Raw File
package api

import (


// createShortURL handles requests to create short URLs.
func (hs *HTTPServer) createShortURL(c *models.ReqContext) response.Response {
	cmd := dtos.CreateShortURLCmd{}
	if err := web.Bind(c.Req, &cmd); err != nil {
		return response.Err(models.ErrShortURLBadRequest.Errorf("bad request data: %w", err))
	hs.log.Debug("Received request to create short URL", "path", cmd.Path)
	shortURL, err := hs.ShortURLService.CreateShortURL(c.Req.Context(), c.SignedInUser, cmd.Path)
	if err != nil {
		return response.Err(err)

	url := fmt.Sprintf("%s/goto/%s?orgId=%d", strings.TrimSuffix(setting.AppUrl, "/"), shortURL.Uid, c.OrgID)
	c.Logger.Debug("Created short URL", "url", url)

	dto := dtos.ShortURL{
		UID: shortURL.Uid,
		URL: url,

	return response.JSON(http.StatusOK, dto)

func (hs *HTTPServer) redirectFromShortURL(c *models.ReqContext) {
	shortURLUID := web.Params(c.Req)[":uid"]

	if !util.IsValidShortUID(shortURLUID) {

	shortURL, err := hs.ShortURLService.GetShortURLByUID(c.Req.Context(), c.SignedInUser, shortURLUID)
	if err != nil {
		if models.ErrShortURLNotFound.Is(err) {
			hs.log.Debug("Not redirecting short URL since not found")

		hs.log.Error("Short URL redirection error", "err", err)

	// Failure to update LastSeenAt should still allow to redirect
	if err := hs.ShortURLService.UpdateLastSeenAt(c.Req.Context(), shortURL); err != nil {
		hs.log.Error("Failed to update short URL last seen at", "error", err)

	hs.log.Debug("Redirecting short URL", "path", shortURL.Path)
	c.Redirect(setting.ToAbsUrl(shortURL.Path), 302)
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