\name{rand} \alias{rand} \alias{randn} \alias{randi} \title{Create Random Matrices} \description{ Create random matrices. } \usage{ rand(n = 1, m = n) randn(n = 1, m = n) randi(imax, n = 1, m = n) } \arguments{ \item{n, m}{integers specifying the size of the matrix} \item{imax}{integer or pair of integers} } \details{ \code{rand()}, \code{randn()}, \code{randi()} create random matrices of size \code{n x m}, where the default is square matrices if \code{m} is missing. \code{rand()} uses the uniform distribution on \code{]0, 1[}, while \code{randn()} uses the normal distribution with mean 0 and standard deviation 1. \code{randi()} generates integers between \code{imax[1]} and \code{imax[2]} resp. 1 and \code{imax}, if \code{imax} is a scalar. } \value{ matrices of size \code{n x m} resp. a vector of length \code{n} } \note{ The Matlab style of setting a seed is not available; use R style \code{set.seed(...)}. } \seealso{ \code{\link[base]{set.seed}} } \examples{ rand(3) randn(1, 5) randi(c(1,6), 1, 10) } \keyword{ array }