\name{coxr.object} \alias{coxr.object} \title{Fit Robustly Proportional Hazards Regression Object} \description{ This class of objects is returned by \code{coxr} function to represent efficiently and robustly fitted proportional hazards regression model. Objects of this class have methods for the functions \code{print}, \code{plot} and \code{predict}. } \value{ The following components must be included in a legitimate \code{coxr} object. \item{coefficients}{robust estimate of the regression parameter.} \item{ple.coefficients}{non-robust (efficient) estimate of the regression parameter.} \item{var}{ an approximate variance matrix of the coefficients (estimated robustly). Rows and columns corresponding to any missing coefficients are set to zero.} \item{ple.var}{ an approximate variance matrix of the coefficients (estimated non-robustly). Rows and columns corresponding to any missing coefficients are set to zero.} \item{lambda}{cumulated hazard (estimated robustly).} \item{lambda.ple}{cumulated hazard (estimated non-robustly).} \item{wald.test}{the value of Wald test.} \item{ewald.test}{the value of extended Wald test.} \item{skip}{skipped columns.} \item{na.action}{the \code{na.action} attribute, if any, that was returned by the \code{na.action} routine.} The object also contain the following, for documentation see the \code{\link{lm}} object: \code{terms}, \code{call}, \code{x}, \code{y} and optionally \code{model}. } \seealso{ \code{\link{coxr}} } \keyword{robust} \keyword{survival}