\name{predict.lppm} \alias{predict.lppm} \title{ Predict Point Process Model on Linear Network } \description{ Given a fitted point process model on a linear network, compute the fitted intensity or conditional intensity of the model. } \usage{ \method{predict}{lppm}(object, ..., type = "trend", locations = NULL, new.coef=NULL) } \arguments{ \item{object}{ The fitted model. An object of class \code{"lppm"}, see \code{\link{lppm}}. } \item{type}{ Type of values to be computed. Either \code{"trend"}, \code{"cif"} or \code{"se"}. } \item{locations}{ Optional. Locations at which predictions should be computed. Either a data frame with two columns of coordinates, or a binary image mask. } \item{new.coef}{ Optional. Numeric vector of model coefficients, to be used instead of the fitted coefficients \code{coef(object)} when calculating the prediction. } \item{\dots}{ Optional arguments passed to \code{\link[spatstat]{as.mask}} to determine the pixel resolution (if \code{locations} is missing). } } \details{ This function computes the fitted poin process intensity, fitted conditional intensity, or standard error of the fitted intensity, for a point process model on a linear network. It is a method for the generic \code{\link[stats]{predict}} for the class \code{"lppm"}. The argument \code{object} should be an object of class \code{"lppm"} (produced by \code{\link{lppm}}) representing a point process model on a linear network. Predicted values are computed at the locations given by the argument \code{locations}. If this argument is missing, then predicted values are computed at a fine grid of points on the linear network. \itemize{ \item If \code{locations} is missing or \code{NULL} (the default), the return value is a pixel image (object of class \code{"linim"} which inherits class \code{"im"}) corresponding to a discretisation of the linear network, with numeric pixel values giving the predicted values at each location on the linear network. \item If \code{locations} is a data frame, the result is a numeric vector of predicted values at the locations specified by the data frame. \item If \code{locations} is a binary mask, the result is a pixel image with predicted values computed at the pixels of the mask. } } \value{ A pixel image (object of class \code{"linim"} which inherits class \code{"im"}) or a numeric vector, depending on the argument \code{locations}. See Details. } \author{ Adrian Baddeley \email{Adrian.Baddeley@uwa.edu.au} \url{http://www.maths.uwa.edu.au/~adrian/} } \seealso{ \code{\link{lpp}}, \code{\link{linim}} } \examples{ example(lpp) fit <- lppm(X, ~x) v <- predict(fit, type="trend") plot(v) } \references{ Ang, Q.W. (2010) \emph{Statistical methodology for events on a network}. Master's thesis, School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Western Australia. Ang, Q.W., Baddeley, A. and Nair, G. (2012) Geometrically corrected second-order analysis of events on a linear network, with applications to ecology and criminology. \emph{Scandinavian Journal of Statistics} \bold{39}, 591--617. McSwiggan, G., Nair, M.G. and Baddeley, A. (2012) Fitting Poisson point process models to events on a linear network. Manuscript in preparation. } \keyword{spatial} \keyword{models}