Tip revision: 07d4a1a03267dac12ac8bfbccc8e09049cac9f31 authored by Bin Wan on 09 August 2022, 14:58:28 UTC
Tip revision: 07d4a1a
# Welcome to the Transdiagnostic Gradients Project!
### Here you can find the code and data that was used and generated for the manuscript „COORDINATED CORTICAL THICKNESS ALTERATIONS ACROSS PSYCHIATRIC CONDITIONS: A TRANSDIAGNOSTIC ENIGMA STUDY“ (
## Scripts
### Hettwer2022_Figure1_Transdiagnostic_Hubs_Epicenters.m
This script runs analyses presented in Figure 1 of the manuscript. It loads ENIGMA summary statistics (Cohen's d maps) and HCP connectivity data, computes cross-disorder co-alteration hubs as well as functional and structural disease epicenters. You can exchange selected disorders or use your own effect size maps (in DK or fsa5 space).
### Hettwer2022_Figure2_Transdiagnostic_Gradients.m
This script runs analyses presented in Figure 2 of the manuscript. It loads ENIGMA summary statistics (Cohen's d maps), computes cross-disorder similarity, derives transdiagnostic gradients and contextualizes derived gradients with cytoarchitectonic and functional data.
### Dependencies
For the current work, we rely on the ENIGMA Toolbox (; we used ENIGMA-1.1.3), brainspace (download here:; used here: BrainSpace-0.1.2), surfstat:, cbrewer, and NeuroSynth, and GAMBA
We ran the code on Mac OS Monterey 12.2.1 in Matlab 2021a. No non-standard hardware is required.
Expected run time: 10 minutes
### Required input
If you'd like to run the code on your own data, you can either make use of the ENIGMA Toolbox to load/include other disorders or upload your own data. If you aim to use your own data, it should be case-control differences (Cohen's d maps) on a template implemented in the ENIGMA Toolbox (such as Desikan-Killiany Parcels, fsa5, or Conte69).
### Expected output
After running both scripts, you should have retrieved a co-alteration hub map, functional and structural disease epicenters (r and p values), 7 transdiagnostic gradients, their stratification according to cytoarchitectonic classes (i.e. mean gradient loading per class), correlating genes, and weighted z-values indicating the ordering of functional topic terms along the first 2 transdiagnostic gradients.
### Data that was generated for this study:
* _Disorder_covariance.mat_ = Cross-disorder inter-parcel correlation of COhen’s d values
* _Normative_Connectivity_Hubs.mat_ = Hubs computed based on HCP young adult sample (rs-fMRI and DTI)
* _Transdiagnostic_Covariance_Hubs.mat_ = Cross-disorder hubs of covariance of CT alterations
* _Epicenters.mat_ = All cortical and sub-cortical functional and structural disease epicenters
* _CT_psych_gradients.mat_ = the transdiagnostic gradients presented in this manuscript
* _Cyto_gradients.mat_ = The 2 trans diagnostic gradients stratified according to Von Economo-Koskinas cytoarchitectonic classes
* _Genes_G1.mat_ = Genes whose cortical expression pattern significantly correlates with G1
### Data that is required to run the analyses
* _Cohen’s_d_CT_6_disorders.mat_ = ENIGMA case-control difference Cohen’s d maps for cortical thickness.
* _Valk2020_CT_structural_covariance_gradient.mat_ = normative Gradient of cortical thickness covariance, published by Sofie Valk in Science Advances 2020
* _neurosynth_z_values_ = Functional topic terms and their fMRI correlates (maps)
* _DK_midbrain_parcels.mat_ / midbrain_vertices_fsa5.mat = vertices which you can set to 0 during visualization to mask the midbrain