function [h] = plot_rhythmicity_covar( everything, plot_axis, varargin ) %PLOT_RHYTHMICITY_COVAR Plots the results of rhythmicity_covar % Plots the results of rhythmicity_covar. Lags can only be plotted % against one covariate at a time. Called by rhythmicity_covar to plot. % It plots three subplots (a scatter plot of lags versus the covariate, % a density plot of lags versus the covariate, and the mle distribution % of lags) within the current axis. % % plot_rhythmicity_covar(everything, plot_axit); % h = plot_rhythmicity_covar(everything, plot_axit); % plot_rhythmicity_covar(everything, plot_axit, ...); % h = plot_rhythmicity_covar(everything, plot_axit, ...); % % Example: Plotting first and second covariates % % [ params, confidence, stats, everything ] = rhythmicity_covar( data, % session_duration, covars, 'plotit', false); % subplot(1,2,1); % plot_rhythmicity_covar(everything, 1); % subplot(1,2,2); % plot_rhythmicity_covar(everything, 2); % % INPUT % everything - everything output from rhythmicity_covar % plot_axis - The covariate to plot against % % PARAMETERS % CURVERES (25) - the number of points in the curves on the crest plots % LAGBINS (60) - The number of bins across lags % COVARBINS (25) - The number of bins across the covariate % smth (1) - The standard deviation of the smoothing kernel (bins) % covar_label ('') - Label for the covariate axis % % RETURNS % h - The axis handles for each of the subplots. % % See also cif_generator, epoch_data, rhythmicity_pdf, rhythmicity_covar % % Copyright 2015-2016 Trustees of Boston University % All rights reserved. % % This file is part of mle_rhythmicity revision 2.0. The last committed % version of the previous revision is the SHA starting with 93862ac... % % This code has been freely distributed by the authors under the BSD % license ( If used or % modified, we would appreciate if you cited our papers: % % Climer JR, DiTullio R, Newman EL, Hasselmo ME, Eden UT. (2014), % Examination of rhythmicity of extracellularly recorded neurons in the % entorhinal cortex. Hippocampus, 25:460-473. doi: 10.1002/hipo.22383. % % Hinman et al., Multiple Running Speed Signals in Medial Entorhinal % Cortex, Neuron (2016). % Parse inputs ip = inputParser; ip.addParamValue('CURVERES',25); ip.addParamValue('LAGBINS',60); ip.addParamValue('COVARBINS',25); ip.addParamValue('smth',1); ip.addParamValue('covar_label',''); ip.parse(varargin{:}); for i = fields(ip.Results)' eval([i{1} '=ip.Results.' i{1} ';']); end if isnumeric(covar_label) covar_label = everything.covar_labels{covar_label}; end PARAMS = {'r','tau','b','c','f','s'};% List of parameters - used for easier coding % If noskip, drop s from PARAMS if everything.noskip PARAMS = PARAMS(~ismember(PARAMS,'s')); end % Subplotting ax = gca; pos = get(gca,'position'); HOLD = ishold; if ~HOLD cla; axis off end % Scatterplot of lags versus the covariate h(1)=subplot('position',pos.*[1 1 1 9/34]+[0 25/34*pos(4) 0 0]); plot(everything.lags_list,everything.covars_list(:,plot_axis+1),'ok','markerfacecolor','k','markersize',1); set(gca,'XLim',[0 everything.max_lag],'YLim',round(quantile(everything.covars_list(:,plot_axis+1),[0.01 0.95]))); xlabel('Lag (s)');ylabel(covar_label); title('Scatter'); % Crests math if ~isequal(everything.cov.f,0)&&ismember(plot_axis,everything.cov.f) A = ones(CURVERES,1)*mean(everything.covars_list(:,everything.cov.f+1)); A(:,everything.cov.f==plot_axis) = linspace(... quantile(everything.covars_list(:,plot_axis+1),0.01)... ,quantile(everything.covars_list(:,plot_axis+1),0.95)... ,CURVERES); f=A*everything.phat(sum(cellfun(@(x)numel(everything.cov.(x)),PARAMS(1:4)))+(1:numel(everything.cov.f)))'; A = A(:,everything.cov.f==plot_axis); else % constant frequency A = linspace(... quantile(everything.covars_list(:,plot_axis+1),0.01)... ,quantile(everything.covars_list(:,plot_axis+1),0.95)... ,CURVERES); f = repmat(everything.phat(sum(cellfun(@(x)numel(everything.cov.(x)),PARAMS(1:3)))+1),... size(A)); end % Plot the crests hold on; arrayfun(@(i)plot(i./f,A,'r--','LineWidth',2),0:ceil(max(f)*everything.max_lag)); hold off; % Binning for density plot COVARBINS = linspace(... quantile(everything.covars_list(:,plot_axis+1),0.01)... ,quantile(everything.covars_list(:,plot_axis+1),0.95)... ,COVARBINS+1); LAGBINS = linspace(0,everything.max_lag,LAGBINS+1); B = histcn([everything.lags_list everything.covars_list(:,plot_axis+1)],... LAGBINS,COVARBINS)';% Counts of lags in each bin B = B(1:end-1,1:end-1); B = diag(1./sum(B,2))*B;% Normalize so the sum is 1 in each row B=imfilter(B, fspecial('gaussian',[5 5], smth), 'replicate');% Smooth h(2)=subplot('position',pos.*[1 1 1 9/34]+[0 25/68*pos(4) 0 0]); imagesc(LAGBINS,COVARBINS,B); set(gca,'YDir','normal'); % Plot crests hold on; arrayfun(@(i)plot(i./f,A,'w--','LineWidth',2),0:ceil(max(f)*everything.max_lag)); hold off; xlabel('Lag (s)');ylabel(covar_label); title('Lag density'); % Relative probability from model h(3)=subplot('position',pos.*[1 1 1 9/34]); % 2X dense bins for this plot COVARBINS = linspace(... quantile(everything.covars_list(:,plot_axis+1),0.01)... ,quantile(everything.covars_list(:,plot_axis+1),0.95)... ,(numel(COVARBINS)-1)*2); LAGBINS = linspace(0,everything.max_lag,(numel(LAGBINS)-1)*2); [x,y] = meshgrid(LAGBINS,COVARBINS); % Get cif if everything.noskip [cif_fun, cif_int] = cif_generator('noskip'); else [cif_fun, cif_int] = cif_generator('full'); end % Make design matrix A = ones(numel(x),1)*mean(everything.covars_list); A(:,plot_axis+1) = y(:); % Plot temp = reshape(... passall(@(varargin)... cif_fun(x(:),varargin{:})... ,covar_wrapper(everything.phat,everything.cov,A,true))... ,size(x)); temp = diag(sum(temp,2).^-1)*temp; imagesc(LAGBINS,COVARBINS,temp); set(gca,'YDir','normal'); xlabel('Lag (s)');ylabel(covar_label); title('Relative likelihood'); end