\name{process} \alias{processID} \alias{print.process} \title{ Function to query objects of the class process } \description{ \code{processID} returns the process IDs for the given processes. It raises an error if \code{process} is not an object of the class \code{\link{process}} or a list of such objects. \code{print} methods shows the process ID and its class name. } \usage{ processID(process) \method{print}{process}(x, \dots) } \arguments{ \item{process}{process (object of the class \code{process}) or a list of such objects.} \item{x}{process to print} \item{...}{ignored} } \value{ \code{processID} returns an integer vector contatining the process IDs. \code{print} returns \code{NULL} invisibly } \seealso{ \code{\link{fork}} } \author{Simon Urbanek} \keyword{interface}