// @(#)root/test:$Id$ // Author: Anar Manafov 01/04/2008 //---------------------------------------------------------------- // This is a tests ROOT Iterators and STL algorithms. // The test project covers the following cases: // 1 - TList with std::for_each (Full iteration: from the Begin up to the End) // 2 - TList with std::find_if // 3 - TList with std::count_if // 4 - TObjArray with std::for_each (Full iteration: from the Begin up to the End) // 5 - TObjArray with std::find_if // 6 - TObjArray with std::count_if // 7 - TMap with std::for_each (Full iteration: from the Begin up to the End) // 8 - TMap with std::for_each (Partial iteration: from the Begin up to the 3rd element) // 9 - TMap with std::find_if // 10 - TMap with std::count_if // 11 - TBtree with std::for_each (Full iteration: from the Begin up to the End) // 12 - TBtree with std::find_if // 13 - TBtree with std::count_if // 14 - TOrdCollection with std::for_each (Full iteration: from the Begin up to the End) // 15 - TOrdCollection with std::find_if // 16 - TOrdCollection with std::count_if // 17 - TRefArray with std::for_each (Full iteration: from the Begin up to the End) // 18 - TRefArray with std::find_if // 19 - TRefArray with std::count_if // STD #include #include #include #include #include // ROOT #include "TList.h" #include "TObjString.h" #include "TObjArray.h" #include "TMap.h" #include "TBtree.h" #include "TOrdCollection.h" #include "TRefArray.h" // Local #include "stressIterators.h" const char * const cszValue("value"); using namespace std; template void fill_container(__T* _container, Int_t _count) { _container->SetOwner(); ostringstream ss; for (int i = 0; i < _count; ++i) { ss << "test string #" << i; TObjString *s(new TObjString(ss.str().c_str())); _container->Add(s); ss.str(""); } } template<> void fill_container(TMap* _container, Int_t _count) { _container->SetOwner(); ostringstream ss; for (int i = 0; i < _count; ++i) { ss << "test string #" << i; TObjString *s(new TObjString(ss.str().c_str())); _container->Add(s, new TObjString(cszValue)); ss.str(""); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void stressIterators() throw(exception) { const Int_t size = 15; ostringstream ss; { // TList TList list; fill_container(&list, size); cout << "#1 ====================================" << endl; cout << "-----> " << "TestContainer_for_each(list, list.GetSize())" << endl; TestContainer_for_each(list, list.GetSize()); cout << "\n#2 ====================================" << endl; cout << "-----> " << "TestContainer_find_if(list, \"test string #3\")" << endl; TestContainer_find_if(list, "test string #3"); cout << "\n#3 ====================================" << endl; cout << "-----> " << "TestContainer_count_if(list, \"test string #3\", 1)" << endl; // we suppose to find exactly one match TestContainer_count_if(list, "test string #3", 1); } { // TObjArray TObjArray obj_array(size); fill_container(&obj_array, size); cout << "\n#4 ====================================" << endl; cout << "-----> " << "TestContainer_for_each(obj_array, obj_array.GetSize())" << endl; TestContainer_for_each(obj_array, obj_array.GetSize()); cout << "\n#5 ====================================" << endl; cout << "-----> " << "TestContainer_find_if(obj_array, \"test string #3\")" << endl; TestContainer_find_if(obj_array, "test string #3"); cout << "\n#6 ====================================" << endl; cout << "-----> " << "TestContainer_count_if(obj_array, \"test string #3\", 1)" << endl; // we suppose to find exactly one match TestContainer_count_if(obj_array, "test string #3", 1); } { // TMap TMap map_container(size); fill_container(&map_container, size); cout << "\n#7 ====================================" << endl; cout << "-----> " << "TestContainer_for_each(map_container, map_container.GetSize())" << endl; TestContainer_for_each(map_container, map_container.GetSize()); cout << "\n#8 ====================================" << endl; cout << "-----> " << "TestContainer_for_each2(map_container)" << endl; TestContainer_for_each2(map_container); cout << "\n#9 ====================================" << endl; cout << "-----> " << "TestContainer_find_if(map_container, cszValue)" << endl; TestContainer_find_if(map_container, cszValue); cout << "\n#10 ====================================" << endl; cout << "-----> " << "TestContainer_count_if(map_container, cszValue, map_container.GetSize())" << endl; TestContainer_count_if(map_container, cszValue, map_container.GetSize()); } { // TBtree TBtree btree_container; fill_container(&btree_container, size); cout << "\n#11 ====================================" << endl; cout << "-----> " << "TestContainer_for_each(btree_container, btree_container.GetSize())" << endl; TestContainer_for_each(btree_container, btree_container.GetSize()); cout << "\n#12 ====================================" << endl; cout << "-----> " << "TestContainer_find_if(btree_container, \"test string #3\")" << endl; TestContainer_find_if(btree_container, "test string #3"); cout << "\n#13 ====================================" << endl; cout << "-----> " << "TestContainer_count_if(btree_container, \"test string #3\", 1)" << endl; TestContainer_count_if(btree_container, "test string #3", 1); } { // TOrdCollection TOrdCollection container; fill_container(&container, size); cout << "\n#14 ====================================" << endl; cout << "-----> " << "TestContainer_for_each(container, container.GetSize())" << endl; TestContainer_for_each(container, container.GetSize()); cout << "\n#15 ====================================" << endl; cout << "-----> " << "TestContainer_find_if(container, \"test string #3\");" << endl; TestContainer_find_if(container, "test string #3"); cout << "\n#16 ====================================" << endl; cout << "-----> " << "TestContainer_count_if(container, \"test string #3\", 1)" << endl; TestContainer_count_if(container, "test string #3", 1); } { // TRefArray TRefArray container; fill_container(&container, size); cout << "\n#17 ====================================" << endl; cout << "-----> " << "TestContainer_for_each(container, container.GetSize())" << endl; TestContainer_for_each(container, container.GetLast()+1); // TODO: why container.GetSize() returns 16 instead of 15 cout << "\n#18 ====================================" << endl; cout << "-----> " << "TestContainer_find_if(container, \"test string #3\");" << endl; TestContainer_find_if(container, "test string #3"); cout << "\n#19 ====================================" << endl; cout << "-----> " << "TestContainer_count_if(container, \"test string #3\", 1)" << endl; TestContainer_count_if(container, "test string #3", 1); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ // return 0 on success and 1 otherwise int main() { try { stressIterators(); } catch (const exception &e) { cerr << "Test has failed!" << endl; cerr << "Detailes: " << e.what() << endl; return 1; } catch (...) { cerr << "Test has failed!" << endl; cerr << "Unexpected error occurred." << endl; return 1; } cout << "\nTest successfully finished!" << endl; return 0; }