open Internal_pervasives module MFmt = Experiments.Markup_fmt let failf ?attach fmt = ksprintf (fun s -> fail ?attach (`Scenario_error s)) fmt module Data = struct type t = Fmt of (Caml.Format.formatter -> unit) let to_string = function | Fmt f -> Caml.Format.asprintf "%a" (fun ppf () -> f ppf) () let pp ppf (Fmt f) = let open Fmt in box (fun ppf () -> f ppf) ppf () let rawf fmt = Caml.Format.kasprintf (fun s -> Fmt (fun ppf -> Fmt.string ppf s)) fmt let fmt f = Fmt f let address s = rawf "%s" s let list_like ~sep ~delimiter l = Fmt Fmt.( fun ppf -> delimiter (fun ppf () -> list ~sep (fun ppf (Fmt f) -> f ppf) ppf l) ppf ()) let tuple l = list_like ~sep:Fmt.comma ~delimiter:Fmt.parens l let int i = Fmt (fun ppf -> ppf i) let string = rawf "%S" let nat d = rawf "%dp" d let tez (`Mutez d) = let million = 1_000_000. in rawf "%ftz" (Float.of_int d /. million) let semi_colon = Fmt.(fun ppf () -> string ppf ";" ; sp ppf ()) let list l = list_like ~sep:semi_colon ~delimiter:Fmt.brackets l let set l = list_like ~sep:semi_colon l ~delimiter:Fmt.(fun x ppf -> pf ppf "@[<6>(Set [%a]@])" x) let empty_set = set [] let key_hash s = rawf "%s" s let key s = rawf "%s" s let account_key a = Tezos_protocol.Account.pubkey a |> key let account_key_hash a = Tezos_protocol.Account.pubkey_hash a |> key_hash let signature s = rawf "%s" s let bytes s = rawf "0x%s" s let some s = fmt (fun ppf -> ppf "@[<5>(Some %a)@]" pp s) let none = rawf "None" let typed_none t = rawf "(None : %s)" t let record l = list_like ~sep:semi_colon ~delimiter:Fmt.braces ( l ~f:(fun (k, v) -> fmt Fmt.(fun ppf -> pf ppf "@[<2>%s =@ %a@]" k pp v))) end module Contract = struct type t = {name: string; paths: string list; main_name: string option} let make ?(library = []) ?main_name name ~path = {name; paths= library @ [path]; main_name} let build_dir state t = Paths.root state // sprintf "liquidity-build-%s" let ensure_build_dir state t = let dir = build_dir state t in Running_processes.run_successful_cmdf state "mkdir -p %s" (Caml.Filename.quote dir) >>= fun _ -> return dir let base_liquidity_command _state t = sprintf "liquidity %s %s" ( t.paths ~f:Caml.Filename.quote |> String.concat ~sep:" ") (Option.value_map t.main_name ~default:"" ~f:(sprintf "--main %s")) let michelson state t = let f = build_dir state t // sprintf "" in ensure_build_dir state t >>= fun _ -> Running_processes.run_successful_cmdf state "%s --no-annot -o %s" (base_liquidity_command state t) (Caml.Filename.quote f) >>= fun _ -> return f let storage_initialization state t ~tezos_node ~storage = ensure_build_dir state t >>= fun dir -> let out = dir // sprintf "" in Running_processes.run_successful_cmdf state "%s -o %s --tezos-node %s --init-storage %s" (base_liquidity_command state t) (Caml.Filename.quote out) (Caml.Filename.quote tezos_node) ( storage ~f:(fun item -> Caml.Filename.quote (Data.to_string item)) |> String.concat ~sep:" " ) >>= fun _ -> System.read_file state out >>= fun content -> return content let arguments state t ~entry_point ~data = Running_processes.run_successful_cmdf state "%s --data %s %s" (base_liquidity_command state t) (Caml.Filename.quote entry_point) (Caml.Filename.quote (Data.to_string data)) >>= fun res -> return (String.concat ~sep:" " res#out) let cmdliner_term ~prefix ~name () = let contract_name = name in let open Cmdliner in let open Term in let flag_name s = sprintf "%s-%s" prefix s in Arg.( pure (fun path main_name library -> make ~library ?main_name ~path contract_name) $ required (opt (some non_dir_file) None (info [flag_name "path"] ~doc: (sprintf "Path to the liquidity %s contract." contract_name))) $ value (opt (some string) None (info [flag_name "main"] ~doc: (sprintf "Name of “main” contract for %s." contract_name))) $ value (opt (list ~sep:',' non_dir_file) [] (info [flag_name "library"] ~doc: (sprintf "Paths to extra liquidity %s contract-library files." contract_name)))) end module On_chain = struct let tezos_client_keyed_originate_contract ?(force = false) ?(transferring = 0) ?(burn_cap = 0.5) state keyed ~name ~source ~storage = let client = keyed.Tezos_client.Keyed.client in Tezos_client.successful_client_cmd state ~client ( [ "--wait"; "none"; "originate"; "contract"; name; "for"; keyed.key_name ; "transferring"; Int.to_string transferring; "from"; keyed.key_name ; "running"; source; "--init"; storage; "--burn-cap" ; Float.to_string burn_cap ] @ if force then ["--force"] else [] ) let build_and_deploy ?(burn_cap = 10.1) state contract ~keyed_client ~storage ~balance = let name = in let tezos_node = sprintf "http://localhost:%d" keyed_client.Tezos_client.Keyed.client.port in Contract.michelson state contract >>= fun michetz -> Contract.storage_initialization state contract ~tezos_node ~storage:( storage ~f:snd) >>= fun init -> tezos_client_keyed_originate_contract state keyed_client ~name ~transferring:balance ~source:michetz ~storage:init ~burn_cap ~force:true >>= fun _ -> Tezos_client.Keyed.bake state keyed_client (sprintf "%s origination" name) >>= fun () -> Tezos_client.successful_client_cmd state ~client:keyed_client.Tezos_client.Keyed.client ["show"; "known"; "contract"; name] >>= fun res -> let address = String.strip (String.concat ~sep:"" res#out) in Console.sayf state MFmt.( par (t "Deployed " @ hlf "“%s”" name) @ itemize [tf "Script: `%s`" michetz; tf "Address: `%s`" address] @ par (tf "Storage:") @ itemize ( storage ~f:(fun (name, data) -> tf "%s:@ %a" name Data.pp data)) |> to_fmt) >>= fun () -> return address (* This should go to flextesa soon... *) let silent_client_cmd state ~client args = Running_processes.run_cmdf state "sh -c %s" ( Tezos_client.client_command state client args |> Genspio.Compile.to_one_liner |> Caml.Filename.quote ) >>= fun res -> let success = Poly.equal res#status (Lwt_unix.WEXITED 0) in return (success, res) let call ?msg ?(should = `Be_ok) ?(transferring = 0) ?(burn_cap = 0.3) state contract ~keyed_client ~entry_point ~data = Contract.arguments state contract ~entry_point ~data >>= fun low_level_arg -> silent_client_cmd state ~client:keyed_client.Tezos_client.Keyed.client [ "--wait"; "none"; "transfer"; Int.to_string transferring; "from" ; keyed_client.key_name; "to";; "--burn-cap" ; Float.to_string burn_cap; "--arg"; low_level_arg ] >>= fun (succeeds, res) -> ( match succeeds with | false -> ( match should with | `Fail -> return (`Expected `Failure) | `Script_failwith_re re -> let intersting_part = List.drop_while res#err ~f:(fun line -> String.is_prefix line ~prefix:"script reached FAILWITH") |> String.concat ~sep:" " in if Re.execp re intersting_part then return (`Expected `Failure) else return (`Failed `With_error_does_not_match) | `Command_stderr_re re -> if Re.execp re (String.concat ~sep:"\n" res#err) then return (`Expected `Failure) else return (`Failed `With_error_does_not_match) | `Be_ok -> return (`Failed `Not_ok) ) | true when Poly.equal should `Be_ok -> silent_client_cmd state ~client:keyed_client.client [ "bake"; "for"; keyed_client.key_name; "--force" ; "--minimal-timestamp" ] >>= fun (_bake, _) -> return (`Expected `Ok) | true (* should is no ok *) -> return (`Failed `Unexpected_ok) ) >>= fun test_status -> let test_full_name = sprintf "%s#%s%s" entry_point (Option.value_map msg ~default:"" ~f:(sprintf " (%s)")) in Console.sayf state MFmt.( let details = match test_status with | `Expected _ -> [] | `Failed _ -> par (tf "Data:") @ verbatim [Data.to_string data] @ par (tf "Std-out:") @ verbatim res#out @ par (tf "Std-err:") @ verbatim res#err in par (tf "Test-call %s" test_full_name) @ itemize [ ( match test_status with | `Expected exp -> hlf "Success: %s" ( match exp with | `Ok -> "op-baked" | `Failure -> "expected-failure" ) | `Failed reason -> hlf "FAILURE: %s" ( match reason with | `Not_ok -> "Not-OK" | `Unexpected_ok -> "Should-have-failed" | `With_error_does_not_match -> "Error-message-does-not-match" ) ) ] @ details |> to_fmt) >>= fun () -> match test_status with | `Expected _ -> return res | `Failed _ -> failf "Test failed: %s" test_full_name let key_with_type_json key = let open Ezjsonm in match key with | `Nat n -> ( dict [("int", `String (Int.to_string n))] , dict [("prim", `String "nat")] ) let big_map_get state ~client ~address ~key = let post_json = let open Ezjsonm in let k, t = key_with_type_json key in dict [("key", k); ("type", t)] |> to_string ~minify:false in Tezos_client.rpc state ~client (`Post post_json) ~path: (sprintf "/chains/main/blocks/head/context/contracts/%s/big_map_get" address) >>= fun json -> return (object method post = post_json method result = json end) let show_contract_command state ~client ~name ~address ~pp_error = Console.Prompt.unit_and_loop ~description:(Fmt.str "Show status of the contract %s." address) [sprintf "show-%s" name] (fun _sexps -> Asynchronous_result.transform_error ~f:(fun e -> Caml.Format.kasprintf (fun s -> `Command_line s) "show-contract: %a" pp_error e) ( List.fold ["storage"; "balance"] ~init:(return []) ~f:(fun pm endpoint -> pm >>= fun l -> Tezos_client.rpc state ~client `Get ~path: (sprintf "/chains/main/blocks/head/context/contracts/%s/%s" address endpoint) >>= fun json -> return EF.( desc (wf "/%s" endpoint) (markdown_verbatim (Ezjsonm.value_to_string ~minify:false json)) :: l)) >>= fun l -> Console.say state EF.( desc (haf "Contract %s@%s" name address) (list ~sep:"" ~delimiters:("", "") l)) )) let big_map_get_command state ~names ~thing ~client ~name ~address ~key_of_string ~pp_error = Console.Prompt.unit_and_loop ~description: (Fmt.str "Get %s from the big-map of the contract %s@%s." thing name address) names (fun sexps -> Asynchronous_result.transform_error ~f:(fun e -> Caml.Format.kasprintf (fun s -> `Command_line s) "%s: %a" (List.hd_exn names) pp_error e) ( match sexps with | [Sexplib.Sexp.Atom s] -> key_of_string s >>= fun key -> big_map_get state ~client ~address ~key >>= fun getthing -> Console.sayf state MFmt.( par (tf "Posted:") @ verbatim_raw getthing#post @ par (tf "Got:") @ verbatim_ezjson getthing#result |> to_fmt) | _ -> failf "Wrong s-exp command line" )) end