Raw File
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<TEI xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0"
	<title>Preliminary updates for genetic editing in P5</title>
	<author>Draft material to be added to chapter PH </author>
	<p>August 2011 </p>
	<p>Derived from <ref>TCW21</ref> and subsequent TEI Council discussion </p>

<body >
<div xml:id="PHFAX"><head>Redundant</head>
<p>This document contains only the material which needs to be <emph>added</emph> to the
current <ref
target="http://www.tei-c.org/release/doc/tei-p5-doc/en/html/PH.html">chapter 11
of the Guidelines.</ref>. You need to read that  chapter as well to
follow what's going on here, and the schema generated is not quite
what it will be in the final version. </p>

<note rend="it">insert the following material after the 22nd para in

<p>If, as is more often the case, a transcription of the zone
identified in this way is to be included in the encoded TEI document, this
may be done in two ways. If the transcription is regarded as a text in
its own right, organized and structured independently of its physical
realization in the document or documents represented by the facsimile,
then the recommended practice is to use the traditional <gi>text</gi>
element, provided as a sibling of the <gi>facsimile</gi> element. This
approach is illustrated in section <ptr target="#PH-bov"/>
below. Alternatively, if the transcription is intended to prioritize
representation of the process by which the document came to take its
present form over representation of the final text <!--do no more
than represent the physicality of the document itself-->, it may be
preferable to use a subset of the available elements and to embed them
within the <gi>zone</gi> element, as further described in section <ptr
target="#PHZLAB"/> below.</p>

<div xml:id="PH-transcr"><head>Combining transcription with facsimile</head>

<p>A digitized source document may contain nothing more than page images and a
small amount of metadata. It may also contain an encoded transcription
of the pages represented, which may either be <q>embedded</q> within
the <gi>facsimile</gi> structure, or given in parallel to it. </p>

<div xml:id="PH-bov"><head>Parallel transcription</head>
<note rend="it">Remainder of section <ref
11.1</ref> (the Bovelles example) goes here</note>

<div xml:id="PHZLAB"><head>Embedded transcription</head>
<p>An <term>embedded transcription</term> is one in which words
and other written traces are encoded as subcomponents of elements
representing the physical surfaces carrying them rather than
independently of them. </p>
<p>The following elements are available for this purpose:
<specDesc key="surface"/>
<specDesc key="zone"/>
<specDesc key="patch" atts="binder height width flipping"/>
<specDesc key="line" atts="type" />
<!--specDesc key="block" atts="type"/-->
<specDesc key="seg" atts="type"/>

<p>The elements <gi>surface</gi> and <gi>zone</gi> were introduced
above, <!-- in section <ptr target="#PHFAX"/>-->. The element
<gi>patch</gi> is useful in cases where some or all of the written
surfaces are composed of physically distinct scraps. In the following
example, taken from the Walt Whitman archive, two pieces of newsprint
have been glued to a piece of blue paper on which a poem is being

            <graphic url="examples/whitman01.jpg" width="400px"/>
            <head rend="it">Image from
The two pieces of newsprint might perhaps be regarded as special kinds
of zone, but they are effectively new surfaces, since they might
contain additional written zones themselves (such as the numbers in
this case). The <gi>patch</gi> element may be used to represent such
<q>sub-surfaces</q>. </p>

<p>Most writing is linear, in the sense that it is composed of
discrete tokens organized physically into groups, typically organized
in a sequence corresponding with the way they are intended to be
read. Depending on the directionality of the writing system used,
this might be any combination of top-down and left to right, or vice
versa. It thus seems convenient to introduce an element <gi>line</gi> to
hold a complete group of such tokens. 
Where, however, the lineation is
not considered significant, any group of tokens may be
indicated using the <gi>zone</gi> element. The
<gi>seg</gi> element described in section <ptr
target="#SASE"/> may also be used to indicate smaller sequences of tokens
within <gi>zone</gi>, or <gi>line</gi> as appropriate. 

<p>Using these elements, the Whitman draft above might be encoded as
follows: <egXML xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/Examples">
      <line>As in Visions of — at</line>
      <line>night —</line>
      <line>All sorts of fancies running through</line>
      <line>the head</line>
   <patch type="newsprint" binder="glue" flipping="false"
			       height="40cm" width="90cm"> 
			  <zone>Spring has
      just set in here, and the weather.... a
			   steamer </zone>
         <metamark function="sequence">2</metamark>
   <patch type="newsprint" binder="glue" flipping="false"
			       height="35cm" width="90cm"> 
			  <zone>"The shores on either side of the Sound are... The In-       </zone>   
			   <metamark function="sequence">3</metamark>

<p>The <gi>metamark</gi> element used in this example is further
discussed below (<ptr target="#PH-meta"/>)</p>

<p>Note that in this example we have not included any <gi>graphic</gi>
element corresponding with the <gi>zone</gi> or <gi>surface</gi>
elements identified in the transcription. The encoder may choose to
complement a transcription with graphic representations of its source
at whatever level is considered effective, or not at all. Equally, the
encoder may choose to provide only graphics without transcription, or
with a structured (non-embedded) transcription, or any combination of
the three. </p>

<div xml:id="PH-summ"><head>Transcribing the process</head>

<note rend="ital">Insert the following into the first para of <ref
("Scope of Transcriptions"), following the second sentence, before the
word <q>Further</q>. Some
readjustment of the list in that para will also be needed. </note>

<p>Such elements may also be used for digital
transcriptions in which the object is not to represent a finished
text, but rather to represent the creative process, as evidenced by
different <q>layers</q> or <q>traces</q> of writing in one or more
documents. Transcriptions of this kind are closely focussed on the physical
appearance of specific documents, needing to distinguish the traces of
different writing activities on them, such as additions,
and deletions but also other indications of how the writing is to be
read, such as indications of transposition, re-affirmation of writing
which has been deleted, and so on.  Such distinctions are considered of
particular importance when dealing with authorial manuscripts, but are
also relevant in the case of historical sources such as charters or
other legal documents.</p>

<p>The remainder of this chapter describes a model for encoding such
transcriptions, in which elements such as <gi>mod</gi>, <gi>del</gi>,
etc are used to mark writing traces and their functions within the
document. Each such element can be assigned to one or more
editorially-defined modification groups, termed a <term>change</term>,
by means of a global <att>change</att> attribute, which references a
definition for the set of changes concerned, typically provided within the TEI
Header <gi>creation</gi> element; see further <ptr
target="#PH-changes"/>. The transcription itself may be embedded within
the elements <gi>surface</gi> and <gi>zone</gi> described in section
<ptr target="#PHFAX"/>, or provided in parallel within a <gi>text</gi>
element. Within a <gi>zone</gi>, the transcription may be organized
topographically in terms of lines of writing, using the <gi>line</gi>
element, or in terms of further nested zones, or as a combination of the two; see further <ptr

<div xml:id="alterations">
<note rend="ital">Insert this new section somewhere, probably
preceding <ref
   <head>Marking up the writing process</head>
   <p>Modifications of various kinds (correction, addition, deletion,
   etc.) are frequently found within a single document, and may also
   be inferred when different documents are compared, although it may be
   an open question as to whether inter-document discrepancies <!-- at the
   dossier level --> should be regarded in the same way as intra-document
   alterations. When two witnesses are collated, we may observe that a
   word present in one is missing from the other: this does not necessarily
   imply that the word was added to the first witness, nor that it
   was deleted from the other. 

<p>In this section we discuss a number of elements which may be used to 
record traces of the writing process within a document. 

<div><head>Generic modification</head>

   <p>Most, if not all, transcriptional elements imply a certain level
   of semantic interpretation. For instance, using the <gi>add</gi>
   element to encode a word or phrase that occupies interlinear space
   involves a decision that it has been deliberately inserted as an
   addition rather than an alternative, and indeed a judgment that it
   was written after, rather than before, the other lines. Where it is
   felt desirable to keep the recording of <soCalled>what is on the
   page</soCalled> entirely separate from <soCalled>what is the
   editor’s interpretation</soCalled>, the generic <gi>mod</gi>
   element may be preferred. 
         <specDesc key="mod" atts="rend type spanTo"/>
      This element simply indicates any kind of
   modification that has been identified in the document, without
   prejudice as to its function. Occurrences of the <gi>mod</gi>
   element may be categorised by means of their <att>type</att>
   attribute, and visual aspects of their appearance can be described
   by means of the <att>rend</att> attribute, but they provide no
   further interpretation of the function or intention of the passage
   so marked up. The <att>spanTo</att> attribute may be used to indicate the end
   of a modified passage if this extends across the boundaries of some
   other XML element, for example from the middle of one line tagged
   as a <gi>line</gi> to the middle of another <gi>line</gi> some
   distance further on in the document. </p>
<line>words words words <mod rend="wavy-underlining" spanTo="#enduw"/>words with wavy underline</line>
&lt;!-- more lines here -->
<line>wavy underlining finishes here<anchor xml:id="enduw"/> more words</line>
<!-- QUERY real example needed -->
<!-- also more discussion of spanTo -->

<p>The distinction between an example such as that above and the simple
use of <gi>hi</gi> to mark the visual salience of the underlining
(apart from  the use of the <att>spanTo</att> attribute) is that
<gi>hi</gi> does not imply that the visual effect being recorded is
understood to represent some kind of modification. 

   <div xml:id="PH-meta"><head>Metamarks</head>

<p>By <term>metamark</term> we mean marks such as numbers, arrows,
crosses, or other symbols introduced by the writer into a document
expressly for the purpose of indicating how the text is to be
read. Such marks thus constitute a kind of markup of the document,
rather than forming part of the text.
<specDesc key="metamark" atts="function target spanTo"/></specList>

<p>Unlike marginal notes or other additions to the text, metamarks
are used by the writer to indicate a deliberate alteration of the writing itself,
such as <q>move this passage over there</q>. An addition or annotation
by contrast would typically concern some property of the passage other
than its intended location or status within the text flow.  A metamark
may contain text, or some other graphic which the encoder
wishes to represent, or it may simply consist of arrows, dots, lines
etc. which the encoder simply describes.</p>

<!-- QUERY should it contain <desc> as a child? -->

<p>The <gi>metamark</gi> element carries a <att>function</att>
attribute which specifies the function of the metamark, using values
such as <val>reorder</val>,  <val>flag</val>,  <val>delete</val>,
<val>insert</val> or  <val>used</val>. The passage to
which the metamark applies may be indicated in either of two ways: the
<att>target</att> attribute may be used to point to the element or
elements containing the passage concerned, or the <att>spanTo</att>
element may be used to point to a position in the document at which
the passage concerned finishes. In the latter case, the
<gi>metamark</gi> itself must be supplied at the position in the
document where the passage concerned begins; in the former case it may
be supplied at any convenient point. Both attributes should not be
supplied. </p>
<p>The following example is taken from  an
15th century legal book from the city of Göttingen, containing
regulations of everyday life issued by the city council <figure>
<graphic url="examples/ka04_1v-dtl.jpg" width="70%"/>
<head><title>Kundige bok 2</title>, fol 1v. </head>
<!-- QUERY : proper reference needed   -->
<p>In the second paragraph,  the word <mentioned
xml:lang="lat">lege</mentioned> ("read") was written in the left hand
margin, next to the sentence beginning <q>Ock en schullen
de bruwere...</q>. It is thought to
function as a metamark,  indicating that this sentence forms part of
the regulations. A further sentence was then added, while at some
later stage the text and also the metamark were deleted. We
might encode this as follows: <!-- ka04_1v-dtl.xml --><egXML
<delSpan spanTo="#endDel" change="#L3"/>
   <metamark function="flag" target="#s1" change="#L2">lege</metamark>
   <zone xml:id="s1" change="#L1">Ock en schullen de bruwere des hilgen dages nicht over
   setten noch uppe den stillen fridach bruwen.</zone>
   <addSpan target="#endDel" change="#L2"/>
      <zone>Noch nymande over setten, se en sehin denne erst, dat uppe den
         bonen neyn stro noch, huw noch flaß ligghe, by pine eyner
         halven roden, deme bruwere so wol alse dem bruwheren to
   <anchor xml:id="endDel"/>
<p>The <att>change</att> attribute used here to indicate the sequencing
of these various interventions is discussed below, in section <ptr
target="#PH-changes"/>. The elements <gi>addSpan</gi> and
<gi>delSpan</gi> are discussed in section <ptr target="#PHAD"/>. </p>
<p>The <gi>metamark</gi> element may also be used to encode the
symbols etc. often found in marked-up proofs such as the following,
taken from the Walt Whitman archive:
<graphic url="examples/whitman-03.jpg" width="400px"/>
         </figure></p>   <!-- loc.00295 detail -->
<p>In this example, the whole of what was originally the 14th section
has been marked for deletion, both by horizontal and vertical lines,
and by the metamarks resembling the <q>delta</q> deletion symbol to
left and right of the section. The deletion itself might be encoded 
by using the normal <gi>del</gi> or <gi>delSpan</gi> element. 
This is quite a different case from that of the next example, in which the
writer does not intend to suppress the content, but only to mark that
it has been transferred or reused. </p>
<graphic url="examples/whitman-02.jpg" width="70%"/>
<head>Page from
<p>This page contains internal deletions, additions, and retracings
but these are semantically quite different from the apparent
<soCalled>deletion</soCalled> signalled by the largere of the two
single vertical lines, which shows that the written material has been
transferred or re-used, not deleted. </p>
   <metamark function="used" rend="line" target="#X2"/>
   <zone xml:id="X2">
      <line>I am that halfgrown <add>angry</add> boy, fallen asleep</line>
      <line>The tears of foolish passion yet undried</line>
      <line>upon my cheeks.</line>
<!-- ... -->
<line>I pass through <add>the</add> travels and <del>fortunes</del> of
<line>years and become old,</line>
<line>Each in its due order comes and goes,</line>
<line>And thus a message for me comes.</line>
<metamark function="used" target="#X2">Entered - Yes</metamark>
<p>In this example, we class as  metamarks both the long vertical line
and the annotation <q>Entered - yes</q>. <!--The first indicates
that all of the writing between its own position and that of the
<gi>anchor</gi> element with identifier <val>X2</val> is marked as
having been used. This metamark takes the form of a cross.  The second
indicates that there is a mark in the form of a wavy line and that its
function is to separate the second writing zone on the surface, which
has identifier <val>z2</val>. --> Both metamarks are assumed to
indicate that the whole of the written zone with identifier
<code>X2</code> is marked as having been used. 


<div><head>Fixation and clarification</head>

<p>A writer may sometimes rewrite material a second time without
significant change and in the same place. We consider this a distinct
activity from addition as usually defined because no new textual
material results; instead the status of existing material 
is reaffirmed. We may distinguish two variants of this:
<term>fixation</term> where the first version was a tentative draft
which is subsequently reaffirmed, for example by inking it over; and
<term>clarification</term>, where the first version was badly written
and has been rewritten for clarity. The element <gi>retrace</gi> is
provided for both cases; its <att>cause</att> attribute may be used to
distinguish them.
         <specDesc key="retrace" atts="cause"/>
<p>In this simple example, taken from the papers of Henrik Ibsen, the
writer wrote the word <mentioned>skuldren</mentioned> hastily, and
then returned to it to make the letter <mentioned>l</mentioned> larger
and clearer: <figure>
<graphic url="examples/skuldren.jpg" width="400px"/>
<head rend="it">Image from a ms of Peer Gynt, Collin 2869, 4°, I.1.1, the
   Royal Library of Copenhagen</head>
         </figure> We might transcribe this word as follows: 
<egXML xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/Examples">
<line>... Sku<retrace cause="unclear">l</retrace>dren </line>

<p>A single rewrite may not be sufficient, and it may be that the
document becomes almost unreadable as a result of repeated
clarification. In the following example, we can distinguish at least
three attempts to write the letters <mentioned>er</mentioned> in the
word <mentioned>bægerklang</mentioned>: <figure>
<graphic url="examples/munch01.jpg" width="400px"/>
<head rend="it">Image from http://www.emunch.no/tei-mm-2008/ms.html </head>
</figure> We might encode this by nesting the <gi>retrace</gi> element as
<egXML xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/Examples">
<line>ved Bæg<retrace cause="unclear" change="#stage2">
      <retrace cause="unclear" change="#stage1">er</retrace>
   </retrace> ...</line>
         </egXML> The <att>change</att> attribute used here is discussed further below
(<ptr target="#PH-changes"/>). </p>

<p>The <gi>retrace</gi> element is used only for cases where text has
been written multiple times. When metamarks and other markup-like strokes
have been rewritten multiple times, the <gi>redo</gi> element described in
the next section should be used in preference.
</p>   </div>

 <div xml:id="undo">
<head>Fixation, cancellation, and reinstatement of modifications</head>

<p>In a draft version of Goethe’s Faust, a passage was struck through
once in pencil during one revision and then again with ink during a
later revision, supposedly to fixate the deletion.
         <graphic url="examples/faust_redo.jpg" width="90%"/>
         <head rend="it">Fixation of a deletion in Goethe’s Faust</head>
A writer may also indicate that an alteration is itself to be altered:
for example, a struck-through passage may be restored via a dotted
underlining, or the underlining of a passage may be deleted by a wavy

<p>The following elements are provided to represent these situations:
<specDesc key="redo" atts="target cause spanTo"/>
<specDesc key="undo" atts="target cause spanTo"/>

<p>The <gi>redo</gi> element might be used to encode the Faust example above
as follows:</p>
      <egXML xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/Examples">
         <line><redo xml:id="redo_3" hand="#g_t" target="#mod_1" cause="fix"
   /><mod xml:id="mod_1" rend="strikethrough" spanTo="#anchor_1"
   hand="#g_bl"/>Ihr hagren, triſten, krummgezog<mod rend="strikethrough"
   >nen</mod>ener Nacken</line>
         <line>Wenn ihr nur piepſet iſt die Welt ſchon matt.<anchor xml:id="anchor_1"

<!-- NOTE insert narrative explanation -->

<p>The element <gi>restore</gi> (<ptr target="#PHCD"/>) is
provided for the comparatively simple case where a simple deletion is
marked as having been subsequently cancelled. The <gi>undo</gi>
element discussed here is more widely applicable and may be used for
any kind of cancellation. It points to the element or elements which
are being cancelled. These components need not be contiguous, provided
that the cancellation is clearly a single act; each distinct act of
cancellation requires a distinct <gi>undo</gi> element, however. Either
of the attributes <att>target</att> or <gi>spanTo</gi> may be used to
indicate the passages concerned. </p>

      <p>Consider the following imaginary example : 
      <graphic url="examples/undoing1.jpg" width="80%"/>
We hypothesize that the text has gone through three states or changes,
as follows:
<list type="ordered">
<item>This is just some sample text, we need a real example. </item>
<item>This is not a real example.</item>
<item>This is just some text, not a real example.</item>
<p>This sequence of events might be encoded as follows:

<egXML xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/Examples">
<line>This is <del change="#s2"  rend="overstrike"> 
<undo spanTo="#Xa" rend="dotted" change="#s3"/>just some
<anchor xml:id="Xa"/> sample <undo spanTo="#Xb" rend="dotted" change="#s3"/>text,
<anchor xml:id="Xb"/> we need</del>
<add change="#s2">not</add>
a real example.</line> 
using two <gi>undo</gi> elements, each with a <att>spanTo</att>
attribute, to delimit the two parts of the deletion which were
reverted at change s3. Note that in this case, since <att>target</att>
is not supplied, it is the effect of the parent element (the
<gi>del</gi>) which is assumed to be undone. </p>

<p>Alternatively, we might more economically use the generic <gi>seg</gi> element within
the <gi>line</gi> to delimit the two sequences whose
deletion is being reverted, and then use the <gi>target</gi> attribute
on a single <gi>undo</gi> element:

<egXML xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/Examples">
<line>This is <del change="#s2"  rend="overstrike"> 
<seg xml:id="X-a">just some</seg>
sample <seg xml:id="X-b">text</seg>,
we need</del>
<add change="#s2">not</add>
a real example.</line> 
<undo target="#X-a #X-b" rend="dotted" change="#s3"/>

<!-- NOTE maybe add a third example doing this with xpath to pick out
individual tokens. Or one from a real doc -->
<div xml:id="transpo"><head>Transpositions</head>
<p>A <term>transposition</term> occurs when metamarks are found in a
document indicating that passages should be moved to a different
position. Typically this may be done  using
arrows, asterisks or numbers, or other means. By definition the result
of a transposition is not present in the document, and should not
therefore be encoded, if the intention is to record its actual
state. Instead, the following elements may be used to indicate the
intended reordering:
<specDesc key="transposeGrp"/>
<specDesc key="transpose"/>
<p>Consider for example, the
         following extract from an Ibsen manuscript <figure>
<graphic url="examples/ibsen01.jpg" width="400px"/>
<head>Extracted from
The underlined numbers 1 and 2 here indicate that, although the word
<mentioned>bör</mentioned> precedes the word
<mentioned>hör</mentioned> in the text, the order of the two words
should be reversed. We may encode this as follows:
<egXML xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/Examples">
<line><seg xml:id="ib01">bör</seg><metamark rend="underline"
      function="transposition" target="#ib01" place="above">2.</metamark>
   og <seg xml:id="ib02">hör</seg><metamark rend="underline"
      function="transposition" target="#ib02" place="above"
      <ptr target="#ib02"/>
      <ptr target="#ib01"/>
<p>Note the use of the generic <gi>seg</gi> element to identify the
sections of text being transposed. When (as in the following example)
the whole of a line is to be transposed, there is no need to delimit the
sections concerned: <figure>
<graphic url="examples/ibsen04.jpg" width="600px"/>
<head>Extracted from
         <!-- ibsen04.xml --><egXML xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/Examples">
<line xml:id="ib3"><metamark function="transposition"
      place="margin-left">2.)</metamark> thi da er du med Himmelen i
   Pagt; — </line>
<line xml:id="ib4">
   <metamark function="transposition"
da kan du Folkets Jøkelhjerter tine;</line>
      <ptr target="#ib4"/>
      <ptr target="#ib3"/>
When transposition is made, the whole element indicated is understood
to be moved, not just its contents. In the above example, the
metamarks are thus understood to be moved along with the lines to
which they apply. </p>
<!-- <p>In case the area to be transposed is overlapping with some other
kind of markup, the generic <gi>milestone</gi> can be used instead of
<gi>seg</gi> or any other existing elements.</p>

<p>One or more <gi>transposeGrp</gi> elements may be supplied either
embedded within the text or in the <gi>profileDesc</gi> of the header,
depending on local preference. Each <gi>transposeGrp</gi> can contain
one or more <gi>transpose</gi> elements, each of which defines a
single transposition.</p>

 <div xml:id="alter">
      <head>Alternative Readings</head>
<graphic url="examples/moore04.png" width="400px"/>
<head>Lalla Rookh 3</head>
In this example two alternative readings are provided, but no
preference is indicated. While the author apparently
first composed the line <q>Alone before his native river -</q>, at some
later point, he entertained the possibility of using the word <mentioned>beside</mentioned>
instead of <mentioned>before</mentioned>. The manuscript supplies no
indication of which word Moore favours at this point, although in
fact, in the first printed
edition of <title>Lalla Rookh</title> the word
<mentioned>beside</mentioned> was chosen. </p>
<p>The element <gi>alt</gi> provided by the <ident
type="module">linking</ident> module gives a simple  way of
encoding the state of this manuscript, as  follows: 
      <egXML xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/Examples">
<line>Alone <seg xml:id="alt1">before</seg>
   <add place="above" xml:id="alt2">beside</add> his
   native river ­—</line>
<alt targets="#alt1 #alt2" mode="excl" weights="0 1"/>
</p><p>The <gi>alt</gi> element is further discussed in section <ptr
target="#SA-whatever"/>. </p>
<!-- NOTE next section on ice, pending further council discussion -->
<div xml:id="subst">
      <p>In the current model for the TEI <gi>subst</gi> element, one or more additions
         and deletions may be combined if they are considered as representing a single
         editorial act, a substitution. Without extension, this model could not
         therefore include cases such as the following example taken from Thomas Moore's
<title>Lalla Rooke</title>
<graphic url="examples/moore01.png" width="400px"/>
</p><p> Here the word <mentioned>pondering</mentioned> is deleted, and the
         phrase <mentioned>she mus'd</mentioned> are added, while the word
<mentioned>thus</mentioned> remains unchanged. It seems appropriate to treat
         all of this as a single substitution. This would require a modification to the
         content model of <gi>subst</gi> so as to permit text along with other members
         of <ident type="class">model.pPart.transcriptional</ident>, so that this
         example could be encoded as follows: <egXML
<line>While <subst><del>pondering</del> thus <add>she
   mus'd</add></subst>, her pinions fann'd</line>

<div xml:id="instant"><head>Instant corrections</head>
<p>The use of elements such as <gi>del</gi> and <gi>add</gi>
necessarily implies that the modifications they indicate were made at
some time after the original writing. An exception to this is where a
false start or <soCalled>instant</soCalled> correction has been
identified: the author starts to write, and then immediately corrects
what has been written. </p>
<p>The  <att>instant</att> attribute defined by this module may be
used on any element which is a member of the <ident
type="class">att.editLike</ident> class to modify this default assumption.
         When the value of <att>instant</att> is set to <val>true</val>, 
         the addition or deletion is considered to belong to the same change as
         its parent element, while <code>false</code> means some change
         later than that of its parent.</p>
      <p> An example of false start can be seen in the following line: <figure>
<graphic url="examples/whitman03a.jpg" width="70%"/>
         </figure> in which we can detect the following sequence of events: <list
<item>The letter <val>T</val> is written and then immediately deleted</item>
<item>The word <val>The</val> is written, deleted, and replaced by the word <val>His</val></item>
<item>The added word <val>His</val> is then deleted</item>
<item>The initial letter <val>i</val> of the words <mentioned>iron necklace</mentioned> is overwritten with a
   capital I</item>
         </list> To indicate that the first of these acts must have taken place before
         the others, we might encode this revision campaign as follows:
<egXML xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/Examples">
<line><del instant="true">T</del>
   <mod type="subst">
      <add place="above">
         <del rend="overstrike">His</del>
   <mod type="subst">
      <del rend="overwritten">i</del>
      <add place="superimposed">I</add>
   </mod>ron necklace</line>


<div xml:id="PH-changes"><head>Changes</head>
<note rend="ital">Add this as a new section before  
11.8</ref> ("Other
Primary Source Features not Covered")</note>
<p>A major purpose of genetic editing is the identification of
<soCalled>revision campaigns</soCalled> or, more generally,
<term>changes</term>. An editor may wish to assign a set of alterations
(deletions, additions, substitutions, transpositions, etc.) or any
other act of writing to a particular change, to indicate both that one
or more of such phenomena preceded or followed another and also to
indicate that they are related in some way, for example that one is a
consequence of the other. To document this we need:
<list><item>a system to assign phenomena to a particular change</item>
<item>a way to characterize a change, in itself and in relation to
other changes.</item>
<p>The existing element <gi>creation</gi> (within the TEI Header
profile description) is defined as the appropriate location for all
information relating to the genesis or production of a text. We modify
it slightly to permit a new <gi>listChange</gi> element which contains
a number of <gi>change</gi> elements, one for each identified change:
            <specDesc key="listChange" atts="ordered"/>
            <specDesc key="change"/>
<p>In the following example taken from the genetic edition of Goethe’s
Faust, the editor has identified four distinct changes:</p>
      <egXML xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/Examples">
               <listChange ordered="true">
                  <change xml:id="ST-1">First stage, written in ink by a writer</change>
                  <change xml:id="ST-2">Second stage, written in Goethe's hand using pencil</change>
                  <change xml:id="ST-3">Fixation of the revised passages and further revisions by
Goethe using ink</change>
                  <change xml:id="ST-4">Addition of another stanza in a          different hand,
probably at a later stage</change>
      <p>The <gi>listChange</gi> element carries an attribute <att>ordered</att>, which can take the
         values <code>true</code> or <code>false</code> (the default). The attribute specifies
         whether the order of child elements signifies a temporal order for the revision campaigns
         which they document. In the Faust example above, the editor has asserted that the four
         stages distinguished are ordered chronologically according to the order of the
            <gi>change</gi> elements. Note that asserting a specific order early on, though probably
         one of the hardest tasks in a genetic analysis, can considerably reduce the encoding effort
         in assigning textual alterations to stages during the transcription, as we will see below.
         For instance deletions can only be assigned to a stage that follows the one in which the
         passage being deleted was written down. Hence, having a certain order of stages put in
         place before transcription begins, will allow the encoder to reduce verbose tagging, where
         default assumptions based on the natural order of actions can be made.</p>
      <p>If necessary, <gi>listChange</gi> elements can be nested hierarchically. This may be helpful
         in two cases. Firstly one can build up hypotheses about related revisions step-by-step,
         starting with stages of smaller coverage, whose members are certainly related, and then in
         a subsequent pass grouping these stages in turn, thereby extending their reach.</p>
      <!-- stages.xml -->
      <egXML xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/Examples">
                  <change xml:id="o">An unrelated change note</change>
                  <listChange xml:id="m" cert="low">
<change xml:id="m1">Alterations on one manuscript page, certainly
<change xml:id="m2">Alterations on another manuscript page, certainly
                  <change xml:id="p">Another unrelated change note</change>
      <p>A nested <gi>listChange</gi> elements is also useful         to indicate a
            <emph>partial</emph> ordering of revision campaigns.</p>
      <egXML xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/Examples">
         <listChange ordered="true">
            <change xml:id="ST1">The first stage</change>
               <!-- We have no information about the order of these changes, except
     that they both followed ST1 and prececeded STX  -->.
                  <change xml:id="ST-rev1">A revision of the first stage</change>
               <change xml:id="ST-rev2">Another revision of the first          stage</change>
            <change xml:id="STX">The last stage</change>
      <p>In addition to the possibility of ordering text stages in relation to each other,
            <gi>change</gi> elements may carry a number of attributes from the
            <ident>att.datable</ident> class (<att>period</att>, <att>when</att>,
            <att>notBefore</att>, <att>notAfter</att>, <att>from</att>, and <att>to</att>) which
         allow each stage to be dated as exactly or inexactly as necessary, in the same way as is
         currently possible for the TEI <gi>date</gi> element.</p>
      <!-- Maybe note that absolute dates and relative order can conflict -->
      <egXML xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/Examples">
               <date notAfter="1816-07-18"/>
               <listChange ordered="true">
                  <change xml:id="mod1" when="1816-07-16">The first draft of
   <title>Persuasion</title> is completed by the <date>July 16    1816</date>
written after the word <q>Finis</q> at <ref target="#pers-30">page
                  <change xml:id="mod2" notBefore="1816-07-16">After the <date>16th    of July</date>
Austen starts revision of the two final chapters, by rewriting the end and
adding a new zone (<ref target="#transp-1">pages 32-35</ref>) to be inserted
at <ref target="#insertion-p1">page 19</ref>. This stage is documented by the
deletion of the date (<date>July 16 1816</date>) at <ref target="#pers-30">page
   30</ref>, and the addition of more text and of a new date    (<date>July 18.
   1816</date>) at <ref target="#pers-31">page    31</ref></change>
                  <change notBefore="1816-07-18">Before publication, after <date>July    18th,
   1816</date> chapters 10-11 were broken into three chapters, 10, 11, 12, as
witnessed by the print.</change>
      <p>Each <gi>change</gi> element, apart from declaring a distinct change in the creation of the
         document, may also contain references to other annotations contained within the
            <gi>teiHeader</gi> or in the document (as shown in the previous example). Such
         references, along with the textual content are purely documentary and do not affect the
         textual stage associated with any element thus referred to. The association of a textual
         component with a change is always made explicitly, either by pointing from the
            <gi>change</gi> attribute <att>target</att> to one or more elements, or (preferably)
         by pointing from the element concerned to the <gi>change</gi> element by means of its
            <att>change</att> attribute:</p>
      <egXML xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/Examples">
         <line change="#firstStage">This is a <subst change="#secondStage">
      <p>This simple example shows the latter of the two options: The relevant changes are declared
         in the header; then textual alterations and acts of writing
	 are associated with them. The above
         markup indicates that the whole sentence was realized in the first stage, while the
         substitution of “house” with “mouse” happened at the second stage. </p>
      <p>A more complex and complete example:</p>
      <egXML xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/Examples">
               <listChange type="ordered">
                  <change xml:id="firstStage">First stage, written in ink by a writer</change>
                  <change xml:id="secondStage">Revised by Goethe using pencil</change>
                  <change xml:id="thirdStage">Fixation of the revised passages and further revisions
by Goethe using ink</change>
                  <change xml:id="fourthStage">Addition of another stanza, probably at a later
         </profileDesc> [...] <div change="#firstStage">
            <l n="11656">
<retrace change="#thirdStage">
   <seg change="#secondStage">Nun</seg>
               </subst> wanſtige Schuften mit den Feuerbacken</l>
            <l n="11657">Ihr glüht ſo recht vom Höllen Schwefel <subst
            <l n="11658">
               <delSpan spanTo="#anchor_delSpan_1" change="#thirdStage"/>Ihr hagren,  triſten, krummgezog<subst>
               </subst> Nacken</l>
            <l>Wenn ihr nur piepſet iſt die Welt ſchon matt.<anchor xml:id="anchor_delSpan_1"/></l>
      <p>Note first, that a change, once assigned to an element, is inherited by all descendants of
         that element unless overridden by a subsequent assignment. So in the example above the
         three verses are assigned to the first stage initially. The writing of
            <mentioned>Nun</mentioned> (as part of the substitution in the first verse) takes place
         in the second stage and is repeated or fixated in the third. Also the substitution in the
         second verse is done repeatedly: initially it takes place in the second stage, but is
         fixated as a whole in the third.</p>
      <p>The interpretation of change assignments for a particular text passage is based on a number
         of implicit assumptions and constraints which have the effect of minimizing the amount of
         tagging necessary. The system is also flexible enough to support an explicit distinction
         between acts of writing and textual alterations, since either of these can be associated
         with changes described in the encoding. The following example shows an encoding in which the
         same passage is transcribed twice, once from a documentary perspective, and once from a
         textual one :</p>
      <!-- faust_2.xml -->
      <egXML xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/Examples">
               <listChange type="ordered">
                  <change target="#zone_1 #subst_3">First stage, written in ink by a scribe</change>
target="#zone_2 #mod_1 #line_1 #line_2 #subst_1 #subst_2
#subst_4 #delSpan_1"
>Revised by Goethe using pencil</change>
                  <change target="#redo_1 #redo_2 #redo_3 #subst_1 #subst_2
#delSpan_1 #add_1"
>Fixation of the revised passages and further revisions by Goethe using
         </profileDesc> [...] <document>
               <zone xml:id="zone_1">
                  <line xml:id="line_1">
<handShift new="#g_bl"/>
<retrace hand="#g_t" xml:id="redo_1">Nun</retrace>
                  <line><handShift new="#jo_t"/>Ihr wanſtige Schuften mit den Feuerbacken</line>
                  <line xml:id="line_2">
<handShift new="#g_bl"/>
<retrace hand="#g_t" xml:id="redo_2">feiſt</retrace>
                  <line>Ihr glüht ſo recht vom Höllen Schwefel ſatt.</line> [...]       </zone>
               <l n="11656">
                  <subst xml:id="subst_1">
                  </subst> wanſtige Schuften mit den Feuerbacken</l>
               <l n="11657">Ihr glüht ſo recht vom Höllen Schwefel <subst xml:id="subst_2">
      <p>The documentary transcription stresses the writing process, while the textual transcription
         emphasizes textual alterations. In either case, the change of writing activity associated
         with a particular feature in the transcript is explicitly indicated. From the documentary
         perspective, the stage assignments describe the writing process, in that they specify,
         which segment has been written when and how often. From the textual perspective, the markup
         concentrates on the order of textual alterations and makes no assumptions about the order
         of writing.  In this example, the association is made by pointing from the <gi>change</gi>
         element to all the passages and alterations in question in either perspective, which has
         the merit of not confusing the presentation of the interventions concerned with writing
         sequence information, at the price of requiring a distinct identifier on each intervention.


<div xmlns:rng="http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0"><head>Formal specifications</head>

<schemaSpec ident="testgenetic"
<!--moduleRef key="core" include="add del graphic figure gloss desc title hi
			       lb gap p list milestone ptr date q ref "/-->

<moduleRef key="core"/>
<moduleRef key="tei"/>
<moduleRef key="msdescription"/>
<moduleRef key="namesdates" include="settlement"/>
<moduleRef key="linking" include="alt anchor seg"/>
<moduleRef key="transcr"/>
<moduleRef key="header"/>
<moduleRef key="gaiji"/>
<moduleRef key="textstructure"/> 

<!-- existing specs needing change -->
<classSpec type="atts" ident="att.global" mode="change" module="tei">
   <memberOf key="att.global.linking"/>
   <memberOf key="att.global.analytic"/>
   <memberOf key="att.global.facs"/>
   <memberOf key="att.layered" mode="add"/>

<elementSpec ident="creation" module="header" mode="change">
    <memberOf key="att.global"/>
    <memberOf key="att.datable"/>
    <memberOf key="model.profileDescPart"/>
   <rng:ref name="macro.phraseSeq.limited"/>
      <rng:ref name="listChange"/>

<elementSpec ident="change" module="header"
<desc>documents a particular change in the genesis of a text.</desc>
   <memberOf key="att.datable"/>
   <memberOf key="att.editLike"/>
   <memberOf key="att.global"/>
   <memberOf key="att.typed"/>
         <rng:ref name="macro.specialPara"/>
   <attDef ident="target" mode="add">
      <desc>points to one or more elements that belong to this change.</desc>
      <datatype minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded">
         <rng:ref name="data.pointer"/>

<elementSpec ident="surface" module="physdesc" mode="change">
   <classes mode="change">
      <memberOf key="att.typed" mode="add"/>
            <rng:ref name="model.global"/>
            <rng:ref name="model.glossLike"/>
            <rng:ref name="model.graphicLike"/>
            <rng:ref name="zone"/>
            <rng:ref name="line"/>
            <rng:ref name="patch"/>

<elementSpec ident="zone" module="physdesc" mode="change">
   <classes mode="change">
      <memberOf key="att.coordinated" mode="add"/>
      <memberOf key="model.zonePart" mode="add"/>
<!-- change content to match that of <line> -->
         <rng:ref name="model.global"/>
         <rng:ref name="zone"/>
         <rng:ref name="line"/>
         <rng:ref name="choice"/><!-- added under protest -->
	 <rng:ref name="model.pPart.transcriptional"/>
	 <rng:ref name="model.segLike"/>
	 <rng:ref name="model.hiLike"/> <!-- I hate doing this, but
	 it seems necessary -->
      <attDef ident="rotate" mode="add">
         <desc>indicates the amount by which this zone has been rotated clockwise,
            with respect to the normal orientation of the parent <gi>surface</gi>
            element as implied by the dimensions given in the <gi>msDesc</gi> element
            or by the coordinates of the <gi>surface</gi> itself. The orientation is
            expressed in arc degrees.</desc>
         <datatype minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
            <rng:ref name="data.count"/>

<classSpec type="atts" ident="att.editLike" mode="change">
      <attDef ident="instant" mode="add">
         <desc>Is this an instant revision?</desc>
            <rng:ref name="data.xTruthValue"/>

<!-- following change can be removed if feature request is applied -->
<elementSpec xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0" module="transcr"
 ident="handShift" mode="change">
    <memberOf key="att.global"/>
    <memberOf key="model.pPart.transcriptional"/>
    <memberOf key="att.handFeatures"/>
    <memberOf key="att.responsibility"/>

<!-- new specs -->

<classSpec ident="model.zonePart" type="model" mode="add">
   <desc>elements which can form part of a zone</desc>
<!-- is this diff from model.pPart.transcriptional ? -->
<!-- not used -->
<classSpec ident="model.linePart" type="model" mode="add">
   <desc>elements which can form part of a line</desc>

<classSpec ident="att.layered" type="atts" mode="add" module="tei">
<desc>groups elements which can be assigned to a specific text change by means of
   the attributes it provides.</desc>
   <attDef ident="change" >
      <desc>points to one or more <gi>change</gi> elements which contain a
         description of a text-change to which the editors think the alteration/
         text passage marked by the element bearing this attribute (and its
         children) belongs.</desc>
      <datatype minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded">
         <rng:ref name="data.pointer"/>

<elementSpec ident="listChange" mode="add">
    <memberOf key="att.global"/>
   <content xmlns:rng="http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0">
            <rng:ref name="listChange"/>
            <rng:ref name="change"/>
<attList >
<attDef ident="ordered" mode="add">
<desc>indicates whether the ordering of its child <gi>change</gi>
elements is to be considered significant or not</desc>
<ref xmlns="http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0" name="data.truthValue"/>


<elementSpec ident="sourceDoc"  mode="add">
 <desc> contains a transcription or other representation of a single source document
potentially forming part of a dossier genetique.</desc>
<classes>    <memberOf key="att.global"/>
    <memberOf key="model.resourceLike"/>
    <memberOf key="att.declaring"/>
  <content xmlns:rng="http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0">
        <rng:ref name="facsimile"/>
          <rng:ref name="model.global"/>
          <rng:ref name="model.graphicLike"/>
          <rng:ref name="surface"/>
  <exemplum xml:lang="und">
    <egXML xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/Examples">
        <graphic url="page1.png"/>
	<zone>Text on page 1</zone>
          <graphic url="page2-highRes.png"/>
          <graphic url="page2-lowRes.png"/>
	  <zone><line>A line of text </line>
	  <line>Another line of text</line>


<elementSpec ident="patch"  mode="add">
 <desc> a part of a surface which was originally
 physically distinct but was combined with it at some time prior to
 some or all of the writing on the surface.</desc>
      <memberOf key="att.coordinated"/>
      <memberOf key="att.global"/>
      <memberOf key="att.typed"/>
            <rng:ref name="model.global"/>
            <rng:ref name="zone"/>
      <attDef ident="binder" mode="add">
         <desc>describes the method by which a patch is or was connected to the main
            <ref xmlns="http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0" name="data.enumerated"/>
         <valList type="open">
            <valItem ident="glued"><desc>patch is glued in place</desc>
            <valItem ident="pinned"><desc>patch is pinned or stapled in place</desc>
            <valItem ident="sewn"><desc>patch is sewn in place</desc>
      <attDef ident="flipping" mode="add"><desc>indicates whether the patch is attached and folded in such a way as to
            provide two writing surfaces</desc>
            <ref xmlns="http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0" name="data.truthValue"/>
      <attDef ident="height">
         <desc>height of the patch</desc>
            <ref xmlns="http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0" name="data.outputMeasurement"/>
      <attDef ident="width">
         <desc>width of the patch</desc>
            <ref xmlns="http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0" name="data.outputMeasurement"/>

<elementSpec ident="line"  mode="add">
<desc>contains the transcription of a topographic line in the source
   <memberOf key="model.zonePart"/>
   <memberOf key="att.typed"/>
   <memberOf key="att.global"/>
         <rng:ref name="model.global"/>
         <rng:ref name="choice"/><!-- added under protest -->
	 <rng:ref name="model.pPart.transcriptional"/>
	 <rng:ref name="model.segLike"/>
	 <rng:ref name="model.hiLike"/> <!-- I hate doing this, but
	 it seems necessary -->

<elementSpec ident="mod"  mode="add">
<desc>represents any kind of modification identified within a single  document.</desc>
<memberOf key="model.pPart.transcriptional"/>
<!--memberOf key="model.linePart"/-->
<memberOf key="att.global"/>
<memberOf key="att.transcriptional"/>
<memberOf key="att.typed"/>
<memberOf key="att.spanning"/>
<rng:ref name="macro.paraContent"/><!-- NOTE not probably appropriate -->

<elementSpec ident="transposeGrp" 
   <desc>supplies a list of transpositions indicated at some point in the text,
      typically by means of metamarks.</desc>
      <memberOf key="model.profileDescPart"/>
      <memberOf key="model.global.meta"/>
      <memberOf key="att.global"/>
         <rng:ref name="transpose"/>
<elementSpec ident="transpose" 
   <desc> describes a single textual transposition as an ordered list of at least two
      pointers specifying the order in which the elements indicated should be
      re-combined. </desc>
      <memberOf key="att.global"/>
         <rng:ref name="ptr"/>
            <rng:ref name="ptr"/>
<!-- =============== Undo/Redo/Rewrite =============== -->
<elementSpec ident="undo"  mode="add">
   <desc>indicates one or more marked-up interventions in a
		  text which have subsequently been
		  marked as to be cancelled or undone.</desc>
      <memberOf key="model.pPart.transcriptional"/>
      <memberOf key="att.global"/>
      <memberOf key="att.spanning"/>
      <memberOf key="att.transcriptional"/>
      <attDef ident="target" mode="add">
         <desc>points to one or more elements representing the interventions to be undone.</desc>
         <datatype minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded">
            <rng:ref name="data.pointer"/>

<classSpec type="atts" ident="att.repeatable">
      <attDef ident="cause">
         <desc>documents the presumed cause of the repeated act of writing.</desc>
            <rng:ref name="data.enumerated"/>
         <valList type="closed">
            <valItem ident="fix">
<desc>repeated for the purpose of fixation</desc>
            <valItem ident="unclear">
<desc>repeated to clarify a previously illegible or badly written text
   or mark</desc>

<elementSpec ident="redo"  mode="add">
<desc>points to one or more marked-up interventions in a
		  text which have subsequently been
		  marked for a second time in a different way. </desc>
      <memberOf key="model.pPart.transcriptional"/>
      <memberOf key="att.global"/>
      <memberOf key="att.repeatable"/>
      <memberOf key="att.spanning"/>
      <memberOf key="att.transcriptional"/>
      <attDef ident="target" mode="add">
         <desc>points to one or more elements representing
			interventions which are to be repeated.</desc>
         <datatype minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded">
            <rng:ref name="data.pointer"/>

<elementSpec ident="retrace"  mode="add">
   <desc>contains a sequence of text which has been rewritten by the author, for
      example by over-inking, to clarify or fix it.</desc>
      <memberOf key="model.pPart.transcriptional"/>
      <memberOf key="model.global"/>
      <memberOf key="att.global"/>
      <memberOf key="att.repeatable"/>
      <memberOf key="att.spanning"/>
      <memberOf key="att.transcriptional"/>
      <rng:ref name="macro.paraContent"/>
      <p>Multiple rewritings are indicated by nesting one <gi>retrace</gi> within
         another. In principle, a rewriting differs from a substitution in that
         second and subsequent rewrites do not materially alter the content of an
         element. Where there are minor changes made during the rewriting however
         these may be marked up using <gi>del</gi>, <gi>add</gi>, etc. with an
         appropriate value for the <att>change</att> attribute.</p>
<!-- =============== Authorial changes =============== -->
<elementSpec ident="metamark"  mode="add">
   <desc>contains or describes any kind of graphic or written signal
   within a document intended to signal how it should be read but not
   forming part of the text itself.</desc>
      <memberOf key="model.global"/><!-- was pPart.transcriptional-->
      <memberOf key="att.spanning"/>
      <memberOf key="att.placement"/>
      <memberOf key="att.global"/>
      <rng:ref name="macro.specialPara"/>
      <attDef ident="function" mode="add">
         <desc>describes the function (e.g. add, delete, alternate) of the
         <datatype minOccurs="1">
            <rng:ref name="data.word"/>
      <attDef ident="target">
         <desc>indicates the element(s) to which the function of the metamark
            refers. Pointers are separated by a white space</desc>
         <datatype minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded">
            <rng:ref name="data.pointer"/>


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