\name{frontier} \alias{frontier} \title{Simulated sample from a skew-normal distribution} \usage{data(frontier, package=sn)} \description{ A sample simulated from the SN(0,1,5) distribution having sample index of skewness in the admissible range (-0.9952719,0.9952719) but maximum likelihood estimate on the frontier of the paramer space. } \format{ A vector of length 50. } \source{ Generated by a run of \code{rsn(50,0,1,5)}. } \examples{ data(frontier) a <- sn.2logL.profile(y=frontier) a <- sn.2logL.profile(y=frontier, param.range=c(0.8,1.6,10,30), use.cp=F, npts=11) } \keyword{datasets}