#' Updates the Hotelling Control Chart. #' #' This function is used to update the phase II control chart with new #' observations. #' #' To use this function it is necessary to have the output given by the #' function T2.2. At every step you should entry with the new data set. #' #' @param datum2 The data set for the phase II. Shoul be a vector. #' @param estat The values of the auxiliary statistics. Should be a list with a #' vector with the mean of the mean vectors, a matrix with the average of the #' variance-covariance matrices and a matrix with the means. #' @param T2II A vector with the value of T2 statistic for one sample. #' @param n The sample size. For individual observations, use n = 1. #' @param j The index of the current sample. #' @param m The number of samples in phase I. Only needed if the phase I data #' set is show on the plot. #' @return Add the new observation to the current Hoteliing control chart for #' phase II. #' @export #' @author Daniela R. Recchia, Emanuel P. Barbosa #' @seealso \link{T2.2} #' @examples #' #' mu <- c(5.682, 88.22) #' Sigma <- symMatrix(c(3.770, -5.495, 13.53), 2) #' datum <- data.1(20, 10, mu, Sigma) #' estat <- stats(datum, 20, 10, 2) #' datum2 <- data.2(estat, 10, p = 2) #' T2II <- T2.2(datum2, estat, 10) #' #Not showing the phase I data set. #' cchart.T2.2(T2II, 20, 10, 1, 25, 2) #' datum3 <- data.2(estat, 10, p = 2) #' add.data(datum3, estat, T2II, 10, 2) #' #Showing the phase I data set. #' cchart.T2.2(T2II, 20, 10, 1, 25, 2, datum = datum) #' datum3 <- data.2(estat, 10, p = 2) #' add.data(datum3, estat, T2II, 10, 2, 20) #' #' #Example with individual observations #' datum <- data.1(50, 1, mu, Sigma) #' estat <- stats(datum, 50, 1, 2) #' datum2 <- data.2(estat, 1, p = 2) #' T2II <- T2.2(datum2, estat, 1) #' #Not showing the phase I data set. #' cchart.T2.2(T2II, 50, 1, 1, 25, 2) #' datum3 <- data.2(estat, 1, p = 2) #' add.data(datum3, estat, T2II, 1, 2) #' #Showing the phase I data set. #' cchart.T2.2(T2II, 50, 1, 1, 25, 2, datum = datum) #' datum3 <- data.2(estat, 1, p = 2) #' add.data(datum3, estat, T2II, 1, 2, 50) #' add.data <- function(datum2, estat, T2II, n, j, m = NULL) { b <- T2.2(datum2, estat, n) if(is.null(m) == FALSE) j <- j + m + 1 points(j, b[1], pch = 16) c <- c(j, j - 1) d <- c(b[1], T2II[1]) lines(c, d) T2II <<- b }