# Copyright (C) 2012 Alex Nitz, Josh Willis, Andrew Miller # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the # Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your # option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General # Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. # # ============================================================================= # # Preamble # # ============================================================================= # """ This module provides classes that describe banks of waveforms """ import types import logging import os.path import h5py from copy import copy import numpy as np from ligo.lw import lsctables, utils as ligolw_utils import pycbc.waveform import pycbc.pnutils import pycbc.waveform.compress from pycbc import DYN_RANGE_FAC from pycbc.types import FrequencySeries, zeros import pycbc.io from pycbc.io.ligolw import LIGOLWContentHandler import hashlib def sigma_cached(self, psd): """ Cache sigma calculate for use in tandem with the FilterBank class """ if not hasattr(self, '_sigmasq'): from pycbc.opt import LimitedSizeDict self._sigmasq = LimitedSizeDict(size_limit=2**5) key = id(psd) if not hasattr(psd, '_sigma_cached_key'): psd._sigma_cached_key = {} if key not in self._sigmasq or id(self) not in psd._sigma_cached_key: psd._sigma_cached_key[id(self)] = True # If possible, we precalculate the sigmasq vector for all possible waveforms if pycbc.waveform.waveform_norm_exists(self.approximant): if not hasattr(psd, 'sigmasq_vec'): psd.sigmasq_vec = {} if self.approximant not in psd.sigmasq_vec: psd.sigmasq_vec[self.approximant] = \ pycbc.waveform.get_waveform_filter_norm( self.approximant, psd, len(psd), psd.delta_f, self.min_f_lower ) if not hasattr(self, 'sigma_scale'): # Get an amplitude normalization (mass dependant constant norm) amp_norm = pycbc.waveform.get_template_amplitude_norm( self.params, approximant=self.approximant) amp_norm = 1 if amp_norm is None else amp_norm self.sigma_scale = (DYN_RANGE_FAC * amp_norm) ** 2.0 curr_sigmasq = psd.sigmasq_vec[self.approximant] kmin = int(self.f_lower / psd.delta_f) self._sigmasq[key] = self.sigma_scale * \ (curr_sigmasq[self.end_idx-1] - curr_sigmasq[kmin]) else: if not hasattr(self, 'sigma_view'): from pycbc.filter.matchedfilter import get_cutoff_indices N = (len(self) -1) * 2 kmin, kmax = get_cutoff_indices( self.min_f_lower or self.f_lower, self.end_frequency, self.delta_f, N) self.sslice = slice(kmin, kmax) self.sigma_view = self[self.sslice].squared_norm() * 4.0 * self.delta_f if not hasattr(psd, 'invsqrt'): psd.invsqrt = 1.0 / psd self._sigmasq[key] = self.sigma_view.inner(psd.invsqrt[self.sslice]) return self._sigmasq[key] # helper function for parsing approximant strings def boolargs_from_apprxstr(approximant_strs): """Parses a list of strings specifying an approximant and where that approximant should be used into a list that can be understood by FieldArray.parse_boolargs. Parameters ---------- apprxstr : (list of) string(s) The strings to parse. Each string should be formatted `APPRX:COND`, where `APPRX` is the approximant and `COND` is a string specifying where it should be applied (see `FieldArgs.parse_boolargs` for examples of conditional strings). The last string in the list may exclude a conditional argument, which is the same as specifying ':else'. Returns ------- boolargs : list A list of tuples giving the approximant and where to apply them. This can be passed directly to `FieldArray.parse_boolargs`. """ if not isinstance(approximant_strs, list): approximant_strs = [approximant_strs] return [tuple(arg.split(':')) for arg in approximant_strs] def add_approximant_arg(parser, default=None, help=None): """Adds an approximant argument to the given parser. Parameters ---------- parser : ArgumentParser The argument parser to add the argument to. default : {None, str} Specify a default for the approximant argument. Defaults to None. help : {None, str} Provide a custom help message. If None, will use a descriptive message on how to specify the approximant. """ if help is None: help=str("The approximant(s) to use. Multiple approximants to use " "in different regions may be provided. If multiple " "approximants are provided, every one but the last must be " "be followed by a conditional statement defining where that " "approximant should be used. Conditionals can be any boolean " "test understood by numpy. For example, 'Apprx:(mtotal > 4) & " "(mchirp <= 5)' would use approximant 'Apprx' where total mass " "is > 4 and chirp mass is <= 5. " "Conditionals are applied in order, with each successive one " "only applied to regions not covered by previous arguments. " "For example, `'TaylorF2:mtotal < 4' 'IMRPhenomD:mchirp < 3'` " "would result in IMRPhenomD being used where chirp mass is < 3 " "and total mass is >= 4. The last approximant given may use " "'else' as the conditional or include no conditional. In either " "case, this will cause the last approximant to be used in any " "remaning regions after all the previous conditionals have been " "applied. For the full list of possible parameters to apply " "conditionals to, see WaveformArray.default_fields(). Math " "operations may also be used on parameters; syntax is python, " "with any operation recognized by numpy.") parser.add_argument("--approximant", nargs='+', type=str, default=default, metavar='APPRX[:COND]', help=help) def parse_approximant_arg(approximant_arg, warray): """Given an approximant arg (see add_approximant_arg) and a field array, figures out what approximant to use for each template in the array. Parameters ---------- approximant_arg : list The approximant argument to parse. Should be the thing returned by ArgumentParser when parsing the argument added by add_approximant_arg. warray : FieldArray The array to parse. Must be an instance of a FieldArray, or a class that inherits from FieldArray. Returns ------- array A numpy array listing the approximants to use for each element in the warray. """ return warray.parse_boolargs(boolargs_from_apprxstr(approximant_arg))[0] def tuple_to_hash(tuple_to_be_hashed): """ Return a hash for a numpy array, avoids native (unsafe) python3 hash function Parameters ---------- tuple_to_be_hashed: tuple The tuple which is being hashed Must be convertible to a numpy array Returns ------- int an integer representation of the hashed array """ h = hashlib.blake2b(np.array(tuple_to_be_hashed).tobytes('C'), digest_size=8) return np.fromstring(h.digest(), dtype=int)[0] class TemplateBank(object): """Class to provide some basic helper functions and information about elements of a template bank. Parameters ---------- filename : string The name of the file to load. Must end in '.xml[.gz]' or '.hdf'. If an hdf file, it should have a 'parameters' in its `attrs` which gives a list of the names of fields to load from the file. If no 'parameters' are found, all of the top-level groups in the file will assumed to be parameters (a warning will be printed to stdout in this case). If an xml file, it must have a `SnglInspiral` table. approximant : {None, (list of) string(s)} Specify the approximant(s) for each template in the bank. If None provided, will try to load the approximant from the file. The approximant may either be a single string (in which case the same approximant will be used for all templates) or a list of strings and conditionals specifying where to use the approximant. See `boolargs_from_apprxstr` for syntax. parameters : {None, (list of) sting(s)} Specify what parameters to load from the file. If None, all of the parameters in the file (if an xml file, this is all of the columns in the SnglInspiral table, if an hdf file, this is given by the parameters attribute in the file). The list may include parameters that are derived from the file's parameters, or functions thereof. For a full list of possible parameters, see `WaveformArray.default_fields`. If a derived parameter is specified, only the parameters needed to compute that parameter will be loaded from the file. For example, if `parameters='mchirp'`, then only `mass1, mass2` will be loaded from the file. Note that derived parameters can only be used if the needed parameters are in the file; e.g., you cannot use `chi_eff` if `spin1z`, `spin2z`, `mass1`, and `mass2` are in the input file. \**kwds : Any additional keyword arguments are stored to the `extra_args` attribute. Attributes ---------- table : WaveformArray An instance of a WaveformArray containing all of the information about the parameters of the bank. has_compressed_waveforms : {False, bool} True if compressed waveforms are present in the the (hdf) file; False otherwise. parameters : tuple The parameters loaded from the input file. Same as `table.fieldnames`. indoc : {None, xmldoc} If an xml file was provided, an in-memory representation of the xml. Otherwise, None. filehandler : {None, h5py.File} If an hdf file was provided, the file handler pointing to the hdf file (left open after initialization). Otherwise, None. extra_args : {None, dict} Any extra keyword arguments that were provided on initialization. """ def __init__(self, filename, approximant=None, parameters=None, **kwds): self.has_compressed_waveforms = False ext = os.path.basename(filename) if ext.endswith(('.xml', '.xml.gz', '.xmlgz')): self.filehandler = None self.indoc = ligolw_utils.load_filename( filename, False, contenthandler=LIGOLWContentHandler) self.table = lsctables.SnglInspiralTable.get_table(self.indoc) self.table = pycbc.io.WaveformArray.from_ligolw_table(self.table, columns=parameters) # inclination stored in xml alpha3 column names = list(self.table.dtype.names) names = tuple([n if n != 'alpha3' else 'inclination' for n in names]) # low frequency cutoff in xml alpha6 column names = tuple([n if n!= 'alpha6' else 'f_lower' for n in names]) self.table.dtype.names = names elif ext.endswith(('hdf', '.h5')): self.indoc = None f = h5py.File(filename, 'r') self.filehandler = f try: fileparams = list(f.attrs['parameters']) except KeyError: # just assume all of the top-level groups are the parameters fileparams = list(f.keys()) logging.info("WARNING: no parameters attribute found. " "Assuming that %s " %(', '.join(fileparams)) + "are the parameters.") tmp_params = [] # At this point fileparams might be bytes. Fix if it is for param in fileparams: try: param = param.decode() tmp_params.append(param) except AttributeError: tmp_params.append(param) fileparams = tmp_params # use WaveformArray's syntax parser to figure out what fields # need to be loaded if parameters is None: parameters = fileparams common_fields = list(pycbc.io.WaveformArray(1, names=parameters).fieldnames) add_fields = list(set(parameters) & (set(fileparams) - set(common_fields))) # load dtype = [] data = {} for key in common_fields+add_fields: data[key] = f[key][:] dtype.append((key, data[key].dtype)) num = f[fileparams[0]].size self.table = pycbc.io.WaveformArray(num, dtype=dtype) for key in data: self.table[key] = data[key] # add the compressed waveforms, if they exist self.has_compressed_waveforms = 'compressed_waveforms' in f else: raise ValueError("Unsupported template bank file extension %s" %( ext)) # if approximant is specified, override whatever was in the file # (if anything was in the file) if approximant is not None: # get the approximant for each template dtype = h5py.string_dtype(encoding='utf-8') apprxs = np.array(self.parse_approximant(approximant), dtype=dtype) if 'approximant' not in self.table.fieldnames: self.table = self.table.add_fields(apprxs, 'approximant') else: self.table['approximant'] = apprxs self.extra_args = kwds self.ensure_hash() @property def parameters(self): return self.table.fieldnames def ensure_hash(self): """Ensure that there is a correctly populated template_hash. Check for a correctly populated template_hash and create if it doesn't already exist. """ fields = self.table.fieldnames if 'template_hash' in fields: return # The fields to use in making a template hash hash_fields = ['mass1', 'mass2', 'inclination', 'spin1x', 'spin1y', 'spin1z', 'spin2x', 'spin2y', 'spin2z',] fields = [f for f in hash_fields if f in fields] template_hash = np.array([tuple_to_hash(v) for v in zip(*[self.table[p] for p in fields])]) if not np.unique(template_hash).size == template_hash.size: raise RuntimeError("Some template hashes clash. This should not " "happen.") self.table = self.table.add_fields(template_hash, 'template_hash') def write_to_hdf(self, filename, start_index=None, stop_index=None, force=False, skip_fields=None, write_compressed_waveforms=True): """Writes self to the given hdf file. Parameters ---------- filename : str The name of the file to write to. Must end in '.hdf'. start_index : If a specific slice of the template bank is to be written to the hdf file, this would specify the index of the first template in the slice stop_index : If a specific slice of the template bank is to be written to the hdf file, this would specify the index of the last template in the slice force : {False, bool} If the file already exists, it will be overwritten if True. Otherwise, an OSError is raised if the file exists. skip_fields : {None, (list of) strings} Do not write the given fields to the hdf file. Default is None, in which case all fields in self.table.fieldnames are written. write_compressed_waveforms : {True, bool} Write compressed waveforms to the output (hdf) file if this is True, which is the default setting. If False, do not write the compressed waveforms group, but only the template parameters to the output file. Returns ------- h5py.File The file handler to the output hdf file (left open). """ if not filename.endswith('.hdf'): raise ValueError("Unrecoginized file extension") if os.path.exists(filename) and not force: raise IOError("File %s already exists" %(filename)) f = h5py.File(filename, 'w') parameters = self.parameters if skip_fields is not None: if not isinstance(skip_fields, list): skip_fields = [skip_fields] parameters = [p for p in parameters if p not in skip_fields] # save the parameters f.attrs['parameters'] = parameters write_tbl = self.table[start_index:stop_index] for p in parameters: f[p] = write_tbl[p] if write_compressed_waveforms and self.has_compressed_waveforms: for tmplt_hash in write_tbl.template_hash: compressed_waveform = pycbc.waveform.compress.CompressedWaveform.from_hdf( self.filehandler, tmplt_hash, load_now=True) compressed_waveform.write_to_hdf(f, tmplt_hash) return f def end_frequency(self, index): """ Return the end frequency of the waveform at the given index value """ if hasattr(self.table[index], 'f_final'): return self.table[index].f_final return pycbc.waveform.get_waveform_end_frequency( self.table[index], approximant=self.approximant(index), **self.extra_args) def parse_approximant(self, approximant): """Parses the given approximant argument, returning the approximant to use for each template in self. This is done by calling `parse_approximant_arg` using self's table as the array; see that function for more details.""" return parse_approximant_arg(approximant, self.table) def approximant(self, index): """ Return the name of the approximant ot use at the given index """ if 'approximant' not in self.table.fieldnames: raise ValueError("approximant not found in input file and no " "approximant was specified on initialization") apx = self.table["approximant"][index] if hasattr(apx, 'decode'): apx = apx.decode() return apx def __len__(self): return len(self.table) def template_thinning(self, inj_filter_rejector): """Remove templates from bank that are far from all injections.""" if not inj_filter_rejector.enabled or \ inj_filter_rejector.chirp_time_window is None: # Do nothing! return injection_parameters = inj_filter_rejector.injection_params.table fref = inj_filter_rejector.f_lower threshold = inj_filter_rejector.chirp_time_window m1= self.table['mass1'] m2= self.table['mass2'] tau0_temp, _ = pycbc.pnutils.mass1_mass2_to_tau0_tau3(m1, m2, fref) indices = [] sort = tau0_temp.argsort() tau0_temp = tau0_temp[sort] for inj in injection_parameters: tau0_inj, _ = \ pycbc.pnutils.mass1_mass2_to_tau0_tau3(inj.mass1, inj.mass2, fref) lid = np.searchsorted(tau0_temp, tau0_inj - threshold) rid = np.searchsorted(tau0_temp, tau0_inj + threshold) inj_indices = sort[lid:rid] indices.append(inj_indices) indices_combined = np.concatenate(indices) indices_unique= np.unique(indices_combined) self.table = self.table[indices_unique] def ensure_standard_filter_columns(self, low_frequency_cutoff=None): """ Initialize FilterBank common fields Parameters ---------- low_frequency_cutoff: {float, None}, Optional A low frequency cutoff which overrides any given within the template bank file. """ # Make sure we have a template duration field if not hasattr(self.table, 'template_duration'): self.table = self.table.add_fields(np.zeros(len(self.table), dtype=np.float32), 'template_duration') # Make sure we have a f_lower field if low_frequency_cutoff is not None: if not hasattr(self.table, 'f_lower'): vec = np.zeros(len(self.table), dtype=np.float32) self.table = self.table.add_fields(vec, 'f_lower') self.table['f_lower'][:] = low_frequency_cutoff self.min_f_lower = min(self.table['f_lower']) if self.f_lower is None and self.min_f_lower == 0.: raise ValueError('Invalid low-frequency cutoff settings') class LiveFilterBank(TemplateBank): def __init__(self, filename, sample_rate, minimum_buffer, approximant=None, increment=8, parameters=None, low_frequency_cutoff=None, **kwds): self.increment = increment self.filename = filename self.sample_rate = sample_rate self.minimum_buffer = minimum_buffer self.f_lower = low_frequency_cutoff super(LiveFilterBank, self).__init__(filename, approximant=approximant, parameters=parameters, **kwds) self.ensure_standard_filter_columns(low_frequency_cutoff=low_frequency_cutoff) self.param_lookup = {} for i, p in enumerate(self.table): key = (p.mass1, p.mass2, p.spin1z, p.spin2z) assert(key not in self.param_lookup) # Uh, oh, template confusion! self.param_lookup[key] = i def round_up(self, num): """Determine the length to use for this waveform by rounding. Parameters ---------- num : int Proposed size of waveform in seconds Returns ------- size: int The rounded size to use for the waveform buffer in seconds. This is calculaed using an internal `increment` attribute, which determines the discreteness of the rounding. """ inc = self.increment size = np.ceil(num / self.sample_rate / inc) * self.sample_rate * inc return size def getslice(self, sindex): instance = copy(self) instance.table = self.table[sindex] return instance def id_from_param(self, param_tuple): """Get the index of this template based on its param tuple Parameters ---------- param_tuple : tuple Tuple of the parameters which uniquely identify this template Returns -------- index : int The ordered index that this template has in the template bank. """ return self.param_lookup[param_tuple] def __getitem__(self, index): if isinstance(index, slice): return self.getslice(index) return self.get_template(index) def get_template(self, index, min_buffer=None): approximant = self.approximant(index) f_end = self.end_frequency(index) flow = self.table[index].f_lower # Determine the length of time of the filter, rounded up to # nearest power of two if min_buffer is None: min_buffer = self.minimum_buffer min_buffer += 0.5 from pycbc.waveform.waveform import props p = props(self.table[index]) p.pop('approximant') buff_size = pycbc.waveform.get_waveform_filter_length_in_time(approximant, **p) if not buff_size: raise RuntimeError('Template waveform %s not recognized!' % approximant) tlen = self.round_up((buff_size + min_buffer) * self.sample_rate) flen = int(tlen / 2 + 1) delta_f = self.sample_rate / float(tlen) if f_end is None or f_end >= (flen * delta_f): f_end = (flen - 1) * delta_f logging.info("Generating %s, %ss, %i, starting from %s Hz", approximant, 1.0 / delta_f, index, flow) # Get the waveform filter distance = 1.0 / DYN_RANGE_FAC htilde = pycbc.waveform.get_waveform_filter( zeros(flen, dtype=np.complex64), self.table[index], approximant=approximant, f_lower=flow, f_final=f_end, delta_f=delta_f, delta_t=1.0 / self.sample_rate, distance=distance, **self.extra_args) # If available, record the total duration (which may # include ringdown) and the duration up to merger since they will be # erased by the type conversion below. ttotal = template_duration = -1 time_offset = None if hasattr(htilde, 'length_in_time'): ttotal = htilde.length_in_time if hasattr(htilde, 'chirp_length'): template_duration = htilde.chirp_length if hasattr(htilde, 'time_offset'): time_offset = htilde.time_offset self.table[index].template_duration = template_duration htilde = htilde.astype(np.complex64) htilde.f_lower = flow htilde.min_f_lower = self.min_f_lower htilde.end_idx = int(f_end / htilde.delta_f) htilde.params = self.table[index] htilde.chirp_length = template_duration htilde.length_in_time = ttotal htilde.approximant = approximant htilde.end_frequency = f_end if time_offset: htilde.time_offset = time_offset # Add sigmasq as a method of this instance htilde.sigmasq = types.MethodType(sigma_cached, htilde) htilde.id = self.id_from_param((htilde.params.mass1, htilde.params.mass2, htilde.params.spin1z, htilde.params.spin2z)) return htilde class FilterBank(TemplateBank): def __init__(self, filename, filter_length, delta_f, dtype, out=None, max_template_length=None, approximant=None, parameters=None, enable_compressed_waveforms=True, low_frequency_cutoff=None, waveform_decompression_method=None, **kwds): self.out = out self.dtype = dtype self.f_lower = low_frequency_cutoff self.filename = filename self.delta_f = delta_f self.N = (filter_length - 1 ) * 2 self.delta_t = 1.0 / (self.N * self.delta_f) self.filter_length = filter_length self.max_template_length = max_template_length self.enable_compressed_waveforms = enable_compressed_waveforms self.waveform_decompression_method = waveform_decompression_method super(FilterBank, self).__init__(filename, approximant=approximant, parameters=parameters, **kwds) self.ensure_standard_filter_columns(low_frequency_cutoff=low_frequency_cutoff) def get_decompressed_waveform(self, tempout, index, f_lower=None, approximant=None, df=None): """Returns a frequency domain decompressed waveform for the template in the bank corresponding to the index taken in as an argument. The decompressed waveform is obtained by interpolating in frequency space, the amplitude and phase points for the compressed template that are read in from the bank.""" from pycbc.waveform.waveform import props from pycbc.waveform import get_waveform_filter_length_in_time # Get the template hash corresponding to the template index taken in as argument tmplt_hash = self.table.template_hash[index] # Read the compressed waveform from the bank file compressed_waveform = pycbc.waveform.compress.CompressedWaveform.from_hdf( self.filehandler, tmplt_hash, load_now=True) # Get the interpolation method to be used to decompress the waveform if self.waveform_decompression_method is not None : decompression_method = self.waveform_decompression_method else : decompression_method = compressed_waveform.interpolation logging.info("Decompressing waveform using %s", decompression_method) if df is not None : delta_f = df else : delta_f = self.delta_f # Create memory space for writing the decompressed waveform decomp_scratch = FrequencySeries(tempout[0:self.filter_length], delta_f=delta_f, copy=False) # Get the decompressed waveform hdecomp = compressed_waveform.decompress(out=decomp_scratch, f_lower=f_lower, interpolation=decompression_method) p = props(self.table[index]) p.pop('approximant') try: tmpltdur = self.table[index].template_duration except AttributeError: tmpltdur = None if tmpltdur is None or tmpltdur==0.0 : tmpltdur = get_waveform_filter_length_in_time(approximant, **p) hdecomp.chirp_length = tmpltdur hdecomp.length_in_time = hdecomp.chirp_length return hdecomp def generate_with_delta_f_and_max_freq(self, t_num, max_freq, delta_f, low_frequency_cutoff=None, cached_mem=None): """Generate the template with index t_num using custom length.""" approximant = self.approximant(t_num) # Don't want to use INTERP waveforms in here if approximant.endswith('_INTERP'): approximant = approximant.replace('_INTERP', '') # Using SPAtmplt here is bad as the stored cbrt and logv get # recalculated as we change delta_f values. Fall back to TaylorF2 # in lalsimulation. if approximant == 'SPAtmplt': approximant = 'TaylorF2' if cached_mem is None: wav_len = int(max_freq / delta_f) + 1 cached_mem = zeros(wav_len, dtype=np.complex64) if self.has_compressed_waveforms and self.enable_compressed_waveforms: htilde = self.get_decompressed_waveform(cached_mem, t_num, f_lower=low_frequency_cutoff, approximant=approximant, df=delta_f) else : htilde = pycbc.waveform.get_waveform_filter( cached_mem, self.table[t_num], approximant=approximant, f_lower=low_frequency_cutoff, f_final=max_freq, delta_f=delta_f, distance=1./DYN_RANGE_FAC, delta_t=1./(2.*max_freq)) return htilde def __getitem__(self, index): # Make new memory for templates if we aren't given output memory if self.out is None: tempout = zeros(self.filter_length, dtype=self.dtype) else: tempout = self.out approximant = self.approximant(index) f_end = self.end_frequency(index) if f_end is None or f_end >= (self.filter_length * self.delta_f): f_end = (self.filter_length-1) * self.delta_f # Find the start frequency, if variable f_low = find_variable_start_frequency(approximant, self.table[index], self.f_lower, self.max_template_length) logging.info('%s: generating %s from %s Hz' % (index, approximant, f_low)) # Clear the storage memory poke = tempout.data # pylint:disable=unused-variable tempout.clear() # Get the waveform filter distance = 1.0 / DYN_RANGE_FAC if self.has_compressed_waveforms and self.enable_compressed_waveforms: htilde = self.get_decompressed_waveform(tempout, index, f_lower=f_low, approximant=approximant, df=None) else : htilde = pycbc.waveform.get_waveform_filter( tempout[0:self.filter_length], self.table[index], approximant=approximant, f_lower=f_low, f_final=f_end, delta_f=self.delta_f, delta_t=self.delta_t, distance=distance, **self.extra_args) # If available, record the total duration (which may # include ringdown) and the duration up to merger since they will be # erased by the type conversion below. ttotal = template_duration = None if hasattr(htilde, 'length_in_time'): ttotal = htilde.length_in_time if hasattr(htilde, 'chirp_length'): template_duration = htilde.chirp_length self.table[index].template_duration = template_duration htilde = htilde.astype(self.dtype) htilde.f_lower = f_low htilde.min_f_lower = self.min_f_lower htilde.end_idx = int(f_end / htilde.delta_f) htilde.params = self.table[index] htilde.chirp_length = template_duration htilde.length_in_time = ttotal htilde.approximant = approximant htilde.end_frequency = f_end # Add sigmasq as a method of this instance htilde.sigmasq = types.MethodType(sigma_cached, htilde) htilde._sigmasq = {} return htilde def find_variable_start_frequency(approximant, parameters, f_start, max_length, delta_f = 1): """ Find a frequency value above the starting frequency that results in a waveform shorter than max_length. """ if (f_start is None): f = parameters.f_lower elif (max_length is not None): l = max_length + 1 f = f_start - delta_f while l > max_length: f += delta_f l = pycbc.waveform.get_waveform_filter_length_in_time(approximant, parameters, f_lower=f) else : f = f_start return f class FilterBankSkyMax(TemplateBank): def __init__(self, filename, filter_length, delta_f, dtype, out_plus=None, out_cross=None, max_template_length=None, parameters=None, low_frequency_cutoff=None, **kwds): self.out_plus = out_plus self.out_cross = out_cross self.dtype = dtype self.f_lower = low_frequency_cutoff self.filename = filename self.delta_f = delta_f self.N = (filter_length - 1 ) * 2 self.delta_t = 1.0 / (self.N * self.delta_f) self.filter_length = filter_length self.max_template_length = max_template_length super(FilterBankSkyMax, self).__init__(filename, parameters=parameters, **kwds) self.ensure_standard_filter_columns(low_frequency_cutoff=low_frequency_cutoff) def __getitem__(self, index): # Make new memory for templates if we aren't given output memory if self.out_plus is None: tempoutplus = zeros(self.filter_length, dtype=self.dtype) else: tempoutplus = self.out_plus if self.out_cross is None: tempoutcross = zeros(self.filter_length, dtype=self.dtype) else: tempoutcross = self.out_cross approximant = self.approximant(index) # Get the end of the waveform if applicable (only for SPAtmplt atm) f_end = self.end_frequency(index) if f_end is None or f_end >= (self.filter_length * self.delta_f): f_end = (self.filter_length-1) * self.delta_f # Find the start frequency, if variable f_low = find_variable_start_frequency(approximant, self.table[index], self.f_lower, self.max_template_length) logging.info('%s: generating %s from %s Hz', index, approximant, f_low) # What does this do??? poke1 = tempoutplus.data # pylint:disable=unused-variable poke2 = tempoutcross.data # pylint:disable=unused-variable # Clear the storage memory tempoutplus.clear() tempoutcross.clear() # Get the waveform filter distance = 1.0 / DYN_RANGE_FAC hplus, hcross = pycbc.waveform.get_two_pol_waveform_filter( tempoutplus[0:self.filter_length], tempoutcross[0:self.filter_length], self.table[index], approximant=approximant, f_lower=f_low, f_final=f_end, delta_f=self.delta_f, delta_t=self.delta_t, distance=distance, **self.extra_args) if hasattr(hplus, 'chirp_length') and hplus.chirp_length is not None: self.table[index].template_duration = hplus.chirp_length hplus = hplus.astype(self.dtype) hcross = hcross.astype(self.dtype) hplus.f_lower = f_low hcross.f_lower = f_low hplus.min_f_lower = self.min_f_lower hcross.min_f_lower = self.min_f_lower hplus.end_frequency = f_end hcross.end_frequency = f_end hplus.end_idx = int(hplus.end_frequency / hplus.delta_f) hcross.end_idx = int(hplus.end_frequency / hplus.delta_f) hplus.params = self.table[index] hcross.params = self.table[index] hplus.approximant = approximant hcross.approximant = approximant # Add sigmasq as a method of this instance hplus.sigmasq = types.MethodType(sigma_cached, hplus) hplus._sigmasq = {} hcross.sigmasq = types.MethodType(sigma_cached, hcross) hcross._sigmasq = {} return hplus, hcross __all__ = ('sigma_cached', 'boolargs_from_apprxstr', 'add_approximant_arg', 'parse_approximant_arg', 'tuple_to_hash', 'TemplateBank', 'LiveFilterBank', 'FilterBank', 'find_variable_start_frequency', 'FilterBankSkyMax')