Raw File
% Automatic Lens Distortion Correction Using One Parameter Division Models


* Author    : Miguel Alemán-Flores  <>
              Luis Álvarez  <>
              Luis Gómez <>
              Daniel Santana-Cedrés <>
* Copyright : (C) 2009-2013 IPOL Image Processing On Line
* License   : CC Creative Commons "Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike" 
Description of the fields of the change log:
DATE: 		The date when the changes have been done
AUTHOR: 	The author of the changes made
CHANGES: 	This field has four subfields that are:
					Files: 		List of the files affected by the changes
					Issue: 		Brief description of the found issue
					System: 	System in which the issue has been found
					Solution: Adopted solution for the found issue
					(When more than one issue has been found on a same date, in the change log appear more blocks of these subfields)

(The following changes have been done after IPOL review that was received on 22/04/2014)


DATE: 		23/04/2014
AUTHOR: 	Daniel Santana-Cedrés
CHANGES:  Files: 		ami_utilities/utilities.h
					Issue: 		The ignored returned values from scanf/fscanf are considered as an error due to '-Werror' compilation flag
					System:		Ubuntu Linux 14.04 LTS with GCC version 4.8.2
					Solution:	We consider the returned values and We use them for error checking
					File: 		ami_image_draw/image_draw.h
					Issue: 		Uninitialized variable "cercle_color" is considered as an error due to -Werror compilation flag
					System:		Ubuntu Linux 14.04 LTS with GCC version 4.8.2
					Solution: We initialize the variable to zero


DATE:			24/04/2014
AUTHOR:		Daniel Santana-Cedrés
CHANGES:	Files:		ami_filters/filters.h
					Issue:		When the '-fopenmp' compilation flag is disabled, the '#pragma' statements are considered as errors due to '-Werror' compilation flag
					System:		Ubuntu Linux 14.04 LTS with GCC version 4.8.2
					Solution:	In every '#pragma' statement, we add preprocessor directives for taking into account the definition of the '_OPENMP' macro


DATE:			25/04/2014
AUTHOR:		Daniel Santana-Cedrés
CHANGES:	File:			ami_pol/ami_pol.h
					Issue:		Deprecated inclusion of the header file <malloc.h>
					System:		Ubuntu Linux 14.04 LTS with GCC version 4.8.2
					Solution:	We change the inclusion of <malloc.h> for <stdlib.h>
					File:			ami_lens_distortion/lens_distortion_model.cpp
					Issue:		Undeclared 'fopen', 'stderr', 'fprintf', 'fscanf' and 'fclose' functions
					System:		Ubuntu Linux 14.04 LTS with GCC version 4.8.2
					Solution:	We include the header file <stdio.h>
					File:			All the files were reviewed
					Issue:		Comments on Spanish
					System:		All
					Solution: We have translated the Spanish comments into English
					File:			makefile
					Issue:		Undefined references to the functions of the png library, because the library wasn't found
					System:		Ubuntu Linux 14.04 LTS with GCC version 4.8.2
					Solution:	We change the order of the compilation line

DATE:			29/04/2014
AUTHOR:		Daniel Santana-Cedrés
CHANGES:	File:			New folder "example"
					Issue:		Doesn't exist an example of a result
					System:		All
					Solution:	We create a new folder called "example" in which inside there are result files of the image pattern.png (images and output text files, as well the input image)
					File:			New folder "documentation"
					Issue:		Improve the existent documentation
					System:		All
					Solution:	We create a new folder called "documentation" with the Doxygen documentation generated in html format

DATE:			30/04/2014
AUTHOR:		Daniel Santana-Cedrés
CHANGES:	Files:		ami_lens_distortion/lens_distortion_procedures.cpp
					Issue:		Undeclared 'sqrtl' function
					System:		Windows 7 with CYGWIN 6.1 and GCC version 4.8.2
					Solution:	Since C99 the 'sqrt' function works with long double input parameters, so we change the 'sqrtl' calls for 'sqrt'
					File:			ami_lens_distortion_model/lens_distortion_model.h
					Issue:		Improve the doxygen documentation
					System:		All
					Solution:	We have added the description of the methods and regenerated the doxygen documentation


DATE:			05/05/2014
AUTHOR: 	Daniel Santana-Cedrés
CHANGES:	File:			ami_primitives/subpixel_image_contours.h
					Issue:		Improve the existent documentation
					System:		All
					Solution:	We improve the doxygen documentation of the class subpixel_image_contours
					File:			ami_utilities/utilities.cpp
					Issue:		Wrong example command
					System: 	All
					Solution:	We change the example command with the right route of the example image (example/pattern.png)


DATE:			08/05/2014
AUTHOR:		Daniel Santana-Cedrés
CHANGES		File:			ami_image/io_png/io_png.cpp
					Issue:		strcmp function not found
					System:		MacOSX 10.6.8 wiht GCC version 4.2.1
					Solution:	We include the appropriate header file
					File:			README.txt
					Issue:		Improve the existent documentation
					System:		All
					Solution:	We include new documentation related to problems with png library on MacOSX and we describe the systems where we have checked the code
					File:			README.txt
					Issue:		Deprecated alternative compilation line
					System:		All
					Solution:	We have updated the alternative compilation line


DATE:     20/05/2014
AUTHOR:		Daniel Santana-Cedrés
CHANGES:	File:			ami_primitives/line_extraction.cpp
					Issue:		Improve the comments
					System:		All
					Solution:	We have improved the comments of the function that implements the improved Hough transform and we have separated the different sections inside it

DATE:     14/10/2014
AUTHOR:		Daniel Santana-Cedrés
CHANGES:	File:			makefile
					Issue:		The flags -Werror and -fopenmp have been removed
					System:		All
					Solution:	We have removed the -Werror flag and -fopenmp flag appears as an alternative option inside a commented line in the makefile
					File:			README.txt
					Issue:		Flags -Werror and -fopenmp
					System:		All
					Solution:	We have modified the compilation line in order to remove the -Werror flag. Also, we include an alternative compilation line using the OpenMP library

DATE:     14/10/2014
AUTHOR:		Daniel Santana-Cedrés
CHANGES:	File:			makefile
					Issue:		Using flags for OpenMP
					System:		All
					Solution:	We have added a new compilation option "OMP=1" in order to enable or disable the compilation with OpenMP
					File:			README.txt
					Issue:		Flags -Werror and -fopenmp
					System:		All
					Solution:	We have modified the compilation line in order to remove the -Werror flag. Also, we include an alternative compilation line using the OpenMP library

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