from typing import Optional import numpy as np import pandas as pd from scipy import stats from statsmodels.iolib.summary import Summary from statsmodels.iolib.table import SimpleTable from statsmodels.regression.linear_model import RegressionResults from arch.typing import ArrayLike1D, ArrayLike2D from arch.unitroot._shared import ( ResidualCointegrationTestResult, _check_cointegrating_regression, _cross_section, ) from arch.unitroot.critical_values.engle_granger import ( CV_PARAMETERS, LARGE_PARAMETERS, SMALL_PARAMETERS, TAU_MAX, TAU_MIN, TAU_STAR, ) from arch.unitroot.unitroot import ADF, TREND_DESCRIPTION def engle_granger( y: ArrayLike1D, x: ArrayLike2D, trend: str = "c", *, lags: Optional[int] = None, max_lags: Optional[int] = None, method: str = "bic", ) -> "EngleGrangerTestResults": r""" Test for cointegration within a set of time series. Parameters ---------- y : array_like The left-hand-side variable in the cointegrating regression. x : array_like The right-hand-side variables in the cointegrating regression. trend : {"n","c","ct","ctt"}, default "c" Trend to include in the cointegrating regression. Trends are: * "n": No deterministic terms * "c": Constant * "ct": Constant and linear trend * "ctt": Constant, linear and quadratic trends lags : int, default None The number of lagged differences to include in the Augmented Dickey-Fuller test used on the residuals of the max_lags : int, default None The maximum number of lags to consider when using automatic lag-length in the Augmented Dickey-Fuller regression. method: {"aic", "bic", "tstat"}, default "bic" The method used to select the number of lags included in the Augmented Dickey-Fuller regression. Returns ------- EngleGrangerTestResults Results of the Engle-Granger test. See Also -------- arch.unitroot.ADF Augmented Dickey-Fuller testing. arch.unitroot.PhillipsPerron Phillips & Perron's unit root test. arch.unitroot.cointegration.phillips_ouliaris Phillips-Ouliaris tests of cointegration. Notes ----- The model estimated is .. math:: Y_t = X_t \beta + D_t \gamma + \epsilon_t where :math:`Z_t = [Y_t,X_t]` is being tested for cointegration. :math:`D_t` is a set of deterministic terms that may include a constant, a time trend or a quadratic time trend. The null hypothesis is that the series are not cointegrated. The test is implemented as an ADF of the estimated residuals from the cross-sectional regression using a set of critical values that is determined by the number of assumed stochastic trends when the null hypothesis is true. """ setup = _check_cointegrating_regression(y, x, trend) xsection = _cross_section(setup.y, setup.x, setup.trend) resid = xsection.resid # Never pass in the trend here since only used in x-section adf = ADF(resid, lags, trend="n", max_lags=max_lags, method=method) stat = adf.stat nobs = resid.shape[0] - adf.lags - 1 num_x = setup.x.shape[1] cv = engle_granger_cv(trend, num_x, nobs) pv = engle_granger_pval(stat, trend, num_x) return EngleGrangerTestResults( stat, pv, cv, order=num_x, adf=adf, xsection=xsection ) class EngleGrangerTestResults(ResidualCointegrationTestResult): """ Results class for Engle-Granger cointegration tests. Parameters ---------- stat : float The Engle-Granger test statistic. pvalue : float The pvalue of the Engle-Granger test statistic. crit_vals : Series The critical values of the Engle-Granger specific to the sample size and model dimension. null : str The null hypothesis. alternative : str The alternative hypothesis. trend : str The model's trend description. order : int The number of stochastic trends in the null distribution. adf : ADF The ADF instance used to perform the test and lag selection. xsection : RegressionResults The OLS results used in the cross-sectional regression. """ def __init__( self, stat: float, pvalue: float, crit_vals: pd.Series, null: str = "No Cointegration", alternative: str = "Cointegration", trend: str = "c", order: int = 2, adf: Optional[ADF] = None, xsection: Optional[RegressionResults] = None, ) -> None: super().__init__( stat, pvalue, crit_vals, null, alternative, trend, order, xsection ) = "Engle-Granger Cointegration Test" assert adf is not None self._adf = adf self._additional_info.update( { "ADF Lag length": self.lags, "Trend": self.trend, "Estimated Root ρ (γ+1)": self.rho, "Distribution Order": self.distribution_order, } ) @property def lags(self) -> int: """The number of lags used in the Augmented Dickey-Fuller regression.""" return self._adf.lags @property def max_lags(self) -> Optional[int]: """The maximum number of lags used in the lag-length selection.""" return self._adf.max_lags @property def rho(self) -> float: r""" The estimated coefficient in the Dickey-Fuller Test Returns ------- float The coefficient. Notes ----- The value returned is :math:`\hat{\rho}=\hat{\gamma}+1` from the ADF regression .. math:: \Delta y_t = \gamma y_{t-1} + \sum_{i=1}^p \delta_i \Delta y_{t-i} + \epsilon_t """ return 1 + self._adf.regression.params[0] def summary(self) -> Summary: """Summary of test, containing statistic, p-value and critical values""" table_data = [ ("Test Statistic", f"{self.stat:0.3f}"), ("P-value", f"{self.pvalue:0.3f}"), ("ADF Lag length", f"{self.lags:d}"), ("Estimated Root ρ (γ+1)", f"{self.rho:0.3f}"), ] title = table = SimpleTable( table_data, stubs=None, title=title, colwidths=18, datatypes=[0, 1], data_aligns=("l", "r"), ) smry = Summary() smry.tables.append(table) cv_string = "Critical Values: " for val in self.critical_values.keys(): p = str(int(val)) + "%" cv_string += f"{self.critical_values[val]:0.2f}" cv_string += " (" + p + ")" cv_string += ", " # Remove trailing , cv_string = cv_string[:-2] extra_text = [ "Trend: " + TREND_DESCRIPTION[self._trend], cv_string, "Null Hypothesis: " + self.null_hypothesis, "Alternative Hypothesis: " + self.alternative_hypothesis, "Distribution Order: " + str(self.distribution_order), ] smry.add_extra_txt(extra_text) return smry def engle_granger_cv(trend: str, num_x: int, nobs: int) -> pd.Series: """ Critical Values for Engle-Granger t-tests Parameters ---------- trend : {"n", "c", "ct", "ctt"} The trend included in the model num_x : The number of cross-sectional regressors in the model. Must be between 1 and 12. nobs : int The number of observations in the time series. Returns ------- Series The critical values for 1, 5 and 10% """ trends = ("n", "c", "ct", "ctt") if trend not in trends: valid = ",".join(trends) raise ValueError(f"Trend must by one of: {valid}") if not 1 <= num_x <= 12: raise ValueError( "The number of cross-sectional variables must be between 1 and " "12 (inclusive)" ) tbl = CV_PARAMETERS[trend] crit_vals = {} for size in (10, 5, 1): params = tbl[size][num_x] x = 1.0 / (nobs ** np.arange(4.0)) crit_vals[size] = x @ params return pd.Series(crit_vals) def engle_granger_pval(stat: float, trend: str, num_x: int) -> float: """ Asymptotic P-values for Engle-Granger t-tests Parameters ---------- stat : float The test statistic trend : {"n", "c", "ct", "ctt"} The trend included in the model num_x : The number of cross-sectional regressors in the model. Must be between 1 and 12. Returns ------- Series The critical values for 1, 5 and 10% """ trends = ("n", "c", "ct", "ctt") if trend not in trends: valid = ",".join(trends) raise ValueError(f"Trend must by one of: {valid}") if not 1 <= num_x <= 12: raise ValueError( "The number of cross-sectional variables must be between 1 and " "12 (inclusive)" ) key = (trend, num_x) if stat > TAU_MAX[key]: return 1.0 elif stat < TAU_MIN[key]: return 0.0 if stat > TAU_STAR[key]: params = np.array(LARGE_PARAMETERS[key]) else: params = np.array(SMALL_PARAMETERS[key]) order = params.shape[0] x = stat ** np.arange(order) return stats.norm().cdf(params @ x)