand (b, (f1, f2)) when not closeonly -> t_and_intro_s b (f1, f2) tc | SFiff (f1, f2) when not closeonly -> t_iff_intro_s (f1, f2) tc | SFeq (f1, f2) when not closeonly && (is_tuple f1 && is_tuple f2) -> let fs = List.combine (destr_tuple f1) (destr_tuple f2) in t_tuple_intro_s fs tc | SFeq (f1, _f2) -> t_reflex_s f1 tc | SFif (cond, _, _) when not closeonly -> (* FIXME: simplify goal *) let tc = if f_equal concl fp then tc else t_change1 fp tc in let tc = t_case cond tc in tc | _ -> raise TTC.NoMatch in t_lazy_match ?reduce t_split_r tc (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_split_prind ?reduce (tc : tcenv1) = let t_split_r (fp : form) (tc : tcenv1) = let env = FApi.tc1_env tc in let p, tv, args = match fst_map f_node (destr_app fp) with | Fop (p, tv), args when EcEnv.Op.is_prind env p -> (p, tv, args) | _ -> raise InvalidGoalShape in let pri = oget (EcEnv.Op.by_path_opt p env) in let pri = EcDecl.operator_as_prind pri in match EcInductive.prind_is_iso_ands pri with | None -> raise InvalidGoalShape | Some (x, sk) -> let p = EcInductive.prind_introsc_path p x in t_apply_s p tv ~args ~sk tc in t_lazy_match ?reduce t_split_r tc (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_or_intro_prind ?reduce (side : side) (tc : tcenv1) = let t_split_r (fp : form) (tc : tcenv1) = let env = FApi.tc1_env tc in let p, tv, args = match fst_map f_node (destr_app fp) with | Fop (p, tv), args when EcEnv.Op.is_prind env p -> (p, tv, args) | _ -> raise InvalidGoalShape in let pri = oget (EcEnv.Op.by_path_opt p env) in let pri = EcDecl.operator_as_prind pri in match EcInductive.prind_is_iso_ors pri with | Some ((x, sk), _) when side = `Left -> let p = EcInductive.prind_introsc_path p x in t_apply_s p tv ~args ~sk tc | Some (_, (x, sk)) when side = `Right -> let p = EcInductive.prind_introsc_path p x in t_apply_s p tv ~args ~sk tc | _ -> raise InvalidGoalShape in t_lazy_match ?reduce t_split_r tc (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) type rwspec = [`LtoR|`RtoL] * ptnpos option type rwmode = [`Bool | `Eq] (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_rewrite ?xconv ?keyed ?target ?(mode : rwmode option) ?(donot=false) (pt : proofterm) (s, pos) (tc : tcenv1) = let tc = RApi.rtcenv_of_tcenv1 tc in let (hyps, tgfp) = RApi.tc_flat ?target tc in let env = LDecl.toenv hyps in let (pt, ax) = LowApply.check `Elim pt (`Tc (tc, target)) in let (pt, left, right) = let doit ax = match sform_of_form ax, mode with | SFeq (f1, f2), (None | Some `Eq) -> (pt, f1, f2) | SFiff (f1, f2), (None | Some `Eq) -> (pt, f1, f2) | SFnot f, (None | Some `Bool) when s = `LtoR && donot -> let ptev_env = ptenv_of_penv hyps (RApi.tc_penv tc) in let pt = { ptev_env; ptev_pt = pt; ptev_ax = ax } in let pt' = pt_of_global_r ptev_env LG.p_negeqF [] in let pt' = apply_pterm_to_arg_r pt' (PVAFormula f) in let pt' = apply_pterm_to_arg_r pt' (PVASub pt) in let pt, _ = concretize pt' in pt, f, f_false | _, (None | Some `Bool) when s = `LtoR && ER.EqTest.for_type env ax.f_ty tbool -> (pt, ax, f_true) | _ -> raise TTC.NoMatch in oget ~exn:InvalidProofTerm (TTC.lazy_destruct hyps doit ax) in let (left, right) = match s with | `LtoR -> (left , right) | `RtoL -> (right, left ) in let change f = if not (EcReduction.is_conv hyps f left) then raise InvalidGoalShape; right in let npos = match pos with | None -> FPosition.select_form ?keyed ?xconv hyps None left tgfp | Some pos -> pos in let tgfp = try FPosition.map npos change tgfp with InvalidPosition -> raise InvalidGoalShape in match target with | None -> let hd = RApi.newgoal tc tgfp in let rwpt = { rpt_proof = pt; rpt_occrs = pos; rpt_lc = None; } in RApi.close tc (VRewrite (hd, rwpt)); RApi.tcenv_of_rtcenv tc | Some (h : ident) -> let hyps = oget (LDecl.hyp_convert h (fun _ _ -> tgfp) (RApi.tc_hyps tc)) in let hd = RApi.newgoal tc ~hyps (RApi.tc_goal tc) in let rwpt = { rpt_proof = pt; rpt_occrs = pos; rpt_lc = Some h; } in RApi.close tc (VRewrite (hd, rwpt)); RApi.tcenv_of_rtcenv tc (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_rewrite_hyp ?xconv ?mode ?donot (id : EcIdent.t) pos (tc : tcenv1) = let pt = { pt_head = PTLocal id; pt_args = []; } in t_rewrite ?xconv ?mode ?donot pt pos tc (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) type vsubst = [ | `Local of EcIdent.t | `Glob of EcPath.mpath * EcMemory.memory | `PVar of EcTypes.prog_var * EcMemory.memory ] (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) type subst_kind = { sk_local : bool; sk_pvar : bool; sk_glob : bool; } let full_subst_kind = { sk_local = true ; sk_pvar = true ; sk_glob = true ; } let empty_subst_kind = { sk_local = false; sk_pvar = false; sk_glob = false; } type tside = [`All of [`LtoR | `RtoL] option | `LtoR | `RtoL] (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) module LowSubst = struct (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *) let default_subst_kind = full_subst_kind (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *) let is_member_for_subst ?kind hyps var f = let kind = odfl default_subst_kind kind in let env = LDecl.toenv hyps in let is_let x = match LDecl.by_id x hyps with LD_var (_, Some _) -> true | _ -> false in match f.f_node, var with (* Substitution of logical variables *) | Flocal x, None when kind.sk_local && not (is_let x) -> Some (`Local x) | Flocal x, Some (`Local y) when kind.sk_local && id_equal x y && not (is_let x) -> Some (`Local x) (* Substitution of program variables *) | Fpvar (pv, m), None when kind.sk_pvar -> Some (`PVar (pv, m)) | Fpvar (pv, m), Some (`PVar (pv', m')) when kind.sk_pvar -> let pv = EcEnv.NormMp.norm_pvar env pv in let pv' = EcEnv.NormMp.norm_pvar env pv' in if EcTypes.pv_equal pv pv' && EcMemory.mem_equal m m' then Some (`PVar (pv, m)) else None (* Substitution of globs *) | Fglob (mp, m), None when kind.sk_glob -> Some (`Glob (mp, m)) | Fglob (mp, m), Some (`Glob (mp', m')) when kind.sk_glob -> let gl = EcEnv.NormMp.norm_glob env m mp in let gl' = EcEnv.NormMp.norm_glob env m' mp' in if EcFol.f_equal gl gl' then Some (`Glob (mp, m)) else None | _, _ -> None (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *) let is_eq_for_subst ?kind ?(tside = (`All None : tside)) hyps var (f1, f2) = let can (side : [`LtoR | `RtoL]) = match tside with | `All None -> Some `High | `All (Some x) -> Some (if x = side then `High else `Low) | _ -> if tside = (side :> tside) then Some `High else None in let is_member_for_subst ?kind side env var f tg = can side |> obind (fun prio -> is_member_for_subst ?kind env var f |> obind (fun eq -> Some (prio, (side, eq, tg)))) in let env = LDecl.toenv hyps in let var = List.pmap identity [is_member_for_subst ?kind `LtoR hyps var f1 f2; is_member_for_subst ?kind `RtoL hyps var f2 f1] in let cmp x y = let x = match x with `High -> 1 | `Low -> 0 in let y = match y with `High -> 1 | `Low -> 0 in Stdlib.compare x y in let var = List.ksort ~stable:true ~rev:true ~key:fst ~cmp var in let var = List.ohead var |> omap snd in let aout = match var with | None -> None (* Substitution of logical variables *) | Some ((_, `Local x, f) as aout) -> let f = simplify { no_red with delta_h = predT } hyps f in if Mid.mem x f.f_fv then None else Some aout (* Substitution of program variables *) | Some ((_, `PVar (pv, m), f) as aout) -> let f = simplify { no_red with delta_h = predT } hyps f in let fv = EcPV.PV.fv env m f in if EcPV.PV.mem_pv env pv fv then None else Some aout (* Substitution of globs *) | Some ((_, `Glob (mp, m), f) as aout) -> let f = simplify { no_red with delta_h = predT } hyps f in let fv = EcPV.PV.fv env m f in if EcPV.PV.mem_glob env mp fv then None else Some aout in match aout with | None -> None | Some(side,v,f) -> let rec add fv x _ = if Sid.mem x fv then fv else (* check if x is a declare module *) let fv = Sid.add x fv in if EcEnv.Mod.by_mpath_opt (EcPath.mident x) env <> None then fv else match LDecl.by_id x hyps with | LD_var (_, Some f) -> add_f fv f | _ -> fv and add_f fv f = Mid.fold_left add fv f.f_fv in Some(side,v,f, add_f Sid.empty f) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *) let build_subst env var f = match var with | `Local x -> let subst f = Fsubst.f_subst_local x f in let check tg = Mid.mem x tg.f_fv in (subst f, check) | `PVar (pv, m) -> let subst f = EcPV.PVM.subst env (EcPV.PVM.add env pv m f EcPV.PVM.empty) in (* FIXME *) let check _tg = true in (subst f, check) | `Glob (mp, m) -> let subst f = EcPV.PVM.subst env (EcPV.PVM.add_glob env mp m f EcPV.PVM.empty) in (* FIXME *) let check _tg = true in (subst f, check) end (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) type subst_clear = | SCnone (* clear nothing *) | SChyp (* clear the hypothesis *) | SCall (* clear the variable and the hypothesis *) (* h1, h2, id : x = f; h3; h4 |- concl h1, id: x = f |- h2 => f z = y + z h1 : x = f w h2 : y = z *) let gen_hyps post gG = let do1 gG (id, d) = match d with | LD_var (_ty, Some body) -> f_let1 id body gG | LD_var (ty, None) -> f_forall [id, GTty ty] gG | LD_mem mt -> f_forall_mems [id, mt] gG | LD_modty(mt,r) -> f_forall [id, GTmodty(mt,r)] gG | LD_hyp f -> f_imp f gG | LD_abs_st _ -> raise InvalidGoalShape in List.fold_left do1 gG post let build_var var ty = match var with | `Glob (mp,m) -> f_glob mp m | `Local x -> f_local x ty | `PVar(x,m) -> f_pvar x ty m let t_rw_for_subst y togen concl side eqid tc = let hyps = FApi.tc1_hyps tc in let eq = LDecl.hyp_by_id eqid hyps in let f1', f2' = destr_eq_or_iff eq in let ids = List.map fst togen in let ty = f1'.f_ty in let posty_G = f_lambda [y, GTty ty] (gen_hyps (List.rev togen) concl) in let f1, f2 = if side = `LtoR then f2', f1' else f1', f2' in let postx_G = f_app posty_G [f2] tbool in let t_eq = match destr_eq eq with | _ -> t_hyp eqid | exception (DestrError _) -> FApi.t_seq (t_apply_s LG.p_eq_iff_imp [] ~args:[f1';f2'] ~sk:1) (t_hyp eqid) in let t_eq_ind = (t_apply_s LG.p_eq_ind [ty] ~args:[f1;f2;posty_G] ~sk:2) @+ [ if side = `LtoR then t_symmetry @! t_eq else t_eq; t_id] in FApi.t_seqs [ (* pre; id: x = f; post |- concl *) t_generalize_hyps ~clear:`Yes ~missing:false ~letin:true ids; (* pre'; id: x= f |- hpost => post => concl *) t_change postx_G; (* pre'; id: x = f |- (fun y => (hpost => post => concl){x <- y}) x *) t_eq_ind; (* pre'; id: x = f |- (fun y => (hpost => post => concl){x <- y}) f *) t_hred_with_info beta_red; (* pre'; id: x = f |- (hpost => post => concl){x <- f} *) t_intros_i ids] tc let t_subst_x ?kind ?(except = Sid.empty) ?(clear = SCall) ?var ?tside ?eqid (tc : tcenv1) = let env, hyps, concl = FApi.tc1_eflat tc in let subst_pre (subst, check, depend) moved (id, lk) = if Sid.mem id depend then `Pre (id, lk) else let check_moved f = not (Mid.disjoint (fun _ _ _ -> false) f.f_fv moved) in match lk with | LD_var (_ty, None) -> `Pre (id, lk) | LD_var (ty, Some body) -> if check_moved body then let body = if check body && not (Sid.mem id except) then subst body else body in `Post (id, LD_var (ty, Some body)) else if check body && not (Sid.mem id except) then `Post (id, LD_var (ty, Some (subst body))) else `Pre (id, lk) | LD_hyp body -> if check_moved body then let body = if check body && not (Sid.mem id except) then subst body else body in `Post (id, LD_hyp body) else if check body && not (Sid.mem id except) then `Post (id, LD_hyp (subst body)) else `Pre (id, lk) | LD_mem _ -> `Pre (id, lk) | LD_modty _ -> `Pre (id, lk) | LD_abs_st _ -> `Pre (id, lk) in let try1 eq = match eq with | id, LD_hyp f when is_eq_or_iff f -> begin let dosubst (side, var, f, depend) = let y, fy = let y = EcIdent.create "y" in y, f_local y f.f_ty in let subst, check = LowSubst.build_subst env var fy in let post, (id', _), pre = try List.find_pivot (id_equal id |- fst) (LDecl.tohyps hyps).h_local with Not_found -> assert false in assert (id_equal id id'); let hpost, _ = List.fold_right (fun ((x,_) as h) (hpost, moved) -> match subst_pre (subst, check, depend) moved h with | `Pre _ -> (hpost, moved) | `Post (id, lk) -> ((id, lk) :: hpost, Sid.add x moved)) pre ([], Sid.empty) in let post = List.fold_right (fun h post -> assert (not (id_equal (fst h) id)); match subst_pre (subst, check, depend) Sid.empty h with | `Pre (id, lk) | `Post (id, lk) -> (id, lk) :: post ) post [] in let apost = List.rev_append hpost post in let concl = subst concl in let to_clear = match clear with | SCnone -> [] | SChyp -> [id] | SCall -> match var with | `Local x -> begin match LDecl.by_id x hyps with | LD_var (_, None) -> [x; id] | _ -> [id] end | _ -> [id] in FApi.t_seqs [ t_rw_for_subst y apost concl side id; t_clears to_clear ] tc, (y, apost, side) in try LowSubst.is_eq_for_subst ?kind ?tside hyps var (destr_eq_or_iff f) |> omap dosubst with EcPV.MemoryClash -> None end | _ -> None in let eqs = eqid |> omap (fun id -> [id, LD_hyp (LDecl.hyp_by_id id hyps)]) |> ofdfl (fun () -> (LDecl.tohyps hyps).h_local) in try List.find_map try1 eqs with Not_found -> raise InvalidGoalShape let t_subst ?kind ?except ?(clear = true) ?var ?tside ?eqid (tc : tcenv1) = let clear = if clear then SCall else SChyp in fst (t_subst_x ?kind ?except ~clear ?var ?tside ?eqid tc) (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_absurd_hyp ?(conv = `AlphaEq) id tc = let hyps, concl = FApi.tc1_flat tc in let b, f = destr_nots (LDecl.hyp_by_id id hyps) in let test f' = let b', f' = destr_nots f' in (b = not b') && EcReduction.xconv conv hyps f f' in let id' = try LowAssumption.gen_find_in_hyps test hyps with _ -> raise InvalidGoalShape in let x, hnx, hx = if b then f, id, id' else f_not f, id', id in FApi.t_internal (FApi.t_seqs [ t_apply_s LG.p_false_elim [] ~args:[concl] ~sk:1; FApi.t_seqsub (t_apply_s LG.p_negbTE [] ~args:[x] ~sk:2) [ t_apply_hyp hnx; t_apply_hyp hx ] ]) tc (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_absurd_hyp ?conv ?id tc = let tabsurd = t_absurd_hyp ?conv in match id with | Some id -> tabsurd id tc | None -> let tott (id, lk) = match lk with | LD_hyp f when is_not f -> Some (tabsurd id) | _ -> None in let hyps = (LDecl.tohyps (FApi.tc1_hyps tc)).h_local in let tc = FApi.t_try (FApi.t_ors_pmap tott hyps) tc in if not (FApi.tc_done tc) then raise InvalidGoalShape; tc (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_false ?(conv = `Eq) id tc = let hy = FApi.tc1_hyps tc in let hh = LDecl.hyp_by_id id hy in if not (EcReduction.xconv conv hy hh f_false) then raise InvalidGoalShape; FApi.t_internal ~info:"t_false" (FApi.t_seq (t_generalize_hyp ~clear:`No id) t_elim_false) tc (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_false ?conv ?id tc = let tfalse = t_false ?conv in match id with | Some id -> tfalse id tc | None -> let tott (id, lk) = match lk with | LD_hyp _ -> Some (tfalse id) | _ -> None in let hyps = (LDecl.tohyps (FApi.tc1_hyps tc)).h_local in FApi.t_ors_pmap tott hyps tc (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) type pgoptions = { pgo_split : bool; pgo_solve : bool; pgo_subst : bool; pgo_disjct : bool; pgo_delta : pgo_delta; } and pgo_delta = { pgod_case : bool; pgod_split : bool; } module PGOptions = struct let default = let fordelta = { pgod_case = false; pgod_split = true ; }; in { pgo_split = true; pgo_solve = true; pgo_subst = true; pgo_disjct = false; pgo_delta = fordelta; } let merged1 opts (b, x) = match x with | None -> { pgod_case = b; pgod_split = b; } | Some `Case -> { opts with pgod_case = b; } | Some `Split -> { opts with pgod_split = b; } let merge1 opts ((b, x) : bool * EcParsetree.ppgoption) = match x with | `Split -> { opts with pgo_split = b; } | `Solve -> { opts with pgo_solve = b; } | `Subst -> { opts with pgo_subst = b; } | `Disjunctive -> { opts with pgo_disjct = b; } | `Delta x -> { opts with pgo_delta = merged1 opts.pgo_delta (b, x); } let merge opts (specs : EcParsetree.ppgoptions) = List.fold_left merge1 opts specs end module PGInternals = struct let pg_cnj_elims = [ t_elim_false_r ; t_elim_exists_r ; t_elim_and_r ; t_elim_eq_tuple_r; ] let pg_djn_elims = [ t_elim_or_r ] end let t_progress ?options ?ti (tt : FApi.backward) (tc : tcenv1) = let options = odfl PGOptions.default options in let tt = if options.pgo_solve then FApi.t_or (t_assumption `Alpha) tt else tt and ti = odfl (fun (_ : EcIdent.t) -> t_id) ti in let t_progress_subst ?eqid = let sk1 = { empty_subst_kind with sk_local = true ; } in let sk2 = { full_subst_kind with sk_local = false; } in FApi.t_or (t_subst ~kind:sk1 ?eqid) (t_subst ~kind:sk2 ?eqid) in let ts = if options.pgo_subst then fun id -> FApi.t_or (t_progress_subst ~eqid:id) (ti id) else ti in (* Entry of progress: simplify goal, and chain with progress *) let rec entry tc = FApi.t_seq (t_simplify ~delta:false) aux0 tc (* Progress (level 0): try to apply user tactic, chain with level 1. *) and aux0 tc = FApi.t_seq (FApi.t_try tt) aux1 tc (* Progress (level 1): intro/elim top-level assumption *) and aux1 tc = let hyps, concl = FApi.tc1_flat tc in match sform_of_form concl with | SFquant (Lforall, _, _) -> let bd = fst (destr_forall concl) in let ids = List.map (EcIdent.name |- fst) bd in let ids = LDecl.fresh_ids hyps ids in FApi.t_seq (t_intros_i ids) aux0 tc | SFlet (LTuple fs, f1, _) -> let tys = List.map snd fs in let tc, hd = FApi.bwd1_of_fwd (pf_gen_tuple_elim tys hyps) tc in let pt = { pt_head = PTHandle hd; pt_args = []; } in FApi.t_seq (t_elimT_form pt f1) aux0 tc | SFimp (_, _) -> begin let id = LDecl.fresh_id hyps "H" in match t_intros_i_seq [id] tt tc with | tc when FApi.tc_done tc -> tc | _ -> (* FIXME: we'd like to do the following: intros id; on_intro id; entry on_intro: (try subst (if option) or default_intro id); default_intro id = try absurd id; -- ie if id: b and !b is an assumption rewrite_bool id; -- if id: !b -> rewrite b = false, if id: b -> rewrite b = true default_on_intro id *) let iffail tc = t_intros_i_seq [id] (FApi.t_seq (ts id) entry) tc in let elims = PGInternals.pg_cnj_elims in let elims = if options.pgo_disjct then PGInternals.pg_djn_elims @ elims else elims in let reduce = if options.pgo_delta.pgod_case then `Full else `NoDelta in FApi.t_switch ~on:`All (t_elim_r ~reduce elims) ~ifok:aux0 ~iffail tc end | _ when options.pgo_split -> let thesplit = match options.pgo_delta.pgod_split with | true -> t_split ~closeonly:false ~reduce:`Full | false -> FApi.t_or (t_split ~reduce:`NoDelta) (t_split ~closeonly:true ~reduce:`Full) in FApi.t_try (FApi.t_seq thesplit aux0) tc | _ -> t_id tc in entry tc (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let pp_tc tc = let pr = proofenv_of_proof (proof_of_tcenv tc) in let cl = List.map (FApi.get_pregoal_by_id^~ pr) (FApi.tc_opened tc) in let cl = List.map (fun x -> (EcEnv.LDecl.tohyps x.g_hyps, x.g_concl)) cl in match cl with [] -> () | hd :: tl -> Format.eprintf "%a@." (EcPrinting.pp_goal (EcPrinting.PPEnv.ofenv (FApi.tc_env tc)) {prpo_pr = true; prpo_po = true}) (hd, `All tl) type cstate = { cs_undosubst : Sid.t; cs_sbeq : Sid.t; } let t_crush ?(delta = true) ?tsolve (tc : tcenv1) = let dtsolve = [t_assumption `Conv; t_absurd_hyp ~conv:`Conv; t_false ~conv:`Conv] in let tsolve = odfl (FApi.t_ors dtsolve) tsolve in let tt = FApi.t_try (t_assumption `Alpha) in (* let t_print s t tc = Format.eprintf "%s@." s; pp_tc (FApi.tcenv_of_tcenv1 tc); t tc in *) (* Entry of progress: simplify goal, and chain with progress *) let rec entry (st : cstate) = t_simplify ~delta:false @! aux0 st (* Progress (level 0): try to apply user tactic. *) and aux0 (st : cstate) = FApi.t_try tt @! aux1 st (* Progress (level 1): intro/elim top-level assumption. *) and aux1 (st : cstate) tc = let hyps, concl = FApi.tc1_flat tc in match sform_of_form concl with | SFquant (Lforall, _, _) -> let bd = fst (destr_forall concl) in let ids = List.map (EcIdent.name |- fst) bd in let ids = LDecl.fresh_ids hyps ids in let st = { st with cs_undosubst = Sid.of_list (List.map fst (LDecl.tohyps hyps).h_local) } in FApi.t_seqs [t_intros_i ids; aux0 st; t_generalize_hyps ~clear:`Yes ~missing:true ids] tc | SFlet (LTuple fs, f1, _) -> (* FIXME : does t_elimT_form change the hyps ? *) let tys = List.map snd fs in let tc, hd = FApi.bwd1_of_fwd (pf_gen_tuple_elim tys hyps) tc in let pt = { pt_head = PTHandle hd; pt_args = []; } in FApi.t_seq (t_elimT_form pt f1) (aux0 st) tc | SFimp (_, _) -> begin let id1 = LDecl.fresh_id hyps "_" in match t_intros_i_seq [id1] tt tc with | tc when FApi.tc_done tc -> tc | tc -> let tc = FApi.as_tcenv1 tc in let tc = let rw = t_rewrite_hyp ~xconv:`AlphaEq ~mode:`Bool ~donot:true id1 (`LtoR, None) in ( FApi.t_try (t_absurd_hyp ~conv:`AlphaEq ~id:id1) @! FApi.t_try (FApi.t_seq (FApi.t_try rw) tt) @! t_generalize_hyp ~clear:`Yes id1) tc in let iffail = t_crush_subst st id1 in let elims = PGInternals.pg_cnj_elims in let reduce = if delta then `Full else `NoDelta in FApi.t_onall (FApi.t_switch ~on:`All ~ifok:(aux0 st) ~iffail (t_elim_r ~reduce elims)) tc end | _ -> let reduce = if delta then `Full else `NoDelta in let thesplit tc = t_split ~closeonly:false ~reduce tc in let hyps0 = FApi.tc1_hyps tc in let shuffle = List.rev_map fst (LDecl.tohyps (FApi.tc1_hyps tc)).h_local in let st_split = { st with cs_undosubst = Sid.of_list shuffle } in let tc = match FApi.t_try_base (thesplit @! aux0 st_split) tc with | `Success tc -> tc | `Failure _ -> FApi.t_try tsolve tc in let pr = proofenv_of_proof (proof_of_tcenv tc) in let cl = List.map (FApi.get_pregoal_by_id^~ pr) (FApi.tc_opened tc) in let nl = List.length cl in match cl with | [] | [_] -> tc | _ :: _ -> let concl = f_ands (List.map (fun g -> g.g_concl) cl) in let tc, hd = FApi.newgoal tc ~hyps:hyps0 concl in let pt = { pt_head = PTHandle hd; pt_args = []; } in let rec t_final n tc = if n = 1 then (t_intros_n 1 @! t_assumption `Alpha) tc else FApi.t_seqs [t_elim_and; t_intros_n 1; t_final (n-1)] tc in FApi.t_on1 nl t_id ~ttout:(t_shuffle shuffle @! t_cutdef pt concl @! t_final nl) tc and t_crush_subst st eqid tc = let togen = ref None in let t_subst tc = let hyps = FApi.tc1_hyps tc in let h = LDecl.hyp_by_id eqid hyps in match destr_eq_or_iff h with | p -> let sk = full_subst_kind in let newtc, gen = match LowSubst.is_eq_for_subst ~kind:sk ~tside:`LtoR hyps None p, LowSubst.is_eq_for_subst ~kind:sk ~tside:`RtoL hyps None p with | None, None -> raise InvalidGoalShape | Some _, None -> t_subst_x ~clear:SCnone ~kind:sk ~tside:`LtoR ~eqid:eqid ~except:st.cs_sbeq tc | None, Some _ -> t_subst_x ~clear:SCnone ~kind:sk ~tside:`RtoL ~eqid:eqid ~except:st.cs_sbeq tc | Some(_, v1, _, _), Some(_, v2, _, _) -> let get = function | `Glob (_, m) | `PVar (_, m) -> m | `Local x -> x in let x1 = get v1 in let x2 = get v2 in let tside = match Sid.mem x1 st.cs_undosubst, Sid.mem x2 st.cs_undosubst with | true, false -> `RtoL | false, true -> `LtoR | _, _ -> match v1, v2 with | `Local _, _ -> `LtoR | _, `Local _ -> `RtoL | _, _ -> `LtoR in t_subst_x ~clear:SCnone ~kind:sk ~tside ~eqid:eqid ~except:st.cs_sbeq tc in (* let _, _, side = gen in let f = EcEnv.LDecl.hyp_by_id eqid (FApi.tc1_hyps tc) in Format.eprintf "subst %s %a@." (if side = `LtoR then "LtoR" else "RtoL") (EcPrinting.pp_form (EcPrinting.PPEnv.ofenv (FApi.tc1_env tc))) f; pp_tc (FApi.tcenv_of_tcenv1 tc); *) togen := Some gen; newtc | exception (DestrError _) -> raise InvalidGoalShape in let t_init = (* let sk1 = { empty_subst_kind with sk_local = true ; } in let sk2 = { full_subst_kind with sk_local = false; } in *) t_intros_i [eqid] @! FApi.t_try t_subst (* (FApi.t_or (t_subst sk1) (t_subst sk2)) *) in let t_final tc = match !togen with | None -> t_generalize_hyp ~clear:`Yes ~missing:false eqid tc | Some (y, apost, side) -> (* let f = EcEnv.LDecl.hyp_by_id eqid (FApi.tc1_hyps tc) in Format.eprintf "subst %s %a@." (if side = `LtoR then "LtoR" else "RtoL") (EcPrinting.pp_form (EcPrinting.PPEnv.ofenv (FApi.tc1_env tc))) f; Format.eprintf "apost = @[%a@]@." (EcPrinting.pp_list "@ " EcIdent.pp_ident) (List.map fst apost);*) let moved = ref Sid.empty in let check_moved f = not (Mid.disjoint (fun _ _ _ -> false) f.f_fv !moved) in let doit (x,h) = let test = (Sid.mem x st.cs_undosubst && match h with | LD_var (_, Some body) | LD_hyp body -> (* Format.eprintf "body = %a@." (EcPrinting.pp_form (EcPrinting.PPEnv.ofenv (FApi.tc1_env tc))) body; *) Mid.mem y body.f_fv | _ -> false) || match h with | LD_var (_, Some body) | LD_hyp body -> check_moved body | _ -> false in if test then moved := Sid.add x !moved; test in let upost = List.filter doit apost in if upost = [] then t_clear eqid tc else let side = if side = `LtoR then `RtoL else `LtoR in (* Format.eprintf "upost = @[%a@]@." (EcPrinting.pp_list "@ " EcIdent.pp_ident) (List.map fst upost); *) FApi.t_seqs [ t_rw_for_subst y upost (FApi.tc1_goal tc) side eqid; t_generalize_hyp ~clear:`Yes ~missing:false eqid] tc in let entry tc = match !togen with | Some _ -> entry { st with cs_sbeq = Sid.add eqid st.cs_sbeq } tc | None -> entry st tc in FApi.t_seqs [t_init; entry; t_final] tc in let state = { cs_undosubst = Sid.empty (*Sid.of_list (List.map fst (LDecl.tohyps (FApi.tc1_hyps tc)).h_local)*) ; cs_sbeq = (* Sid.of_list (List.map fst (LDecl.tohyps (FApi.tc1_hyps tc)).h_local)*) Sid.empty; } in FApi.t_seq (entry state) (t_simplify_with_info EcReduction.nodelta) tc (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_trivial ?(subtc : FApi.backward option) ?(keep = false) ?(conv = `Alpha) (tc : tcenv1) = let core = FApi.t_or (t_assumption conv) (t_absurd_hyp ~conv:`AlphaEq) in let core = FApi.t_try core in let core = FApi.t_seqs [core; t_progress t_id; core] in let subtc = omap (fun tc -> FApi.t_seq tc (FApi.t_try (FApi.t_seq core t_fail))) subtc in let subtc = odfl t_id subtc in let seqs = [FApi.t_try (t_false ~conv:`Conv ?id:None); core; subtc] in let seqs = if keep then seqs else seqs @ [t_fail] in FApi.t_internal (FApi.t_try (FApi.t_seqs seqs)) tc (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_congr (f1, f2) (args, ty) tc = let rec doit args ty tc = match args with | [] -> t_id tc | (a1, a2) :: args-> let aty = a1.f_ty in let m1 = f_app f1 (List.rev_map fst args) (tfun aty ty) in let m2 = f_app f2 (List.rev_map snd args) (tfun aty ty) in let tcgr = t_apply_s LG.p_fcongr [ty; aty] ~args:[m2; a1; a2] ~sk:1 in let tsub tc = let fx = EcIdent.create "f" in let fty = tfun aty ty in let body = f_app (f_local fx fty) [a1] ty in let lam = EcFol.f_lambda [(fx, GTty fty)] body in FApi.t_sub [doit args fty] (t_apply_s LG.p_fcongr [ty; fty] ~args:[lam; m1; m2] ~sk:1 tc) in FApi.t_sub [tsub; tcgr] (t_transitivity (EcFol.f_app m2 [a1] ty) tc) in doit (List.rev args) ty tc (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) type smtmode = [`Standard | `Strict | `Report of EcLocation.t option] (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_smt ~(mode:smtmode) pi tc = let error () = match mode with | `Standard -> tc_error !!tc ~catchable:true "cannot prove goal" | `Strict -> tc_error !!tc ~catchable:false "cannot prove goal (strict)" | `Report loc -> EcEnv.notify (FApi.tc1_env tc) `Critical "%s: smt call failed" (loc |> omap EcLocation.tostring |> odfl "unknown"); t_admit tc in let env, hyps, concl = FApi.tc1_eflat tc in let notify = (fun lvl (lazy s) -> EcEnv.notify env lvl "%s" s) in if EcSmt.check ~notify pi hyps concl then FApi.xmutate1 tc `Smt [] else error () (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_solve ?(canfail = true) ?(bases = [EcEnv.Auto.dname]) ?(depth = 1) (tc : tcenv1) = let bases = EcEnv.Auto.getall bases (FApi.tc1_env tc) in let t_apply1 p tc = let pt = PT.pt_of_uglobal !!tc (FApi.tc1_hyps tc) p in try Apply.t_apply_bwd_r ~mode:fmdelta ~canview:false pt tc with Apply.NoInstance _ -> t_fail tc in let rec t_apply ctn p = if ctn > depth then t_fail else t_apply1 p @! t_trivial @! t_solve (ctn + 1) bases and t_solve ctn bases = match bases with | [] -> t_abort | p::bases -> FApi.t_or (t_apply ctn p) (t_solve ctn bases) in let t = t_solve 0 bases in let t = if canfail then FApi.t_try t else t in t tc (* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let t_crush_fwd ?(delta = true) nb_intros (tc : tcenv1) = let t_progress_subst ?eqid = let sk1 = { empty_subst_kind with sk_local = true ; } in let sk2 = { full_subst_kind with sk_local = false; } in FApi.t_or (t_subst ~clear:false ~kind:sk1 ?eqid) (t_subst ~clear:false ~kind:sk2 ?eqid) in let tt = FApi.t_try (t_assumption `Alpha) in let ts id = FApi.t_try (t_progress_subst ~eqid:id) in let rec aux0 (nbi : int) tc = FApi.t_seq (FApi.t_try tt) (aux1 nbi) tc and aux1 (nbi : int) tc = if nbi = 0 || FApi.tc_done (FApi.tcenv_of_tcenv1 tc) then t_id tc else let hyps, concl = FApi.tc1_flat tc in match sform_of_form concl with | SFimp (_, _) -> begin let id = LDecl.fresh_id hyps "_" in match t_intros_i_seq [id] tt tc with | tc when FApi.tc_done tc -> tc | tc -> let tc = FApi.as_tcenv1 tc in let tc = let rw = t_rewrite_hyp ~xconv:`AlphaEq ~mode:`Bool ~donot:true id (`LtoR, None) in ( FApi.t_try (t_absurd_hyp ~conv:`AlphaEq ~id) @! FApi.t_try (FApi.t_seq (FApi.t_try rw) tt) @! t_generalize_hyp ~clear:`Yes id) tc in let incr i = nbi + i - 1 in let iffail tc = (t_intros_i_seq [id] (ts id) @! aux0 (incr 0)) tc in let t_elim_false_r f concl tc = (t_elim_false_r f concl tc, t_id) and t_elim_and_r f concl tc = (t_elim_and_r f concl tc, aux0 (incr 2)) and t_elim_eq_tuple_r f concl tc = let n, tc = t_elim_eq_tuple_r_n f concl tc in (tc, aux0 (incr n)) in let elims = [ t_elim_false_r; t_elim_and_r; t_elim_eq_tuple_r; ] in let reduce = if delta then `Full else `NoDelta in FApi.t_onall (FApi.t_xswitch ~on:`All ~iffail (t_elim_r ~reduce elims)) tc end | _ -> t_fail tc in FApi.t_seq (aux0 nb_intros) (t_simplify_with_info EcReduction.nodelta) tc