Raw File
  Convert a Tessellation to a Function
  Convert a tessellation into a function of the \eqn{x} and \eqn{y} coordinates.
  The default function values are factor levels specifying which tile of the
  tessellation contains the point \eqn{(x,y)}.
    A tessellation (object of class \code{"tess"}).
    Optional. A vector giving the values of the function for each tile
    of \code{x}.
  This command converts a tessellation
  (object of class \code{"tess"}) to a \code{function(x,y)}
  where the arguments \code{x} and \code{y} are (vectors of) spatial
  coordinates. The corresponding function values are factor levels
  identifying which tile of the tessellation contains each point.
  Values are \code{NA} if the corresponding point lies outside the

  If the argument \code{values} is given, then it determines the value
  of the function in each tile of \code{x}.
  A function in the \R language, also belonging to the
  class \code{"funxy"}.
  \code{\link{tileindex}} for the low-level calculation of tile index.

  \code{\link{cut.ppp}} and \code{\link{split.ppp}} to
  divide up the points of a point pattern according to
  a tessellation.
  X <- runifpoint(7)
  V <- dirichlet(X)
  f <- as.function(V)
  f(0.1, 0.4)
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