/* Copyright (C) 2010 Marius Hofert and Martin Maechler This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see . */ #include #include "nacopula.h" /** * Sample S0 ~ S(alpha, 1, (cos(alpha*pi/2))^{1/alpha}, I_{alpha == 1}; 1) * with Laplace-Stieltjes transform exp(-t^alpha) via the algorithm as described * in Chambers, Mallows, Stuck (1976) (S0 = S(alpha,1) in this reference), see * Nolan's book for the parametrization. * @param alpha parameter in (0,1] * @return S0 * @author Marius Hofert, Martin Maechler */ double rstable0(double alpha){ /**< S(1, 1, 0, 1; 1) with Laplace-Stieltjes transform exp(-t) */ if(alpha == 1.) return 1.; /**< alpha in (0,1) */ double U = unif_rand(); double W; do { W = exp_rand(); } while (W == 0.); return pow(A_(M_PI*U,alpha)/pow(W,1.-alpha),1./alpha); } /** * Sample S ~ S(alpha, 1, 1, (1/cos(alpha*pi/2))*I_{alpha == 1}; 1) * with Laplace-Stieltjes transform exp(-(1/cos(alpha*pi/2))*t^alpha), * see Nolan's book for the parametrization. * @param alpha parameter in (0,1] * @return S * @author Marius Hofert, Martin Maechler */ double rstable(double alpha){ if(alpha == 1.) return 1./0.; /**< Inf or NaN */ else return pow(cos(M_PI_2*alpha), -1./alpha) * rstable0(alpha); } /** * Vectorize rstable. Generate a vector of random variates * S ~ S(alpha, 1, 1, (1/cos(alpha*pi/2))*I_{alpha == 1}; 1) * with Laplace-Stieltjes transform exp(-(1/cos(alpha*pi/2))*t^alpha), * see Nolan's book for the parametrization. * @param S vector of stable random variates (result) * @param n length of the vector S * @param alpha parameter in (0,1] * @return none * @author Marius Hofert, Martin Maechler */ void rstable_vec(double S[], const int n, const double alpha){ if(n >= 1) { double cf = pow(cos(M_PI_2*alpha), -1./alpha); GetRNGstate(); for(int i=0; i < n; i++) S[i] = cf * rstable0(alpha); PutRNGstate(); } return; } /** * Generate a vector of random variates * S ~ S(alpha, 1, 1, (1/cos(alpha*pi/2))*I_{alpha == 1}; 1) * with Laplace-Stieltjes transform exp(-(1/cos(alpha*pi/2))*t^alpha), * see Nolan's book for the parametrization. * @param n sample size * @param alpha parameter in (0,1] * @return vector of random variates S * @author Martin Maechler */ SEXP rstable_c(SEXP n, SEXP alpha) { int nn = asInteger(n); SEXP res = PROTECT(allocVector(REALSXP, nn)); rstable_vec(REAL(res), nn, asReal(alpha)); UNPROTECT(1); return(res); } /** * Sample St ~ \tilde{S}(alpha, 1, (cos(alpha*pi/2)*V_0)^{1/alpha}, * V_0*I_{alpha = 1}, h*I_{alpha != 1}; 1) * with Laplace-Stieltjes transform exp(-V_0((h+t)^alpha-h^alpha)), * see Nolan's book for the parametrization, via the "fast rejection algorithm", * see Hofert (2010). * @param St vector of random variates (result) * @param V0 vector of random variates V0 * @param h parameter in [0,infinity) * @param alpha parameter in (0,1] * @param n length of St * @return none * @author Marius Hofert, Martin Maechler */ void retstable_MH(double *St, const double V0[], double h, double alpha, int n){ /** * alpha == 1 => St corresponds to a point mass at V0 with Laplace-Stieltjes * transform exp(-V0*t) */ if(alpha == 1.){ for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) { St[i] = V0[i]; } return; } GetRNGstate(); for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) { /**< for each of the n required variates */ /**< find m := optimal number of summands, using asymptotic formula */ int m; m = imax2(1, (int)round(V0[i] * pow(h,alpha))); /**< apply standard rejection m times and sum the variates St_k */ double c = pow(V0[i]/m, 1./alpha); St[i] = 0.; /**< will be the result after the summation */ for(int k = 0; k < m; k++){ double St_k, U; /** * apply standard rejection for sampling * \tilde{S}(alpha, 1, (cos(alpha*pi/2)*V_0/m)^{1/alpha}, * (V_0/m)*I_{alpha = 1}, h*I_{alpha != 1}; 1) with * Laplace-Stieltjes transform exp(-(V_0/m)*((h+t)^alpha-h^alpha)) */ do { /** * sample St_k ~ S(alpha, 1, (cos(alpha*pi/2)*V_0/m)^{1/alpha}, * (V_0/m)*I_{\alpha = 1}; 1) with * Laplace-Stieltjes transform exp(-(V_0/m)*t^alpha) */ St_k = c * rstable0(alpha); U = unif_rand(); } while (U > exp(- h * St_k)); /** * on acceptance, St_k ~ \tilde{S}(alpha, 1, (cos(alpha*pi/2) * *V_0/m)^{1/alpha}, * (V_0/m)*I_{alpha = 1}, * h*I_{alpha != 1}; 1) with * Laplace-Stieltjes transform exp(-(V_0/m)*((h+t)^alpha-h^alpha)) */ St[i] += St_k; } } /**< end for */ PutRNGstate(); return; } /** * Fast and accurate evaluation of sinc(x) := sin(x)/x, including the limit x=0. * @param x any (double precision) number * @return sinc(x) * @author Martin Maechler; 28 Apr 2010 */ double sinc_MM(double x) { double ax = fabs(x); if(ax < 0.006) { if(x == 0.) return 1; double x2 = x*x; if(ax < 2e-4) return 1. - x2/6.; else return 1. - x2/6.*(1 - x2/20.); } /**< else */ return sin(x)/x; } /**< to be called from R */ SEXP sinc_c(SEXP x_) { int n = LENGTH(PROTECT(x_ = coerceVector(x_, REALSXP))); SEXP r_ = allocVector(REALSXP, n); /**< the result */ double *x = REAL(x_), *r = REAL(r_); for(int i=0; i < n; i++) r[i] = sinc_MM(x[i]); UNPROTECT(1); return r_; } /** * Evaluation of Zolotarev's function, see Devroye (2009), to the power 1-alpha. * The 3-arg. version allows more precision for alpha ~=~ 1 * @param x argument * @param alpha parameter in (0,1] * @return sin(alpha*x)^alpha * sin((1-alpha)*x)^(1-alpha) / sin(x) * @author Martin Maechler; 28 Apr 2010 */ #define _A_3(_x, _alpha_, _I_alpha) \ pow(_I_alpha* sinc_MM(_I_alpha*_x), _I_alpha) * \ pow(_alpha_ * sinc_MM(_alpha_ *_x), _alpha_ ) / sinc_MM(_x) double A_(double x, double alpha) { double Ialpha = 1.-alpha; return _A_3(x, alpha, Ialpha); } /**< to be called from R---see experiments in ../tests/retstable-ex.R */ SEXP A__c(SEXP x_, SEXP alpha, SEXP I_alpha) { int n = LENGTH(PROTECT(x_ = coerceVector(x_, REALSXP))); double alp = asReal(alpha), I_alp = asReal(I_alpha); if(fabs(alp + I_alp - 1.) > 1e-12) error("'I_alpha' must be == 1 - alpha more accurately"); SEXP r_ = allocVector(REALSXP, n); /**< the result */ double *x = REAL(x_), *r = REAL(r_); for(int i=0; i < n; i++) r[i] = _A_3(x[i], alp, I_alp); UNPROTECT(1); return r_; } /** * Evaluation of B(x)/B(0), see Devroye (2009). * @param x argument * @param alpha parameter in (0,1] * @return sinc(x) / (sinc(alpha*x)^alpha * sinc((1-alpha)*x)^(1-alpha)) * @author Martin Maechler; 28 Apr 2010 */ double BdB0(double x,double alpha) { double Ialpha = 1.-alpha; double den = pow(sinc_MM(alpha*x),alpha) * pow(sinc_MM(Ialpha*x),Ialpha); return sinc_MM(x) / den; } /** * Sample St ~ \tilde{S}(alpha, 1, (cos(alpha*pi/2)*V_0)^{1/alpha}, * V_0*I_{alpha = 1}, h*I_{alpha != 1}; 1) * with Laplace-Stieltjes transform exp(-V_0((h+t)^alpha-h^alpha)), * see Nolan's book for the parametrization, via double rejection, * see Devroye (2009). * @param St vector of random variates (result) * @param V0 vector of random variates V0 * @param h parameter in [0,infinity) * @param alpha parameter in (0,1] * @param n length of St * @return none * @author Marius Hofert, Martin Maechler */ void retstable_LD(double *St, const double V0[], double h, double alpha, int n) { /** * alpha == 1 => St corresponds to a point mass at V0 with Laplace-Stieltjes * transform exp(-V0*t) */ if(alpha == 1.){ for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) { St[i] = V0[i]; } return; } /**< compute variables not depending on V0 */ const double c1 = sqrt(M_PI_2); const double c2 = 2.+c1; double b = (1.-alpha)/alpha; for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) { /**< for each of the n required variates */ /**< set lambda for our parameterization */ double V0alpha = pow(V0[i],1./alpha); double lambda = h*V0alpha; /** * Apply the algorithm of Devroye (2009) to draw from * \tilde{S}(alpha, 1, (cos(alpha*pi/2))^{1/alpha}, I_{alpha = 1}, * lambda*I_{alpha != 1};1) with Laplace-Stieltjes transform * exp(-((lambda+t)^alpha-lambda^alpha)) */ double gamma = pow(lambda,alpha)*alpha*(1.-alpha); double sgamma = sqrt(gamma); double c3 = c2* sgamma; double xi = (1. + M_SQRT2 * c3)/M_PI; /**< according to John Lau */ double psi = c3*exp(-gamma*M_PI*M_PI/8.)/M_SQRT_PI; double w1 = c1*xi/sgamma; double w2 = 2.*M_SQRT_PI * psi; double w3 = xi*M_PI; double X, c, E; do { double U, z, Z; do { double V = unif_rand(); if(gamma >= 1) { if(V < w1/(w1+w2)) U = fabs(norm_rand())/sgamma; else{ double W_ = unif_rand(); U = M_PI*(1.-W_*W_); } } else{ double W_ = unif_rand(); if(V < w3/(w2+w3)) U = M_PI*W_; else U = M_PI*(1.-W_*W_); } double W = unif_rand(); double zeta = sqrt(BdB0(U,alpha)); double phi = pow(sgamma+alpha*zeta,1./alpha); z = phi/(phi-pow(sgamma,1./alpha)); /**< compute rho */ double rho = M_PI*exp(-pow(lambda,alpha)*(1.-1. \ /(zeta*zeta))) / \ ((1.+c1)*sgamma/zeta \ + z); double d = 0.; if(U >= 0 && gamma >= 1) d += xi*exp(-gamma*U*U/2.); if(U > 0 && U < M_PI) d += psi/sqrt(M_PI-U); if(U >= 0 && U <= M_PI && gamma < 1) d += xi; rho *= d; Z = W*rho; } while( !(U < M_PI && Z <= 1.)); /**< check rejection condition */ double a = pow(A_(U,alpha), 1./(1.-alpha)), m = pow(b*lambda/a,alpha), delta = sqrt(m*alpha/a), a1 = delta*c1, a3 = z/a, s = a1+delta+a3; double V_ = unif_rand(), N_ = 0., E_ = 0. /**< -Wall */; if(V_ < a1/s) { N_ = norm_rand(); X = m-delta*fabs(N_); } else { if(V_ < (a1+delta)/s) /**< according to John Lau */ X = m+delta*unif_rand(); else { E_ = exp_rand(); X = m+delta+E_*a3; } } E = -log(Z); /**< check rejection condition */ c = a*(X-m)+lambda*(pow(X,-b)-pow(m,-b)); if(X < m) c -= N_*N_/2.; else if(X > m+delta) c -= E_; } while (!(X >= 0 && c <= E)); /** * Transform variates from the distribution corresponding to the * Laplace-Stieltjes transform exp(-((lambda+t)^alpha-lambda^alpha)) * to those of the distribution corresponding to the Laplace-Stieltjes * transform exp(-V_0((h+t)^alpha-h^alpha)). */ St[i] = V0alpha / pow(X,b); } /**< end for */ return; } /** * Sample St ~ \tilde{S}(alpha, 1, (cos(alpha*pi/2)*V_0)^{1/alpha}, * V_0*I_{alpha = 1}, h*I_{alpha != 1}; 1) * with Laplace-Stieltjes transform exp(-V_0((h+t)^alpha-h^alpha)), * see Nolan's book for the parametrization, via the algorithms of * Devroye (2009) and Hofert (2010). * @param V0_ R vector of type numeric(n) containing the random variates V0 * @param h R parameter of type numeric(1) * @param alpha R parameter in (0,1] of type numeric(1) * @param method R "string" of type character(1) * @return R vector of type numeric(n) containing the random variates * @author Martin Maechler */ SEXP retstable_c(SEXP V0_, SEXP h, SEXP alpha, SEXP method) { int n = LENGTH(PROTECT(V0_ = coerceVector(V0_, REALSXP))); const char* meth_ch = CHAR(STRING_ELT(method, 0)); enum method_kind { MH, LD } meth_typ = ((!strcmp(meth_ch, "MH")) ? MH : ((!strcmp(meth_ch, "LD")) ? LD : -1)); SEXP St; /**< the result */ PROTECT(St = allocVector(REALSXP, n)); switch(meth_typ) { case MH: retstable_MH(REAL(St), REAL(V0_), asReal(h), asReal(alpha), n); break; case LD: retstable_LD(REAL(St), REAL(V0_), asReal(h), asReal(alpha), n); break; default: error(_("retstable_c(): invalid '%s'"), "method"); } UNPROTECT(2); return(St); }