\name{rMosaicField} \alias{rMosaicField} \title{Mosaic Random Field} \description{ Generate a realisation of a random field which is piecewise constant on the tiles of a given tessellation. } \usage{ rMosaicField(X, rgen = function(n) { sample(0:1, n, replace = TRUE)}, ..., rgenargs=NULL) } \arguments{ \item{X}{ A tessellation (object of class \code{"tess"}). } \item{\dots}{ Arguments passed to \code{\link{as.mask}} determining the pixel resolution. } \item{rgen}{ Function that generates random values for the tiles of the tessellation. } \item{rgenargs}{ List containing extra arguments that should be passed to \code{rgen} (typically specifying parameters of the distribution of the values). } } \details{ This function generates a realisation of a random field which is piecewise constant on the tiles of the given tessellation \code{X}. The values in each tile are independent and identically distributed. } \value{ A pixel image (object of class \code{"im"}). } \author{\adrian and \rolf } \seealso{ \code{\link{rpoislinetess}}, \code{\link{rMosaicSet}} } \examples{ X <- rpoislinetess(3) plot(rMosaicField(X, runif)) plot(rMosaicField(X, runif, dimyx=256)) plot(rMosaicField(X, rnorm, rgenargs=list(mean=10, sd=2))) plot(rMosaicField(dirichlet(runifpoint(30)), rnorm)) } \keyword{spatial} \keyword{datagen}