import java.util.Vector;
public class CRISPRFinder
private String inputFileName;
private String outputFileName;
private int screenDisplay;
private int minNumRepeats;
private int minRepeatLength;
private int maxRepeatLength;
private int minSpacerLength;
private int maxSpacerLength;
private int searchWindowLength;
private int outputformat;
private boolean printSpacers;
private PrintStream spacers;
private boolean printGffHeader;
DNASequence sequence = null;
int sequenceLength = 0;
private int totalCrisprCount = 0;
public CRISPRFinder(String _inputFileName,
String _outputFileName,
int _screenDisplay,
int _minNumRepeats,
int _minRepeatLength,
int _maxRepeatLength,
int _minSpacerLength,
int _maxSpacerLength,
int _searchWindowLength,
int _outputformat,
boolean _spacers)
inputFileName = _inputFileName;
outputFileName = _outputFileName;
screenDisplay = _screenDisplay;
minNumRepeats = _minNumRepeats;
minRepeatLength = _minRepeatLength;
maxRepeatLength = _maxRepeatLength;
minSpacerLength = _minSpacerLength;
maxSpacerLength = _maxSpacerLength;
searchWindowLength = _searchWindowLength;
outputformat = _outputformat;
printSpacers = _spacers;
printGffHeader = true;
if(_spacers) {
File outputFile;
FileOutputStream outputFileStream;
if(_outputFileName == "") {
String input_file_prefix = removeExtention(inputFileName);
outputFile = new File(input_file_prefix + "_spacers.fa");
} else {
String input_file_prefix = removeExtention(outputFileName);
outputFile = new File(input_file_prefix + "_spacers.fa");
try {
outputFileStream = new FileOutputStream(outputFile, false);
spacers = new PrintStream(outputFileStream);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
private static String removeExtention(String filePath) {
// These first few lines the same as Justin's
File f = new File(filePath);
// if it's a directory, don't remove the extention
if (f.isDirectory()) return filePath;
String name = f.getName();
// Now we know it's a file - don't need to do any special hidden
// checking or contains() checking because of:
final int lastPeriodPos = name.lastIndexOf('.');
if (lastPeriodPos <= 0)
// No period after first character - return name as it was passed in
return filePath;
// Remove the last period and everything after it
File renamed = new File(f.getParent(), name.substring(0, lastPeriodPos));
return renamed.getPath();
public boolean goCRISPRFinder()
File inputFile = new File(inputFileName);
if (! inputFile.exists())
System.err.println("File name does not exist: " + inputFile.getPath());
return false;
//System.out.println("\n\nReading file '" + inputFile.getPath() + "'");
FASTAReader fastaReader = new FASTAReader(inputFile.getPath());
if (! fastaReader.isFASTA())
System.err.println("File '" + inputFile.getPath() + "' does not seem to be FASTA-formatted.");
return false;
while ( )
sequence = new DNASequence(fastaReader.getSequence(), fastaReader.getName(), fastaReader.getDesc());
//System.out.println("Sequence '" + sequence.getName() + "' (" + sequence.length() + " bp)");
// Check that sequence is a valid DNA sequence
if ( ! sequence.isDNASequence() )
System.out.println(sequence.getErrorLog() + "Skipping this sequence!");
findRepeats(sequence, fastaReader.getNum());
catch (Exception e)
System.err.println ("Error processing input file '" + inputFile.getPath() + "'. Please, check contents.\n");
return true;
private boolean findRepeats( DNASequence sequence, int readNum )
Vector<CRISPR> CRISPRVector = new Vector<CRISPR>();
sequenceLength = sequence.length();
int actualRepeatLength;
boolean repeatsFound = false;
String pattern;
if ((searchWindowLength < 6) || (searchWindowLength > 9))
// Change window length
int oldSearchWindowlength = searchWindowLength;
searchWindowLength = 8;
System.err.println("Changing window length to " + searchWindowLength + " instead of " + oldSearchWindowlength);
double spacerToSpacerMaxSimilarity = 0.62;
int spacerToSpacerLengthDiff = 12;
int spacerToRepeatLengthDiff = 30;
//the mumber of bases that can be skipped while we still guarantee that the entire search
//window will at some point in its iteration thru the sequence will not miss a any repeat
int skips = minRepeatLength - (2 * searchWindowLength - 1);
if (skips < 1)
skips = 1;
//System.out.println("Searching for repeats...");
long repeatSearchStart = System.currentTimeMillis();
SearchUtil searchUtil = new SearchUtil();
int searchEnd = sequenceLength - maxRepeatLength - maxSpacerLength - searchWindowLength;
for (int j = 0; j <= searchEnd; j = j + skips)
candidateCRISPR = new CRISPR();
int beginSearch = j + minRepeatLength + minSpacerLength;
int endSearch = j + maxRepeatLength + maxSpacerLength + searchWindowLength;
if (endSearch > sequenceLength)
endSearch = sequenceLength;
if (endSearch < beginSearch) //should never occur
endSearch = beginSearch;
int mask_end = sequence.masked(beginSearch, endSearch);
if(mask_end != -1)
j = mask_end;
String text = sequence.substring(beginSearch, endSearch);
pattern = sequence.substring(j, j + searchWindowLength);
//if pattern is found, add it to candidate list and scan right for additional similarly spaced repeats
int patternInTextIndex = searchUtil.boyer_mooreSearch(text, pattern);
if (patternInTextIndex >= 0)
candidateCRISPR.addRepeat(beginSearch + patternInTextIndex);
candidateCRISPR = CRISPRUtil.scanRight(candidateCRISPR, pattern, minSpacerLength, 24, searchUtil);
if ( (candidateCRISPR.numRepeats() >= minNumRepeats) ) //make sure minNumRepeats is always at least 2
candidateCRISPR = CRISPRUtil.getActualRepeatLength(candidateCRISPR, searchWindowLength, minSpacerLength, minNumRepeats);
actualRepeatLength = candidateCRISPR.repeatLength();
if ( (actualRepeatLength >= minRepeatLength) && (actualRepeatLength <= maxRepeatLength) )
{ if (CRISPRUtil.hasNonRepeatingSpacers(candidateCRISPR, spacerToSpacerMaxSimilarity))
if (CRISPRUtil.hasSimilarlySizedSpacers(candidateCRISPR, spacerToSpacerLengthDiff, spacerToRepeatLengthDiff))
candidateCRISPR = CRISPRUtil.checkFlank("left", candidateCRISPR, minSpacerLength, 30, spacerToSpacerMaxSimilarity, .70);
candidateCRISPR = CRISPRUtil.checkFlank("right", candidateCRISPR, minSpacerLength, 30, spacerToSpacerMaxSimilarity, .70);
candidateCRISPR = CRISPRUtil.trim(candidateCRISPR, minRepeatLength);
repeatsFound = true;
//we may skip current CRISPR (assuming CRISPRs are not interleaved)
j = candidateCRISPR.end() + 1;
long repeatSearchEnd = System.currentTimeMillis();
//System.out.println("Time to search for repeats: " + (repeatSearchEnd - repeatSearchStart) + " ms");
//System.out.println(CRISPRVector.size() + " possible CRISPR(s) found" + "\n");
// ********************** Display CRISPR elements ********************** //
// ********************************************************************* //
FileOutputStream outputFileStream;
PrintStream out;
if (screenDisplay == 1)
out = System.out;
if ( outputFileName.equals("") )
outputFileName = "a.out";
//System.out.println("Writing results in file '" + outputFileName + "'");
File outputFile = new File(outputFileName);
if ( readNum == 1 && outputFile.exists() )
boolean success = outputFile.delete();
if (!success)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error: Could not delete file '" + outputFile + "'");
outputFileStream = new FileOutputStream(outputFile, true);
out = new PrintStream(outputFileStream);
if (repeatsFound)
if(outputformat == 0) {
out.print("Sequence '" + sequence.getName() + "' (" + sequence.length() + " bp)\n");
} else {
if(printGffHeader) {
out.println("##gff-version 3");
printGffHeader = false;
//int repeatLength, numRepeats, numSpacers;
//String repeat, spacer, prevSpacer;
//repeat = spacer = prevSpacer = "";
//add 1 to each position, to offset programming languagues that begin at 0 rather than 1
for (int k = 0; k < CRISPRVector.size(); k++)
currCRISPR = (CRISPR)CRISPRVector.elementAt(k);
if(outputformat > 0) {
String crispr_id = "CRISPR" + (++totalCrisprCount);
out.print(sequence.getName() + "\tminced:" + minced.VERSION + "\trepeat_region\t");
out.print((currCRISPR.start() + 1) + "\t" + (currCRISPR.end() + 1) + "\t");
out.print(currCRISPR.numRepeats() + "\t.\t.\tID="+ crispr_id + ";rpt_type=direct;rpt_family=CRISPR;rpt_unit_seq="+ currCRISPR.repeatStringAt(1));
if(outputformat == 2) {
out.print(currCRISPR.toGff(sequence.getName(), crispr_id));
} else {
out.print("CRISPR " + (++totalCrisprCount) + " Range: " + (currCRISPR.start() + 1) + " - " + (currCRISPR.end() + 1) + "\n");
out.print("Repeats: " + currCRISPR.numRepeats() + "\t" + "Average Length: " + currCRISPR.averageRepeatLength() + "\t\t");
out.print("Average Length: " + currCRISPR.averageSpacerLength() + "\n\n");
if(printSpacers) {
for (int i = 0; i < currCRISPR.numSpacers(); ++i) {
spacers.print(">"+ sequence.getName() +"_CRISPR_"+ (totalCrisprCount) +"_spacer_"+ (i+1)+"\n" + currCRISPR.spacerStringAt(i) + "\n");
if(outputformat == 0) {
out.print("Time to find repeats: " + (repeatSearchEnd - repeatSearchStart) + " ms\n\n");
if (screenDisplay == 0)
catch (Exception e) { System.err.println ("--Error writing to file-- \n"); }
return true;