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Tip revision: 88f822a4c27c182148b27ecd9f6b79a21c121537 authored by liqfu on 02 August 2018, 23:14:56 UTC
Merge branch 'cntkteam/onnx_without_batch_axis' of into cntkteam/onnx_without_batch_axis
Tip revision: 88f822a
// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See file in the project root for full license information.
// minibatchiterator.h -- iterator for minibatches

#pragma once
#define NONUMLATTICEMMI // [v-hansu] move from main.cpp, no numerator lattice for mmi training

#include <vector>
#include <unordered_map>
#include "ssematrix.h"
#include "latticearchive.h" // for reading HTK phoneme lattices (MMI training)
#include "latticesource.h"
#include "simple_checked_arrays.h" // for const_array_ref

namespace msra { namespace dbn {

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// minibatchsource -- abstracted interface into frame sources
// There are three implementations:
//  - the old minibatchframesource to randomize across frames and page to disk
//  - minibatchutterancesource that randomizes in chunks and pages from input files directly
//  - a wrapper that uses a thread to read ahead in parallel to CPU/GPU processing
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
class minibatchsource
    // read a minibatch
    // This function returns all values in a "caller can keep them" fashion:
    //  - uids are stored in a huge 'const' array, and will never go away
    //  - transcripts are copied by value
    //  - lattices are returned as a shared_ptr
    // Thus, getbatch() can be called in a thread-safe fashion, allowing for a 'minibatchsource' implementation that wraps another with a read-ahead thread.
    // Return value is 'true' if it did read anything from disk, and 'false' if data came only from RAM cache. This is used for controlling the read-ahead thread.
    // This version introduces <utteranceinfo>, which contains the utterance ID
    // information for each frame in the minibatch. Ideally we would like to
    // call it as <uids>, but that is already taken by the labels... If the
    // shuffling happens at the frame level, then it will be empty. Otherwise
    // if at utterance level the pair looks as follows:
    //   utterance_ID1 number_of_consecutive_frames_in_utterance_ID1
    //   utterance_ID2 number_of_consecutive_frames_in_utterance_ID2
    // The above information should be enough to figure out which utterance
    // each frame belongs to if the shuffling happens at the utterance level.
    // We use this information to load corresponding lattices/alignments for
    // sequence training.
    // TODO(Guoguo): clean up the lattices in Kaldi2Reader, since we are not
    //               going to use those HTK format lattices.
    virtual bool getbatch(const size_t globalts,
                          const size_t framesrequested, msra::dbn::matrix &feat, std::vector<size_t> &uids,
                          std::vector<std::pair<std::wstring, size_t>> &utteranceinfo,
                          std::vector<const_array_ref<msra::lattices::lattice::htkmlfwordsequence::word>> &transcripts,
                          std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const latticesource::latticepair>> &lattices) = 0;
    virtual bool getbatch(const size_t globalts,
                          const size_t framesrequested, std::vector<msra::dbn::matrix> &feat, std::vector<std::vector<size_t>> &uids,
                          std::vector<std::pair<std::wstring, size_t>> &utteranceinfo,
                          std::vector<const_array_ref<msra::lattices::lattice::htkmlfwordsequence::word>> &transcripts,
                          std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const latticesource::latticepair>> &lattices) = 0;
    virtual size_t totalframes() const = 0;

    virtual double gettimegetbatch() = 0;                         // used to report runtime
    virtual size_t firstvalidglobalts(const size_t globalts) = 0; // get first valid epoch start from intended 'globalts'
    virtual const std::vector<size_t> &unitcounts() const = 0;    // report number of senones
    virtual void setverbosity(int newverbosity) = 0;
    virtual ~minibatchsource()

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// minibatchiterator -- class to iterate over one epoch, minibatch by minibatch
// This iterator supports both random frames and random utterances through the minibatchsource interface whichis common to both.
// This supports multiple data passes with identical randomization; which is intended to be used for utterance-based training.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
class minibatchiterator
    void operator=(const minibatchiterator &); // (non-copyable)

    const size_t epochstartframe;
    const size_t epochendframe;
    size_t firstvalidepochstartframe; // epoch start frame rounded up to first utterance boundary after epoch boundary
    const size_t requestedmbframes;   // requested mb size; actual minibatches can be smaller (or even larger for lattices)
    const size_t datapasses;          // we return the data this many times; caller must sub-sample with 'datapass'

    msra::dbn::minibatchsource &source; // feature source to read from

    std::vector<msra::dbn::matrix> featbuf;                                                      // buffer for holding curernt minibatch's frames
    std::vector<std::vector<size_t>> uids;                                                       // buffer for storing current minibatch's frame-level label sequence
    std::vector<std::pair<std::wstring, size_t>> utteranceinfo;                                       // buffer for current minibatch's utterance ID information.
    std::vector<const_array_ref<msra::lattices::lattice::htkmlfwordsequence::word>> transcripts; // buffer for storing current minibatch's word-level label sequences (if available and used; empty otherwise)
    std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const latticesource::latticepair>> lattices;                          // lattices of the utterances in current minibatch (empty in frame mode)

    size_t mbstartframe;   // current start frame into generalized time line (used for frame-wise mode and for diagnostic messages)
    size_t actualmbframes; // actual number of frames in current minibatch
    size_t datapass;       // current datapass = pass through the data
    double timegetbatch;   // [v-hansu] for time measurement
    double timechecklattice;

    // fetch the next mb
    // This updates featbuf, uids[], mbstartframe, and actualmbframes.
    void fillorclear()
        if (!hasdata()) // we hit the end of the epoch: just cleanly clear out everything (not really needed, can't be requested ever)
            foreach_index (i, featbuf)
                featbuf[i].resize(0, 0);

            foreach_index (i, uids)

            actualmbframes = 0;
        // process one mini-batch (accumulation and update)
        assert(requestedmbframes > 0);
        const size_t requestedframes = std::min(requestedmbframes, epochendframe - mbstartframe); // (< mbsize at end)
        assert(requestedframes > 0);
        source.getbatch(mbstartframe, requestedframes, featbuf, uids, utteranceinfo, transcripts, lattices);
        timegetbatch = source.gettimegetbatch();
        actualmbframes = featbuf[0].cols(); // for single i/o, there featbuf is length 1
        // note:
        //  - in frame mode, actualmbframes may still return less if at end of sweep
        //  - in utterance mode, it likely returns less than requested, and
        //    it may also be > epochendframe (!) for the last utterance, which, most likely, crosses the epoch boundary
        auto_timer timerchecklattice;
        if (!lattices.empty())
            size_t totalframes = 0;
            foreach_index (i, lattices)
                totalframes += lattices[i]->getnumframes();
            if (totalframes != actualmbframes)
                throw std::logic_error("fillorclear: frames in lattices do not match minibatch size");
        timechecklattice = timerchecklattice;
    bool hasdata() const
        return mbstartframe < epochendframe;
    } // true if we can access and/or advance
    void checkhasdata() const
        if (!hasdata())
            throw std::logic_error("minibatchiterator: access beyond end of epoch");

    // interface: for (minibatchiterator i (...), i, i++) { ... }
    minibatchiterator(msra::dbn::minibatchsource &source, size_t epoch, size_t epochframes, size_t requestedmbframes, size_t datapasses)
        : source(source),
          epochstartframe(epoch * epochframes),
          epochendframe(epochstartframe + epochframes),
        firstvalidepochstartframe = source.firstvalidglobalts(epochstartframe); // epochstartframe may fall between utterance boundaries; this gets us the first valid boundary
        fprintf(stderr, "minibatchiterator: epoch %zu: frames [%zu..%zu] (first utterance at frame %zu) with %zu datapasses\n",
                epoch, epochstartframe, epochendframe, firstvalidepochstartframe, datapasses);
        mbstartframe = firstvalidepochstartframe;
        datapass = 0;
        fillorclear(); // get the first batch

    // TODO not nice, but don't know how to access these frames otherwise
    // mbiterator constructor, set epochstart and -endframe explicitly
    minibatchiterator(msra::dbn::minibatchsource &source, size_t epoch, size_t epochstart, size_t epochend, size_t requestedmbframes, size_t datapasses)
        : source(source),
        firstvalidepochstartframe = source.firstvalidglobalts(epochstartframe); // epochstartframe may fall between utterance boundaries; this gets us the first valid boundary
        fprintf(stderr, "minibatchiterator: epoch %zu: frames [%zu..%zu] (first utterance at frame %zu) with %zu datapasses\n",
                epoch, epochstartframe, epochendframe, firstvalidepochstartframe, datapasses);
        mbstartframe = firstvalidepochstartframe;
        datapass = 0;
        fillorclear(); // get the first batch

    // need virtual destructor to ensure proper destruction
    virtual ~minibatchiterator()

    // returns true if we still have data
    operator bool() const
        return hasdata();

    // advance to the next minimb
    void operator++(int /*denotes postfix version*/)
        mbstartframe += actualmbframes;
        // if we hit the end, we will get mbstartframe >= epochendframe <=> !hasdata()
        // (most likely actually mbstartframe > epochendframe since the last utterance likely crosses the epoch boundary)
        // in case of multiple datapasses, reset to start when hitting the end
        if (!hasdata() && datapass + 1 < datapasses)
            mbstartframe = firstvalidepochstartframe;
            fprintf(stderr, "\nminibatchiterator: entering %zu-th repeat pass through the data\n", datapass + 1);

    // accessors to current minibatch
    size_t currentmbstartframe() const
        return mbstartframe;
    size_t currentmbframes() const
        return actualmbframes;
    size_t currentmblattices() const
        return lattices.size();
    size_t currentmbutterances() const
        return utteranceinfo.size();
    size_t currentdatapass() const
        return datapass;
    } // 0..datapasses-1; use this for sub-sampling
    size_t requestedframes() const
        return requestedmbframes;
    double gettimegetbatch()
        return timegetbatch;
    double gettimechecklattice()
        return timechecklattice;
    bool isfirst() const
        return mbstartframe == firstvalidepochstartframe && datapass == 0;
    float progress() const // (note: 100%+eps possible for last utterance)
        const float epochframes = (float) (epochendframe - epochstartframe);
        return (mbstartframe + actualmbframes - epochstartframe + datapass * epochframes) / (datapasses * epochframes);
    std::pair<size_t, size_t> range() const
        return std::make_pair(epochstartframe, epochendframe);

    // return the current minibatch frames as a matrix ref into the feature buffer
    // Number of frames is frames().cols() == currentmbframes().
    // For frame-based randomization, this is 'requestedmbframes' most of the times, while for utterance randomization,
    // this depends highly on the utterance lengths.
    // User is allowed to manipulate the frames... for now--TODO: move silence filtering here as well

    msra::dbn::matrixstripe frames(size_t i)
        assert(featbuf.size() >= i + 1);
        return msra::dbn::matrixstripe(featbuf[i], 0, actualmbframes);

    msra::dbn::matrixstripe frames()
        assert(featbuf.size() == 1);
        return msra::dbn::matrixstripe(featbuf[0], 0, actualmbframes);

    // return the reference transcript labels (state alignment) for current minibatch
    /*const*/ std::vector<size_t> &labels()
        assert(uids.size() == 1);
        return uids[0];
    /*const*/ std::vector<size_t> &labels(size_t i)
        assert(uids.size() >= i + 1);
        return uids[i];

    std::vector<std::pair<std::wstring, size_t>> getutteranceinfo()
        return utteranceinfo;

    // return a lattice for an utterance (caller should first get total through currentmblattices())
    std::shared_ptr<const msra::dbn::latticepair> lattice(size_t uttindex) const
        return lattices[uttindex];
    } // lattices making up the current

    // return the reference transcript labels (words with alignments) for current minibatch (or empty if no transcripts requested)
    const_array_ref<msra::lattices::lattice::htkmlfwordsequence::word> transcript(size_t uttindex)
        return transcripts.empty() ? const_array_ref<msra::lattices::lattice::htkmlfwordsequence::word>() : transcripts[uttindex];
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